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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 16, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Do not use this code for production work, it has not been validated for correctness and it's results are not trustworthy.

GATK 4 Dataflow Exploration

This is not an actively developed project!

It is a record of project Hellbender's exploratory work into running GATK tools in Google's Dataflow cloud framework.

GATK 4 development is continuing in a different direction at ( and we welcome contributions!

Feel free to make use of this code if it is useful to you, but expect no support or updates.

If you are looking for the current version of GATK to use in production work, please see the GATK website, where you can download a precompiled executable, read documentation, ask questions and receive technical support.

If you are looking for the codebase of the current production version of GATK, please see either the GATK development framework repository or the full GATK tools repository.


  • Java 8

  • Gradle 2.7

  • Git 2.5+


To build and run all tests, run gradle check. Test report is in build/reports/tests/index.html.

To only build, run gradle installDist.

To run all tests, run gradle test. What will happen depends on the value of the CLOUD environment variable: if it's false or unset then only local tests are run. If it's mandatory then it'll run only the cloud tests.

To run a single test class, run something like this, gradle test -Dtest.single=ReadUtilsUnitTest.

To run tests and compute coverage reports, run gradle jacocoTestReport. The report is then in build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html. (IntelliJ 14 has a good coverage tool that is preferable for development).

To run the main program, run build/install/gatk-dataflow/bin/gatk-dataflow.

Note: for faster gradle operations, add org.gradle.daemon=true to your ~/.gradle/ file. This will keep a gradle daemon running in the background and avoid the ~6s gradle start up time on every command.


We use Travis-CI as our continuous integration provider.

  • Before merging any branch make sure that all required tests pass on travis.
  • Every travis build will upload the test results to our hellbender-dataflow google bucket. A link to the uploaded report will appear at the very bottom of the travis log. Look for the line that says See the test report at. If TestNG itself crashes there will be no report generated.

Creating a GATK-Dataflow project in the IntelliJ IDE:

  • Ensure that you have gradle and the Java 8 JDK installed

  • Install the TestNG plugin (in preferences)

  • Clone the gatk-dataflow repository using git

  • In IntelliJ, go to File -> "Import Project"

  • Select the root directory of your gatk-dataflow clone, then "Ok"

  • Select "Import project from external model", then "Gradle", then "Next"

  • Ensure that "Gradle project" points to the build.gradle file in the root of your gatk-dataflow clone

  • Select "Use local gradle distribution", and enter your Gradle home directory in the "Gradle home" box. This will be the directory that contains the bin directory where the actual gradle executable (not merely a symlink to it!) lives. For example, if the actual gradle executable is /usr/local/Cellar/gradle/2.2.1/libexec/bin/gradle, you would enter /usr/local/Cellar/gradle/2.2.1/libexec/ as your gradle home directory.

  • Click "Finish"

  • After downloading project dependencies, IntelliJ should open a new window with your project

  • In File -> "Project Structure" -> "Project", set the "Project SDK" to your Java 1.8 JDK, and "Project language level" to 8 (you may need to add your Java 8 JDK under "Platform Settings" -> SDKs if it isn't there already). Then click "Apply"/"Ok".

Setting up debugging in IntelliJ

  • Follow the instructions above for creating an IntelliJ project for gatk-dataflow

  • Go to Run -> "Edit Configurations", then click "+" and add a new "Application" configuration

  • Set the name of the new configuration to something like "gatk-dataflow debug"

  • For "Main class", enter org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main

  • Ensure that "Use classpath of module:" is set to use the "gatk-dataflow" module's classpath

  • Enter the gatk-dataflow arguments for the command you want to debug in "Program Arguments"

  • Click "Apply"/"Ok"

  • Set breakpoints, etc., as desired, then select "Run" -> "Debug" -> "gatk-dataflow debug" to start your debugging session

  • In future debugging sessions, you can simply adjust the "Program Arguments" in the "gatk-dataflow debug" configuration as needed

Updating the Intellij project when dependencies change

If there are dependency changes in build.gradle it is necessary to refresh the gradle project. This is easily done with the following steps.

  • Open the gradle tool window ( "View" -> "Tool Windows" -> "Gradle" )
  • Click the refresh button in the Gradle tool window. It is in the top left of the gradle view and is represented by two blue arrows.