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This project demonstrates how to integrate Azure Active Directory B2C in a Python web application. It is based on

Architecture Overview

  • Prerequisites
  • Infrastructure Setup
  • Configure Development Environment


Infra Setup

  • Create Python Web Application
  • Register a B2C application for the python web app.
  • Configure B2C Identity providers
  • Create User Flows for Authenticating B2C Users in the web app
  • Create an App service to host the Web App
  • Create GitHub OAuth application

Create App Service

# Optional Load .env vars
# set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport

az login --tenant $

let "randomIdentifier=$RANDOM*$RANDOM"


# Create a resource group.
az group create --name $rg_name --location "$rg_region"

# Create an App Service plan in `FREE` tier.
az appservice plan create --name $app_plan --resource-group $rg_name --sku FREE --location $rg_region --is-linux

# Create a web app.
az webapp create --name $webapp_name --resource-group $rg_name --plan $app_plan --runtime PYTHON:3.9
az webapp auth update --resource-group $rg_name --name $webapp_name --enabled false

Register and Configure Application

Register the application with the B2C tenant to provide authentication for B2C users.

Save the registered app_id and password for development or deploying to .env.

# load .env vars (optional)
# set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport

# constants

az login --tenant $ --allow-no-subscriptions

# create app
app_id=$(az ad app create --display-name $app_name --query id -o tsv)
# Save app_id to .env CLIENT_ID

# configure authentication
az ad app update --id $app_id --web-redirect-uris " https://${webapp_name}"
# manually set implicit grant and hybrid flow (Optional)
# select both access tokens and id tokens when testing with
# found on application authentication page

# create client secret (application password)
az ad app credential reset --id $app_id --display-name $app_secret_name --year 2
# save password to .env CLIENT_SECRET

# configure api permissions
az ad app permission add --id $app_id --api $ms_graph_api_id --api-permissions $ms_graph_openid_permission=Scope $ms_graph_offline_access_permission=Scope
az ad app permission admin-consent --id $app_id

To get available permissions for Microsoft Graph API run:

# appRoles correspond to Role in --api-permissions
az ad sp show --id $ms_graph_api_id | jq '.appRoles[] | {displayName,id}'

# oauth2PermissionScopes correspond to Scope in --api-permissions
az ad sp show --id $ms_graph_api_id | jq '.oauth2PermissionScopes[] | {adminConsentDisplayName,type,id}'

To auto-append .env file with CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET use:

az ad app credential reset --id $app_id --display-name $app_secret_name --year 2 | jq -r '.password' | awk '{printf "APP_CLIENT_SECRET=%s", $1;}' >> .env

Configure B2C Identity providers

Configuring an identify provider is a two step process:

  1. Create an application with the provider
  2. Register the provider in the $B2C_TENANT

Create Application for Customer Provider (Azure AD)

app_name="${B2C_TENANT} OpenID Connect"
app_secret_name="${B2C_TENANT} odic"

az login --tenant $
# create app
app_id=$(az ad app create --display-name $app_name --query id -o tsv)
# Save app_id to .env CUSTOMER_APP_CLIENT_ID

# configure authentication
az ad app update --id $app_id --web-redirect-uris "https://${B2C_TENANT}${B2C_TENANT}"

# manually set implicit grant and hybrid flow
# select id tokens
# found on application authentication page

# create client secret (application password)
az ad app credential reset --id $app_id --display-name $app_secret_name --year 2
# save password to .env CUSTOMER_APP_CLIENT_SECRET

# configure api permissions
az ad app permission add --id $app_id --api $ms_graph_api_id --api-permissions $ms_graph_openid_permission=Scope $ms_graph_offline_access_permission=Scope $ms_graph_email_permission=Scope $ms_graph_profile_permission=Scope
az ad app permission admin-consent --id $app_id

# Save app_id and password to .env

Register Customer Identity Provider

az login --tenant $ --allow-no-subscriptions
az rest --method GET --uri ""

az rest --method POST -url "" --body \
        "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.openIdConnectProvider",
        "name": "Login with ${CUSTOMER_TENANT} identity provider",
        "type": "OpenIDConnect",
        "metadataUrl": "${CUSTOMER_TENANT_ID}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration",
        "clientId": "${CUSTOMER_APP_CLIENT_ID}",
        "clientSecret": "${CUSTOMER_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}",
        "scope": "openid email profile",
        "responseType": "id_token",
        "responseMode": "form_post",
        "domainHint": "${CUSTOMER_TENANT_DOMAIN}",
        "claimsMapping": {
            "userId": "oid",
            "displayName": "name",
            "givenName": "given_name",
            "surname": "family_name",
            "email": "preferred_username"

Create Application for GitHub Provider

  • Navigate to
  • Select New OAuth App
  • Enter App name "${B2C_TENANT} OpenID Connect" and callbackurl as "https://${B2C_TENANT}${B2C_TENANT}"
  • Register and save Client ID and Client Secret to .env file.

Configure GitHub as an Identity identity-provider-github

az login --tenant $ --allow-no-subscriptions
az rest --method GET --uri ""

az rest --method POST -url "" --body \
        "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.socialIdentityProvider",
        "displayName": "Login with GitHub",
        "identityProviderType": "GitHub",
        "clientId": "$GH_APP_CLIENT_ID",
        "clientSecret": "$GH_APP_CLIENT_SECRET"

Create user Flows

  • A combined Sign in and sign up user flow, such as susi. This user flow also supports the Forgot your password experience.
  • A Profile editing user flow, such as edit_profile.
  • Add Customer and GitHub Identity provider to a user flow

Configure dev environment

Setup your dev environment by creating a virtual environment

# Windows
# virtualenv \path\to\.venv -p path\to\specific_version_python.exe
# C:\Users\!Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\python.exe -m venv .venv
# .venv\scripts\activate

# Linux
# virtualenv .venv /usr/local/bin/python3.10
# python3.10 -m venv .venv
# python3 -m venv .venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# Update pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip


Install dependencies and configure local.env.

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

# Replace settings in local.env
cp example.env .env

# Optional - Load .env into bash ENV vars
# set -o allexport; source .env; set +o allexport

Install locally for development and enable pre-commit scripts.

pip install --editable .

pre-commit install

Style Guidelines

This project enforces quite strict PEP8 and PEP257 (Docstring Conventions) compliance on all code submitted.

We use Black for uncompromised code formatting.

Summary of the most relevant points:

  • Comments should be full sentences and end with a period.
  • Imports should be ordered.
  • Constants and the content of lists and dictionaries should be in alphabetical order.
  • It is advisable to adjust IDE or editor settings to match those requirements.

Use new style string formatting

Prefer f-strings over % or str.format.

# New
f"{some_value} {some_other_value}"
# Old, wrong
"{} {}".format("New", "style")
"%s %s" % ("Old", "style")

One exception is for logging which uses the percentage formatting. This is to avoid formatting the log message when it is suppressed."Can't connect to the webservice %s at %s", string1, string2)


You'll need to install the test dependencies and project into your Python environment:

pip3 install -r requirements_dev.txt
pip install --editable .

Now that you have all test dependencies installed, you can run tests on the project:

isort .
codespell  --skip="./.*,*.csv,*.json,*.pyc,./docs/_build/*,./htmlcov/*,*.egg-info"
black *.py
flake8 .
pylint *.py
rstcheck **/*.rst
pydocstyle *.py
shellcheck scripts/*

Deploy Web App

Deploy web app to app service.

az login --tenant $


# Deploy code from a public GitHub repository.
az webapp deployment source config --name $webapp_name --resource-group $rg_name --repo-url $gitrepo --branch master --manual-integration

# Set app env vars
az webapp config appsettings set --name $webapp_name --resource-group $rg_name --settings @prod.env

 # enable logs
az webapp log config --web-server-logging filesystem --name $webapp_name --resource-group $rg_name

# tail logs
az webapp log tail --name $webapp_name --resource-group $rg_name

# Update application web-redirect-url
az login --tenant $ --allow-no-subscriptions
app_id=$(az ad app list --display-name $app_name --query [].appId -o tsv)
az ad app update --id $app_id --web-redirect-uris https://$

# Create Sample Data

az ad group create --display-name $onboard_group_name --mail-nickname $onboard_group_name
az ad user create --display-name myuser --password password --user-principal-name
az ad group create --display-name $sample_customer_group_name --mail-nickname $sample_customer_group_name



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