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Blankpage - an easy static text content generator.


Install globally

npm install -g blankpage

Install locally

npm install blankpage


Basic usage involves invoking the blankpage command with a specified configuration file.

You can launch it from your terminal if globally installed:

$ blankpage website.json


blankpage will look for a template.html file in the current working dir. The template should be a semi-valid index.html file. The file will be prefilled with the header, subheader and content.

The slots(placeholders) for the generated content are these:

Slot name Slot value
<//HEADER//> The value of the "header" key
<//SUBHEADER//> The value of the "subheader" key
<//CONTENT//> The content of the input files


website.json - The configuration file, which holds the settings of the package.


    "title": "",
    "header": "Neat website",
    "subheader": "Javascript junkie.",
    "input": "InputDirectoryWithTextFiles",
    "inputSort": "fs|git",
    "inputFormat": "txt|md",
    "output": "OutDirForHTMLFile",
    "filename": "HTMLFileName",
    "highlight": "theme-name"

Configuration options:

Key Value Default Value
title The <title> of the generated index file ""
header The header of the website ""
subheader The subheader of the website ""
input The input directory, where the text files are located txt
inputSort Sorting type for the files:
fs will sort by name, for example: a > b > c.
git will sort by the order in which files were added to version control.
inputFormat The format of the input files. Support: md - Markdown, txt - Plain text files txt
output The output directory, where the index file will be generated. dist
filename The name of the index file. index.html
highlight Enable syntax highlighting (only works with md parser). Omit parameter for no syntax highlighting. Setting to 'default' will set default theme. Themes are available at Set to theme name for non-default theme. undefined