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alce committed Mar 4, 2010
1 parent 8a631ee commit 9d5f635
Showing 1 changed file with 33 additions and 39 deletions.
72 changes: 33 additions & 39 deletions README.markdown
@@ -1,57 +1,51 @@
# BrowserCMS: Humane Content Management for Rails
# BrowserCMSI: Humane Content Management for Rails

This is a fork to extract UI strings to make it possible to use BrowserCMS in languages other than English.
This is a fork to extract UI strings and make it possible to use BrowserCMS in languages other than English.
I am using the built in I18n module with the simple backend, so there is no need to install or do
anything special.

## Try it out
## Installation

git clone
cd browsercms
# configure database.yml
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:load_demo_data
gem install browsercmsi

If you run the above commands you should see no difference in BrowserCMS's UI (except for a couple of new
buttons at the top of the toolbar). If you do, then you found a bug!.
## Creating a new project

You can switch between the available locales on your installation by clicking on
the locale links at the top of the toolbar. These links are only for development purposes and will not be present
on a production site.
* run bcmsi my_project
* edit the file config/initializers/i18n.rb and set the default locale (at the moment only English and Spanish are available)
* run rake db:migrate
* start your server

To choose a locale for a production site, you need to edit the file config/initializers/i18n.rb and
explicitly set the default locale.
## Translating BrowserCMS

I18n.default_locale = :es
If your are not already familiar with Rails Internationalization API, it might be a good idea for you
to take a quick look at

## Images
To translate BrowserCMS' UI to a new language you need to create your new locale files and 12 images
for the main toolbar.

The main toolbar has 4 links that use images: My Dashboard, Sitemap, Content Library and Administration.
To translate these, you need to create 12 images. 3 for each link (over, up and active states)
You can use a .psd file that was added to the repository a while back. It's on doc/design.
### Creating locale files

1. public/images/cms/nav_admin.gif
2. public/images/cms/nav_admin_h.gif
3. public/images/cms/nav_admin_on.gif
4. public/images/cms/nav_content_library.gif
5. public/images/cms/nav_content_library_h.gif
6. public/images/cms/nav_content_library_on.gif
7. public/images/cms/nav_dash.gif
8. public/images/cms/nav_dash_h.gif
9. public/images/cms/nav_dash_on.gif
10. public/images/cms/nav_sitemap.gif
11. public/images/cms/nav_sitemap_on.gif
12. public/images/cms/nav_sitemap_h.gif
* Create a new directory under config/locales/bcms and name it after the locale you intend to use.
For example, if you are going to translate BCMS to French, you would create a directory named fr.
* Copy over all the files from one of the available locales to your newly created locale directory and change
the locale key.
* Restart your server and start translating.

## Pending transaltions
**Note about locale keys** Although neither Rails or BrowserCMSI really care which locale keys you use,
if you use the ISO 639-1 code for your language, BrowserCMSI will set CKEditor locale automatically for you. If you
use non-standard locale keys, CKEditor will fallback to English.

This is a work in progress. Most of the application has been prepared for translation (and
translated to spanish) but there is still some work to be done, particularly when loading
seed and sample data.
### Toolbar images

## Creating your own locale files
BCMS uses 4 sets of images for the links in the main toolbar: My Dashboard, Sitemap, Content Library and Administration.
You need to create one image for the up, over and active states of each link. You can use a .psd file
located in doc/design on this repository.

Once you have your images, you need to place them in a new directory under public/images/cms/locales. Name
this directory exactly the same as your locale files directory. (fr to continue with the french example).

## Locale files organization

## Contact
Juan Alvarez
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