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viral-ngs Docker container


This directory contains a Dockerfile suitable for building a containerized instance of viral-ngs capable of running on any platform that supports Docker.

Detailed documentation for Docker is available online.


The Dockerfile relies on the easy-install script, which means that any time a new Docker image is built, it will include the latest version of viral-ngs available via the bioconda channel of the conda package manager.

In order to use all features of the viral-ngs pipeline, it is necessary to manually license and download GATK. To make a licensed copy of GATK available to the Docker container, set the $GATK_PATH environment variable on the host machine to the path containing an extracted copy of GenomeAnalysisTK.jar.

By default, the pipeline will install a single-threaded version of Novoalign from bioconda. It is possible to use a multi-threaded version to decrease compute time. To make a multi-threaded version of novoalign available to the Docker container, set the $NOVOALIGN_PATH environment variable on the host machine to the path containing the extracted Novocraft binaries, such as novoalign, novoindex, as well as the novoalign.lic license file. Note that the version of Novoalign used must support the 64-bit Linux platform of the viral-ngs Docker image, regardless of the platform hosting the Docker daemon.

To build

Navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile, then run:

tar -czh . | docker build --rm -

The tar is necessary because Docker cannot dereference symlinks, and by tarring the directory, symlinks to files in higher filesystem levels can be used. In particular, it is assumed a symlink exists within the directory containing the Dockerfile to the easy-deploy-script/ directory of this repo. Furthermore, it is a good idea to use -t argument to give the build a tag so it is easier to manage images later. For example:

tar -czh . | docker build --rm -t local/viral-ngs -

To build with a specific version of viral-ngs, a Docker --build-arg may optionally be specified. Ex.:

tar -czh . | docker build --rm -t local/viral-ngs:1.16.0 --build-arg VIRAL_NGS_VERSION=1.16.0  -

Note that the version of viral-ngs specified must exist in one of the channels specified in the easy-install script. As of March 2017, check available version at broad-viral channel. Otherwise, build may fail with an error like this:

PackageNotFoundError: Package not found: '' Package missing in current linux-64 channels:
- viral-ngs 1.16.0*

You can search for packages on with

  anaconda search -t conda viral-ngs

You may need to install the anaconda-client command line client with

  conda install anaconda-client

To run

Download licensed copies of GATK and Novoalign to the host machine (for Linux-64), and run:

export GATK_PATH=/path/to/gatk/
export NOVOALIGN_PATH=/path/to/novoalign/
docker run --rm -v $NOVOALIGN_PATH:/novoalign -v $GATK_PATH:/gatk -v /path/to/dir/on/host:/user-data -i <image_ID> "<command>.py subcommand"

The helper script is also available to conveniently run more customized docker run commands. It requires, however, to edit the file to match with locations of GATK, Novoalign, and viral-ngs version. This is an example to run with

./ /path/to/datdir/on/host "<command>.py subcommand"

Alternatively, GATK_PATH can be passed in as an argument to commands requiring it, though the jar file must be accessible within the container via a shared volume from the host. Ex:

# assumes GenomeAnalysisTK.jar is in your cwd
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/data -i <image_ID> " refine_assembly --GATK_PATH /data/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar"

The Novoalign argument, -v $NOVOALIGN_PATH:/novoalign, can be omitted if single-threaded Novoalign is adequate.

An arbitrary directory on the host system can be made available within the Docker container by setting a volume to mount a host directory to /user-data within the container. For example, to expose ~/Desktop, add the argument: -v ~/Desktop:/user-data. Within the Docker container, this directory will be accessible via /user-data. For convenience, /user-data is also available via ~/data/ within the container. Other volumes from the host can be shared with the container with additional -v arguments.

The <command>.py subcommand specified must match one of the documented viral-ngs commands.


Shell usage

To use a shell within a viral-ngs Docker container, pass /bin/bash to the run command:

docker run --rm -t -i <image_ID> /bin/bash

Note that with the wrapper script normally used as the entrypoint, for true root access the following can be used for shell debugging of the container:

docker run --rm -ti --entrypoint=/bin/bash <image_ID> -s

Clean slate

If you receive a "no space on device" error, sometimes a fresh start can be helpful. You can run these commands to remove ALL current docker images, containers, and volumes (be careful! the commands will also remove Docker items unrelated to viral-ngs):

docker kill $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)