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Setting up Slack app integration with linker

Scott Chow edited this page Mar 28, 2020 · 3 revisions

The main goals are to

  • create a slack integration app
  • retrieve and expose slack app secrets to the deployed application in Heroku
  1. Go here and create a slack app
  2. Once created, the 3 primary credentials we need to expose are the client id, the client secret, and the signing secret. All should be exposed in the format SLACK_* (for example, SLACK_CLIENT_ID).
  3. Configure callback urls under Features > OAuth & Permissions > Redirect URLs to point to so that slack can actually communicate with your app.
  4. Create the commands under Features > Slash Commands. As of writing this, the only command is /whois @name, which retrieves the information about the student. This actually exposes the command to the workspace.
  5. You'll need to configure the Bot Token Scopes to allow the commands to actually function. An example list of permissions includes: users:read,, users.profile:read, team:read, incoming-webhook, commands.