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Build tools & versions used

  • Xcode 13.3
  • iPhone 13 - iOS 15.4
  • iPad Air 5th Gen - iOS 15.4

Steps to run the app

  • Drag the '' file onto an iPhone/iPad simulator

What areas of the app did you focus on?

  • Used Rest API to fetch employee data
  • Displayed a list of employees
  • Added a searchbar to search for First Name and Last Name
  • Added a sort button to sort by Team, First Name, Last Name, and Employee Type
  • Added a pull to refresh gesture
  • Added a tap gesture to employee cells that displays an employee card
  • Added a No Results Found screen when searching for employees
  • Cached employee image's locally

What was the reason for your focus? What problems were you trying to solve?

  • Keeping the app's UI/UX user friendly
  • Give user's the ability to search
  • Give user's the ability to sort
  • Minimize latency when making network requests
  • Keep code clean by breaking it down into smaller sections

How long did you spend on this project?

  • 6 Hours

Did you make any trade-offs for this project? What would you have done differently with more time?

  • I didn't make any trade-offs. I was able to implement a search, sort, pull to refresh, and test case suite.
  • With more time, I would've liked to update the Rest API to implement inserting a new employee from within the app.

What do you think is the weakest part of your project?

  • The weakest part would've been working this project without being on a team.

Did you copy any code or dependencies? Please make sure to attribute them here!

  • I am using a Swift package dependency called Alamofire.

Is there any other information you’d like us to know?

  • I have work experience in languages other than Swift. I am also skilled in JavaScript, Java, PHP, and React.


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