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@ljharb ljharb tagged this 17 Jun 20:20
 - [Fix] support windows virtual drive paths (#284)
 - [Deps] update `is-core-module`
 - [meta] use `npmignore` to autogenerate an npmignore file
 - [meta] do not publish `appveyor.yml`
 - [Dev Deps] update `eslint`, `@ljharb/eslint-config`, `tape`
 - [Test] add tests for `"main": false`
 - [Tests] fix tests on node v12.0-12.2
 - [Test] add some `sync` coverage
 - [Test] fix incorrect `require.resolve` paths logic; enable these tests
 - [Tests] avoid tests breaking on node 11.11 - 11.13
Assets 2