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brinchj edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 20 revisions

RndPhrase is still in developement!
Anything before v1.0 is considered UNSTABLE.


RndPhrase is a small add-on that will transform your everyday website passwords into highly secure domain specific passwords.

In short, RndPhrase is:

  • Secure: no one can hack your account.
  • Flexible: if a website requires special formatting of the passphrase, just configure it.
  • Simple: annoy the user as little as possible.
  • Trustworthy: open source and independent of servers storing your passphrase.


Just look at the recent passphrase dump from RndPhrase helps you use unique passphrases for each domain. So even if one domain fails to secure your passphrase, the leaked passphrase will only be valid at their domain. Not anywhere else. All your other accounts are still secure.


RndPhrase will generate a unique passphrase for each domain. This is done using your passphrase, a predefined seed which is constant over all domains and – not surprising – the domain name. Using these three values, a random password is generated and used in place of your regular password. But don’t worry: you don’t have to remember the random password. Just your regular password.

All you need to do is to prefix your regular everyday password with ‘@’ and it will be transformed into a randomly generated secure password before being transfered to the webserver.

So what do I do?

  1. To install the add-on, simply grab the latest version of the source code from:
  2. Now run Make firefox, Make chrome or Make conkeror.
  3. Find install the generated addon.

You’re done! Go to some webpage and try it out!
Just prefix your password with ‘@’ and watch the transformation in action ;-)


I have some more technical information on my blog at:

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