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nguyenmp edited this page Mar 8, 2012 · 8 revisions

The following documentation describes the data structure of object returned when using the Reddit API. Items attached with a ? are not definite and are subject to change. Validation and peer review are needed for those items. However, they should not be taken as literal question marks.

thing (superclass)

All things except listing have these attributes:

type name description
String id this item's identification ex: "8xwlg"
String name Fullname of comment. Ex: "t1_c3v7f8u"
String kind All things have a kind. The kind is a String identifier that denotes the object's type. Some examples: Listing, more, t1, t2
Object data A custom data structure used to hold valuable information. This object's format will follow the data structure respective of it's kind. See below for specific structures.

Exception: Listing things have neither name nor id because they are indefinite objects. That is, they are generated/compiled and not user submitted and are subject to change quickly and expire.


Used to paginate content that is too long to display in one go. Add the query argument before or after with the value given to get the previous or next page. This is usually used in conjunction with a count argument.

Exception: This thing does not seem to subclass thing. Although it does have data and kind as parameters, it does not have id and name. A listing's kind will always be Listing and it's data will be a List of things.

type name description
String before The fullname of the listing that follows before this page. null if there is no previous page.
String after The fullname of the listing that follows after this page. null if there is no next page.
String modhash This modhash is not the same modhash provided upon login. You do not need to update your user's modhash everytime you get a new modhash. You can reuse the modhash given upon login.
List<thing> data A list of things that this Listing wraps.

votable (implementation)

All things that implement votable have these attributes:

type name description
int ups the number of upvotes. does this include one's own upvote?
int downs the number of downvote. does this include one's own downvote?
Boolean likes true if thing is liked by the user. false if thing is disliked. null if the user is neutral on the thing. Certain languages such as Java may need to use a boolean wrapper that supports null assignment.

created (implementation)

All things that implement created have these attributes:

type name description
long? created the localized time of creation. ex: "1331042771.0"
long? created_utc the UTC time this item was created since the unix start time in seconds. "1331017571.0"

Data Structures

comment (implements votable | created)

type name description
String author the account name of the poster
String author_flair_css_class the css class of the author's flair. subreddit specific
String author_flair_text the text of the author's flair. subreddit specific
String body the raw text. this is the unformatted text which includes the raw markup characters such as ** for bold.
String body_html the formatted html text. this is the html formatted version of the marked up text. Items that are boldened by ** or *** will now have <em> or *** tags on them. Additionally, bullets and numbered lists will now be in html list format. NOTE: The html string will be escaped. You must unescape to get the raw html.
String link_id
String parent_id
String subreddit subreddit of thing excluding the /r/ prefix. "pics"
String subreddit_id

link (implements votable | created)

type name description
String author the account name of the poster
String author_flair_css_class the css class of the author's flair. subreddit specific
String author_flair_text the text of the author's flair. subreddit specific
boolean clicked probably always returns false
String domain the domain of this link. Self posts will be while other examples include and
boolean hidden true if the post is hidden by the logged in user. false if not logged in or not hidden.
boolean is_self true if this link is a selfpost
Object media unknown. I need someone else to document this as I haven't done much research into this
Object media_embed unknown. I need someone else to document this as I haven't done much research into this
int num_comments the number of comments that belong to this link
boolean over_18 true if the post is tagged as NSFW. False if otherwise
String permalink relative url of the permanent link for this link
boolean saved true if this post is saved by the logged in user
int score the net-score of the link. note: A submission's score is simply the number of upvotes minus the number of downvotes. If five users like the submission and three users don't it will have a score of 2. Please note that the vote numbers are not "real" numbers, they have been "fuzzed" to prevent spam bots etc. So taking the above example, if five users upvoted the submission, and three users downvote it, the upvote/downvote numbers may say 23 upvotes and 21 downvotes, or 12 upvotes, and 10 downvotes. The points score is correct, but the vote totals are "fuzzed".
String selftext the raw text. this is the unformatted text which includes the raw markup characters such as ** for bold.
String selftext_html the formatted escaped html text. this is the html formatted version of the marked up text. Items that are boldened by ** or *** will now have <em> or *** tags on them. Additionally, bullets and numbered lists will now be in html list format. NOTE: The html string will be escaped. You must unescape to get the raw html.
String subreddit
String subreddit_id
String thumbnail full url to the thumbnail for this link
String title
String url the link of this post. the permalink if this is a self-post


type name description
String description
String display_name
boolean over18 is_nsfw?
long subscribers the number of redditors subscribed to this subreddit
String title
String url The relative URL of the subreddit. Ex: "/r/pics/"

message (implements created)

type name description
String author
String body
String body_html
String context does not seem to return null but an empty string instead.
Message? first_message
String name ex: "t4_8xwlg"
boolean new unread? not sure
String parent_id null if no parent is attached
String replies Again, an empty string if there are no replies.
String subject subject of message
String subreddit null if not a comment.
boolean was_comment


type name description
int comment_karma
long created
long created_utc
boolean has_mail does the user have unread mail?
boolean has_mod_mail
String id
boolean is_gold
boolean is_mod
int link_karma
String modhash
String name The username of the account in question. This attribute overrides the superclass's name attribute. Do not confuse an account's name which is the account's username with a thing's name which is the thing's FULLNAME. See API: Glossary for details on what FULLNAMEs are.


{	"kind": "t2", 
	"data": {
		"has_mail": false, 
		"name": "fooBar", 
		"created": 123456789.0, 
		"modhash": "f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0...", 
		"created_utc": 1315269998.0, 
		"link_karma": 31, 
		"comment_karma": 557, 
		"is_gold": false, 
		"is_mod": false, 
		"id": "5sryd", 
		"has_mod_mail": false


type name description
List<String> children A list of String ids that are the additional things that can be downloaded but are not because there are too many to list.


	"kind": "more",
	"data": {
		"children": [
		"name": "t1_c3y9tyh", 
		"id": "c3y9tyh"