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Friendship globe

The friendship globe symbolizes even though where in different country's where still united through the friendships from the MLP fandom.


At the end of r/place 2023 moderators of bronyplace were talking about not losing these bonds between the friends we made during r/place 2023 and one of them said something along the lines of "Just because we can't put a rainbow across the globe doesn't mean we can't find other ways to express our friendship towards one another" and that got me thinking if we can't physically stretch a rainbow across the globe why not do it virtually? So that night I started to work on this.

branch layout

  • stable
    • this branch gets updated right before every release and is recommend to pull from to set up a server or to test it out
  • develop
    • unstable branch untested code/full of bugs





First, make sure you have the following programs installed

get the latest stable version here or clone this repo git clone

server set up

open the folder in the terminal type cd server to enter the server directory


run ./ and wait for it to finish installing all dependencies (this may take a while). run source .venv/bin/activate run python


run python -m venv .venv run ./.venv/scripts/activate run pip install -r requiements.txt run python

open the project in godot (open godot -> import -> "path/to/friendship-globe/client_gd3/project.godot") then click play button in the top right corner


there currently are no official servers to run this, for now it's a proof of concept.