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Some of my favorite JavaScript functions that I've used in a few projects.


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About Toolbelt


Some useful JavaScript helpers. It's less of a library and more of a toolbelt, and thus the name.

It currently requires jQuery and snap-storage.

Installation options

  • Download from above
  • Clone: git clone
  • Bower: bower install toolbeltjs


You'll need to reference toolbelt on your page.

	<script src="toolbelt.js"></script>

You'll now be able to access the following methods:

  • addEventOnWindowResize(function) - Add a function that will fire if the window is resized or device is rotated.
  • runWindowResizeEvents() - Force the window resize functions to run.
  • checkSWFObject(callback, preferredUrl) - See if swfobject is loaded. If it is, run the callback. If it's not, load swfobject. It will load from the url of // unless a preferredUrl is passed.
  • exists(obj) - See if an object exists.
  • reRender() - Force the page to redraw for weird, buggy occasions.
  • checkBrowser(regexString) - See if a string matches the current browser. This isn't a preferred solution, but sometimes feature detection is impossible or unreliable, unfortunately. There are also design or marketing use cases.
  • isMobile() - Use checkBrowser with 'iphone|ipod|ipad|mobile safari|mobile|android|iemobile|Windows Phone'.
  • isIOS() - Use checkBrowser with 'iphone|ipod|ipad|mobile safari'.
  • isIPad() - Use checkBrowser with 'ipad'.
  • isIPod() - Use checkBrowser with 'ipod'.
  • isIPhone() - Use checkBrowser with 'iphone'.
  • isAndroid() - Use checkBrowser with 'android'.
  • isWindowsPhone() - Use checkBrowser with 'iemobile|Windows Phone'.
  • isVisible(obj) - Check to see if a jQuery selection is either :hidden and if not, check to see if it's on the screen.
  • cachedAjax(options) - A jQuery ajax call that caches the returned value in localStorage or sessionStorage via snap-storage. Options in addition to the standard jQuery options are expires and storageType. expires is how long the cache lasts in seconds. The default is that it doesn't expire. storageType dictates whether the cache will be saved as localStorage or sessionStorage.
  • ajax(options) - Either a passthrough to jQuery ajax or calls cachedAjax if the cache option is used.


toolbelt.isVisible('body div'); //returns true on [example page](
toolbelt.isVisible($('body div')); //same as above
toolbelt.isVisible('body div div'); //returns false on example page](
toolbelt.isVisible($('body div div')); //same as above

	url: '',
	dataType: 'json',
	storageType: 'local',
	expires: 5,
	success: function(d) {
	error: function(d, s, e) {
	expires: 15