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Add support for hashing Unicode data by using Buffers
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Previously, all hashing algorithms were converting string data to
binary using a naive approach that did not support non-ASCII input.
This change converts input into a Buffer which properly handles
Unicode data. This change also fixes the interface on createHash
and createHmac to properly return a Buffer object by default, which
the Node.js API does.

* Updated tests to ensure that hash functions work with Unicode
* createHash()/createHmac() now returns a Buffer to match Node.js API
* Refactored index.js and hash implementations to reduce duplication
  • Loading branch information
lsegal committed Oct 9, 2013
1 parent e351e73 commit 88c3ace
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Showing 5 changed files with 86 additions and 380 deletions.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions helpers.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer;
var intSize = 4;
var zeroBuffer = new Buffer(intSize); zeroBuffer.fill(0);
var chrsz = 8;

function toArray(buf, bigEndian) {
if ((buf.length % intSize) !== 0) {
var len = buf.length + (intSize - (buf.length % intSize));
buf = Buffer.concat([buf, zeroBuffer], len);

var arr = [];
var fn = bigEndian ? buf.readInt32BE : buf.readInt32LE;
for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i += intSize) {
arr.push(, i));
return arr;

function toBuffer(arr, size, bigEndian) {
var buf = new Buffer(size);
var fn = bigEndian ? buf.writeInt32BE : buf.writeInt32LE;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {, arr[i], i * 4, true);
return buf;

function hash(buf, fn, hashSize, bigEndian) {
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) buf = new Buffer(buf);
var arr = fn(toArray(buf, bigEndian), buf.length * chrsz);
return toBuffer(arr, hashSize, bigEndian);

module.exports = { hash: hash };
113 changes: 40 additions & 73 deletions index.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,98 +5,65 @@ var rng = require('./rng')
var md5 = require('./md5')

var algorithms = {
sha1: {
hex: sha.hex_sha1,
base64: sha.b64_sha1,
binary: sha.str_sha1
sha256: {
hex: sha256.hex_sha256,
base64: sha256.b64_sha256,
binary: sha256.str_sha256
md5: {
hex: md5.hex_md5,
base64: md5.b64_md5,
binary: md5.bin_md5
sha1: sha,
sha256: sha256,
md5: md5

var algorithmsHmac = {
sha1: {
hex: sha.hex_hmac_sha1,
base64: sha.b64_hmac_sha1,
binary: sha.str_hmac_sha1
sha256: {
hex: sha256.hex_hmac_sha256,
base64: sha256.b64_hmac_sha256,
binary: sha256.str_hmac_sha256
md5: {
hex: md5.hex_hmac_md5,
base64: md5.b64_hmac_md5,
binary: md5.bin_hmac_md5
var blocksize = 64
var zeroBuffer = new Buffer(blocksize); zeroBuffer.fill(0)
function hmac(fn, key, data) {
if(!Buffer.isBuffer(key)) key = new Buffer(key)
if(!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) data = new Buffer(data)

if(key.length > blocksize) {
key = fn(key)
} else if(key.length < blocksize) {
key = Buffer.concat([key, zeroBuffer], blocksize)

var ipad = new Buffer(blocksize), opad = new Buffer(blocksize)
for(var i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) {
ipad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x36;
opad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x5C;

function error () {
var m = []' ')
throw new Error([
'we accept pull requests',
var hash = fn(Buffer.concat([ipad, data]))
return fn(Buffer.concat([opad, hash]))

exports.createHash = function (alg) {
function hash(alg, key) {
alg = alg || 'sha1'
error('algorithm:', alg, 'is not yet supported')
var s = ''
var _alg = algorithms[alg]
var fn = algorithms[alg]
var bufs = []
var length = 0
if(!fn) error('algorithm:', alg, 'is not yet supported')
return {
update: function (data) {
s += data
length += data.length
return this
digest: function (enc) {
enc = enc || 'binary'
var fn
if(!(fn = _alg[enc]))
error('encoding:', enc , 'is not yet supported for algorithm', alg)
var r = fn(s)
s = null //not meant to use the hash after you've called digest.
return r
var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs)
var r = key ? hmac(fn, key, buf) : fn(buf)
bufs = null
return enc ? r.toString(enc) : r

exports.createHmac = function (alg, key) {
if (!algorithmsHmac[alg])
error('algorithm:', alg, 'is not yet supported')
if (typeof key != 'string')
key = key.toString('binary')
var s = ''
var _alg = algorithmsHmac[alg]
return {
update: function (data) {
s += data
return this
digest: function (enc) {
enc = enc || 'binary'
var fn
if (!(fn = _alg[enc]))
error('encoding:', enc, 'is not yet support for algorithm', alg)
var r = fn(key, s)
s = null
return r
function error () {
var m = []' ')
throw new Error([
'we accept pull requests',

exports.createHash = function (alg) { return hash(alg) }
exports.createHmac = function (alg, key) { return hash(alg, key) }
exports.randomBytes = function(size, callback) {
if (callback && {
try {
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108 changes: 4 additions & 104 deletions md5.js
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Expand Up @@ -7,24 +7,7 @@
* See for more info.

* Configurable variables. You may need to tweak these to be compatible with
* the server-side, but the defaults work in most cases.
var hexcase = 0; /* hex output format. 0 - lowercase; 1 - uppercase */
var b64pad = "="; /* base-64 pad character. "=" for strict RFC compliance */
var chrsz = 8; /* bits per input character. 8 - ASCII; 16 - Unicode */

* These are the functions you'll usually want to call
* They take string arguments and return either hex or base-64 encoded strings
function hex_md5(s){ return binl2hex(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz));}
function b64_md5(s){ return binl2b64(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz));}
function str_md5(s){ return binl2str(core_md5(str2binl(s), s.length * chrsz));}
function hex_hmac_md5(key, data) { return binl2hex(core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }
function b64_hmac_md5(key, data) { return binl2b64(core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }
function str_hmac_md5(key, data) { return binl2str(core_hmac_md5(key, data)); }
var helpers = require('./helpers');

* Perform a simple self-test to see if the VM is working
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,25 +139,6 @@ function md5_ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t)
return md5_cmn(c ^ (b | (~d)), a, b, x, s, t);

* Calculate the HMAC-MD5, of a key and some data
function core_hmac_md5(key, data)
var bkey = str2binl(key);
if(bkey.length > 16) bkey = core_md5(bkey, key.length * chrsz);

var ipad = Array(16), opad = Array(16);
for(var i = 0; i < 16; i++)
ipad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x36363636;
opad[i] = bkey[i] ^ 0x5C5C5C5C;

var hash = core_md5(ipad.concat(str2binl(data)), 512 + data.length * chrsz);
return core_md5(opad.concat(hash), 512 + 128);

* Add integers, wrapping at 2^32. This uses 16-bit operations internally
* to work around bugs in some JS interpreters.
Expand All @@ -194,70 +158,6 @@ function bit_rol(num, cnt)
return (num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt));

* Convert a string to an array of little-endian words
* If chrsz is ASCII, characters >255 have their hi-byte silently ignored.
function str2binl(str)
var bin = Array();
var mask = (1 << chrsz) - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < str.length * chrsz; i += chrsz)
bin[i>>5] |= (str.charCodeAt(i / chrsz) & mask) << (i%32);
return bin;

* Convert an array of little-endian words to a string
function binl2str(bin)
var str = "";
var mask = (1 << chrsz) - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < bin.length * 32; i += chrsz)
str += String.fromCharCode((bin[i>>5] >>> (i % 32)) & mask);
return str;

* Convert an array of little-endian words to a hex string.
function binl2hex(binarray)
var hex_tab = hexcase ? "0123456789ABCDEF" : "0123456789abcdef";
var str = "";
for(var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i++)
str += hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i>>2] >> ((i%4)*8+4)) & 0xF) +
hex_tab.charAt((binarray[i>>2] >> ((i%4)*8 )) & 0xF);
return str;

* Convert an array of little-endian words to a base-64 string
function binl2b64(binarray)
var tab = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
var str = "";
for(var i = 0; i < binarray.length * 4; i += 3)
var triplet = (((binarray[i >> 2] >> 8 * ( i %4)) & 0xFF) << 16)
| (((binarray[i+1 >> 2] >> 8 * ((i+1)%4)) & 0xFF) << 8 )
| ((binarray[i+2 >> 2] >> 8 * ((i+2)%4)) & 0xFF);
for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
if(i * 8 + j * 6 > binarray.length * 32) str += b64pad;
else str += tab.charAt((triplet >> 6*(3-j)) & 0x3F);
return str;

exports.hex_md5 = hex_md5;
exports.b64_md5 = b64_md5;
exports.bin_md5 = str_md5;
exports.hex_hmac_md5 = hex_hmac_md5;
exports.b64_hmac_md5 = b64_hmac_md5;
exports.bin_hmac_md5 = str_hmac_md5;
module.exports = function md5(buf) {
return helpers.hash(buf, core_md5, 16);

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