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Releases: briis/weatherbit

Release 1.0.21

06 Jan 08:57
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[1.0.21] - 2024-01-06

Note Issue #91 might not get fixed, leaving the Integration unusable as of 2024.3. It is too complicated to maintain this integration due to the low number of calls per day, so testing changes is very difficult as I quickly run out of calls, making me wait until the next day, to be able to continue. I strongly suggest people to find another Weather Integration, and there are many great ones out there.

Release 1.0.20

05 May 11:28
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Fix issue #90 and changed the text in the Config Flow to reflect the new default values for updates

Release 1.0.19

04 Feb 08:55
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  • Fixing missing translation string in pl.json. Thanks you to @nepozs
  • Fix issue #87 Detected integration that called async_setup_platforms. This call has now been replaced by the proper new function.

Release 1.0.18

05 Jan 06:48
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  • Fixing invalid units for Wind Speed Knots and km/h plus AQI.
  • Issue #85 Removed all deprecated device classes and implemetend translation_key to continue translating certain values in the UI.
  • Cleaned up the code to use the correct Device Classes based on all the new changes in 2023.1
  • Minimum required Home Assistant version from now on is 2023.1.x

Version 1.0.17

07 Nov 06:47
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  • Fixing #84 On sensor.weatherbit_forecast_day_n, the native_temperature and native_templow attributes both have the forecasted high temp values if the system is setup for Imperial Units.

Release 1.0.16

03 Nov 09:00
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  • Fixing issue #81 and #82. Now supporting HA 2022.11
  • Fixing wrong constant definitions for Units
  • Minimum requirement of HA is now changed to 2022.11

Version 1.0.16 Beta 2

02 Nov 10:00
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Version 1.0.16 Beta 2 Pre-release
  • Fixing issue #81 and #82. Needs testing.
  • Fixing wrong constant definitions for Units

Release 1.0.16-Beta.1

27 Oct 14:48
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Release 1.0.16-Beta.1 Pre-release

This beta release is only valid for people running 2022.11-betas. Only fixes for this release is in here.

  • Fixing issue #81 and #82. Needs testing.

Release 1.0.15 **BREAKING CHANGES**

22 Oct 13:51
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  • Fixing issue #73 BREAKING CHANGE This version now completely removes the Alerts from Weatherbit. As it turned out, even though I only did 1 REST call to Weatherbit to get Current, Forecast and Alert Data, the Alert data counted as an extra call. So by removing this, the Integration is a bit more usefull, after Weatherbit reduced the number of Free Calls per day from 500 down to 50.
    Removing the Alert part is the best option, as this data is available in a few other specialized integrations like MeteoAlarm.

Version 1.0.14

13 Oct 14:56
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  • Issue #78 Deprecation warning in Logs after 2022.10 upgrade for temperature utility bug
  • Issue [#73] WeatherBit have reduced the available calls per day on the Free Tier from 500 to only 50 calls per day. This now adjusts the minimum and maximum values for the update frequencies to ensure we don't run over the limit. IF YOU UPGRADE FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION, YOU WILL HAVE TO ADJUST BOTH SENSOR AND FORECAST FREQUENCY MANUALLY. Set them both to min 65 min to avoid to many calls.