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Added: Adding google sitemap multilingual cronjob part
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brookinsconsulting committed Mar 31, 2012
1 parent 190e121 commit 8dfe99d
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Showing 3 changed files with 299 additions and 5 deletions.
289 changes: 289 additions & 0 deletions cronjobs/generatemultilingual.php
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
* File contains an eZ Publish cronjob part (script) to automatically
* fetch all the content of the eZ Publish siteaccess database content
* tree content nodes, transform the nodes fetched into an xml based
* sitemap and writes the sitemap to disk.
* Sitemap is based on custom extension settings (array of siteaccess name strings),
* this script iterate over each siteaccess building an array of site languages
* (site locale and site url), then iterating over site language information fetch
* the root node of the content tree (settings based) in each language and then all
* child nodes in each language. Next iterating over an array of all nodes in all
* locales, for each node, generate the sitemap xml representing that node.
* Finally a valid xml sitemap file is written out to disk (settings based var/ dir root by default)
* @copyright Copyright (C) 1999 - 2012 Brookins Consulting. All rights reserved.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2008 all2e GmbH
* @license GNU GPL v2 (or later)
* @version //autogentag//
* @package all2egooglesitemaps

* Alert user of script execution start
if( !$isQuiet )
$cli->output( "Generating Sitemap...\n" );

* Get a reference to eZINI. append.php will be added automatically.
$ini = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini' );
$googlesitemapsINI = eZINI::instance( 'googlesitemaps.ini' );

* BC: Testing for settings required by the script and defining other variables required by the script
if( $googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings', 'SitemapRootNodeID' ) &&
$googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings', 'Path' ) &&
$googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings', 'Filename' ) &&
$googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings', 'Filesuffix' ) &&
$googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'Classes', 'ClassFilterType' ) &&
$googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'Classes', 'ClassFilterArray' ) &&
$ini->hasVariable( 'SiteSettings','SiteURL' )
* BC: Define root content tree node ID
$sitemapRootNodeID = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings','SitemapRootNodeID' );

* BC: Define the sitemap basename, output file suffix and path to directory to write out generated sitemaps
$sitemapName = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings','Filename' );
$sitemapSuffix = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'all2eGoogleSitemapSettings','Filesuffix' );
$sitemapPath = $ini->variable( 'FileSettings','VarDir' );

* BC: Define content tree node fetch class filter. Array of class identifiers and whether to include or exclude them.
$classFilterType = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'Classes','ClassFilterType' );
$classFilterArray = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'Classes','ClassFilterArray' );
* BC: Alert user of missing ini settings variables
$cli->output( 'Missing INI Variables in configuration block GeneralSettings.' );

* BC: Fetch the array of siteaccess names (multi siteaccess; multi language)
* which should be used to fetch content for the sitemap or the default
* siteaccess name (one siteaccess; one language) when the custom settings are unavailable
if( $googlesitemapsINI->hasVariable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'SiteAccessArray' ) )
$siteAccessArray = $googlesitemapsINI->variable( 'SiteAccessSettings', 'SiteAccessArray' );
$siteAccessArray = array($ini->variable( 'SiteSettings', 'DefaultAccess' ));

* BC: Fetching all language codes
$languages = array();

* BC: Iterate over each siteaccess and collect siteaccess local settings (site languages)
foreach( $siteAccessArray as $siteAccess )
$specificINI = eZINI::instance( 'site.ini.append.php', 'settings/siteaccess/'.$siteAccess );
if ($specificINI->hasVariable( 'RegionalSettings', 'Locale' ))
array_push($languages, array('siteaccess' => $siteAccess,
'locale' => $specificINI->variable( 'RegionalSettings', 'Locale' ),
'siteurl' => $specificINI->variable( 'SiteSettings','SiteURL' )

* BC: Preparing to fetch all content tree nodes by each language (Settings based locale)
$nodeArray = array();

* BC: Iterate over each siteaccess locals
foreach( $languages as $language )
* BC: Alert user of the generation of the sitemap for the current language siteacces (name)
if ( !$isQuiet )
$cli->output( "Generating Sitemap for Siteaccess ".$language["siteaccess"]." \n" );

$siteURL = $language['siteurl'];

* Get the Sitemap's root node
$rootNode = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $sitemapRootNodeID, $language['locale'] );

* Test for content object fetch (above) failure to return a valid object.
* Alert the user and terminate execution of script
if (!is_object($rootNode)) {
$cli->output( "Invalid SitemapRootNodeID in configuration block GeneralSettings.\n" );

* Prepare to create new xml document
require_once 'access.php';
$access = changeAccess( array( 'name' => $language['siteaccess'],
) );

* Fetch the content tree nodes (children) of the above root node (in a given locale)
$nodeArray[] = $rootNode->subTree( array( 'Language' => $language['locale'],
'ClassFilterType' => $classFilterType,
'ClassFilterArray' => $classFilterArray

} // BC: End foreach($languages as $language)

* Prepare to create new xml document
$xmlRoot = "urlset";
$xmlNode = "url";

* Define XML Child Nodes
$xmlSubNodes = array('loc','lastmod','changefreq','priority');

* Create the DOMnode
$dom = new DOMDocument( '1.0', 'UTF-8' );

* Create DOM-Root (urlset)
$root = $dom->createElement( $xmlRoot );
$root->setAttribute( 'xmlns', '' );
$root = $dom->appendChild( $root );

* BC: Generate XML sitemap compatible data file contents
* based on array of arrays containing content tree nodes in each language
* for a given sitaccess or array of siteaccesses
foreach( $nodeArray as $languageNodeArray )
* BC: Iterate over language
foreach( $languageNodeArray as $subTreeNode )
* BC: Site node url alias (calculation)
$urlAlias = 'http://'.$siteURL.'/'.$subTreeNode->attribute( 'url_alias' );

* BC: Fetch node's object
$object = $subTreeNode->object();

* $depth = $subTreeNode->attribute( 'depth' );

* BC: Fetch object's modified date
$modified = date("c" , $object->attribute( 'modified' ));

* Create new url element
$node = $dom->createElement( $xmlNode );

* Append to root node
$node = $root->appendChild( $node );

* Create new page url subnode
$subNode = $dom->createElement( $xmlSubNodes[0] );
$subNode = $node->appendChild( $subNode );

* Set text node with data
$date = $dom->createTextNode( $urlAlias );
$date = $subNode->appendChild( $date );

* BC: Create 'modified' subnode and append child data to xml document being generated
// create modified subnode
$subNode = $dom->createElement( $xmlSubNodes[1] );
$subNode = $node->appendChild( $subNode );

* BC: Create 'lastmod' node and append child data to the xml document being generated
$lastmod = $dom->createTextNode( $modified );
$lastmod = $subNode->appendChild( $lastmod );

* BC: Disable language in output filename (For a limited use case requirement)
$xmlDataFile = $sitemapPath.$sitemapName.'_' . $language['siteaccess'] . $sitemapSuffix;
$xmlDataFile = $sitemapPath . $sitemapName . '_' . $sitemapSuffix;

* BC: Write sitemap xml file to disk
$dom->save( $xmlDataFile );

* BC: Alert user of script completion
if ( !$isQuiet )
* BC: Disable language in output filename (For a limited use case requirement)
$cli->output( "Sitemap for siteaccess ".$language['siteaccess']." (language code ".$language['locale'].") ." has been generated!\n\n" );

* BC: Slightly different user alert at end of program
* @TODO: Extend message displayed to include more details of the content and context of the results written to disk
$cli->output( "Sitemap for site has been generated!\n\n" );

// Terminate execution and exit system normally

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions ezinfo.php
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ class all2eGoogleSitemapsInfo
function info()
return array( 'Name' => "Google Sitemaps generator",
'Version' => "1.0",
'Copyright' => "Copyright (C) 2008 <a href='' title='all2e GmbH'>all2e GmbH</a>",
return array( 'Name' => "Google Sitemaps Generator",
'Version' => "1.1.0",
'Copyright' => "Copyright (C) 2008 <a href='' title='all2e GmbH'>all2e GmbH</a> and 1999 - 2012 <a href='' title='Brookins Consulting'>Brookins Consulting</a>",
'License' => "GNU General Public License v2.0"
Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions settings/cronjob.ini.append.php
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
<?php /*
<?php /* #?ini charset="utf-8"?
*/ ?>
*/ ?>

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