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Control the device's torch


npm install bg-react-native-torch


Turn the torch on or off

setEnabledState(newState: boolean)

Pass true to turn the torch on, or false to turn the torch off.

Determine whether the torch is available

getAvailableState(): boolean

Returns true if torch is available, false otherwise.

Determine whether the torch is enabled

getEnabledState(): boolean

Returns true if the torch is turned on, false otherwise.

Note: On iOS, this will not accurately track if the torch has been enabled using the Control Centre. i.e. if the torch has only been enabled through the Control Centre, this will still return false.

Set a callback function for torch state changes

onStateChange(callback: (torchState: TorchState) => void): EventSubscription

Callback function will be called whenever the availability or enabled state of the torch changes. The torchState argument passed to the callback function contains the new states of the torch. When finished you should unsubscribe by calling .remove() on the returned EventSubscription.

TorchState interface

interface TorchState {
    enabled: boolean;
    available: boolean;

Made with create-react-native-library