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style: very good analysis app

EVER Wallet Flutter app

Getting Started πŸš€

Install melos:

$ dart pub global activate melos

Using melos makes it very easy to work with the project, so enjoy.

Boostrap packages recursively:

$ melos bs

Codegen 🦾

This thing will run all code generators for all packages:

$ melos run codegen

Codegen: localization 🌐

This thing will run localization code generator for all packages:

$ melos run codegen:locale

Code format checking and analyser 🦠

$ melos run check-format
$ melos run analyze

Clean up 🧹

To clean up all packages just run:

$ melos clean

Running Tests πŸ§ͺ

To run all unit and widget tests use the following command:

$ melos test

Also you can run dart, flutter and integration tests separately:

$ melos test:dart
$ melos test:flutter
$ melos test:integration

Pre-commit preparation 🦠πŸ§ͺ🀏

To run code format check, analyzer and all tests use the following command:

$ melos check-all

Build storybook πŸ“š

To build storybook:

$ melos build:storybook

Flavours πŸ‘ƒ

This project contains 3 flavors:

  • development
  • staging
  • production

To run the desired flavor either use the launch configuration in VSCode/Android Studio or use the following commands:

# Development
$ flutter run --flavor development --target lib/main_development.dart

# Staging
$ flutter run --flavor staging --target lib/main_staging.dart

# Production
$ flutter run --flavor production --target lib/main_production.dart

*App works on iOS and Android. It should run on macOS, Linux and Windows, but we have no tests nor UI kit for desktop platforms.

Versioning the app πŸ”’

App version #️⃣

App version is defined in pubspec.yaml file. To bump the version use the following command:

# For development releases:
$ melos version -a --yes --prerelease

# For production releases:
$ melos version -a --yes --graduate

You can use version workflow in GitHub actions to bump the version automatically. This workflow will create a new branch and PR (because push to main is prohibited) with the new version. Don't forget to merge the PR to main! Note: you should use conventional commits to make it work.

App build number #️⃣

App build number is defined in pubspec.yaml file. However, there is a tools/get_build_number.dart tool that generates the build number by incrementing it transactionally in Firebase Realtime Database. So, you don't need to worry about the build number, it's always unique and increases monotonously. Every time you build the app, the build number will be incremented.

Secrets πŸ”’

Local .secrets file πŸ”‘

Just copy secrets/.secrets.example to secrets/.secrets and fill it with your secrets.

Warning: don't commit this file!

Warning: FASTLANE_USER and is YOUR OWN credentials, that will be used only to renew iOS certificates and provisioning profiles

Other secrets you can get from your teammates:

SECRET_PASSPHRASE: passphrase the GPG tarball (with secrets)

MATCH_PASSWORD: passphrase for iOS provisioning profiles and certificates

Github Secrets πŸ”‘

BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN: Personal access token (PAT) used to fetch the repository. We should use PAT and not default GITHUB_TOKEN because "When you use the repository's GITHUB_TOKEN to perform tasks, events triggered by the GITHUB_TOKEN, with the exception of workflow_dispatch and repository_dispatch, will not create a new workflow run". We want to trigger a workflow from the workflow (to run tests), so we need to use PAT. This thing is used in version workflow.

SECRET_PASSPHRASE and MATCH_PASSWORD is the same as in local .secrets file.

File with secrets: secrets/secrets.tar.gpg πŸ”’πŸ“

This file contains all secrets and is encrypted with GPG. To decrypt it, run the following command:

$ melos decrypt-secrets

To update the file with secrets, create directory structure as mentioned above, cd to it and run the following command:

$ tar c * > secrets.tar
$ gpg --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256 secrets.tar

You will be asked to enter the passphrase. This passphrase should be SECRET_PASSPHRASE from .secrets file.

Resulting secrets.tar.gpg file should be placed in secrets directory in the root of the project.

iOS certificates and provisioning profiles πŸ“œ

For iOS we use match to manage certificates and provisioning profiles. It's configured in ios/fastlane/Matchfile. To renew certificates and provisioning profiles after adding new devices to the Apple Developer Account, run the following command:

$ melos build:ios_match_new_devices

If you configuring a new machine, you should run the following command to install certificates and provisioning profiles:

$ melos build:ios_match_assure

Deploy πŸš€

We prefer to deploy the app using GitHub Actions, but you can also deploy it from your local machine.

All deployment scripts are gathering changelog from git commits and adding it to the release notes. Note: google play limits the release notes, so don't be surprised that it is simplified and shortened.

Deploy using GitHub Actions

We already have a workflow for deploying main app to Firebase App Distribution, TestFlight and Google Play closed testing. It's called app=deploy and it's triggered by pushing to the main branch or manually from any branch. You can choose the desired deployment when triggering the workflow manually. It will deploy to FAD when its triggered by pushing to the main branch.

We also have a workflow for deploying storybook to GitHub Pages. It's called storybook-gh-pages-deploy and it's triggered by pushing to the main branch or manually from any branch.

Deploy from local machine

# To deploy to Firebase App Distribution just run the following command:
$ melos build:deploy_fad

# To deploy to TestFlight and Google Play closed testing just run the following command:
$ melos build:deploy_store

# Also you can deploy it to Firebase App Distribution, TestFlight and Google Play closed testing at once:
$ melos build:deploy_fad_store

Each of these commands will increment the build number before building the app.

Coverage πŸ“Š

To view the generated coverage report you can use lcov.

# Generate Coverage Report
$ genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/

# Open Coverage Report
$ open coverage/index.html

Logging ( Ν‘β›β€―ΝœΚ– ͑❛)✌

The app can be built with several flavors. Each of them determines the logging level. The defining map is in logs/logs.dart.

We also have logs from nekoton, and level transformation matrix is in packages/nekoton_repository/lib/src/nekoton_repository.dart.

Console colors are defined in fancy_logger package.

Working with Translations 🌐

This project relies on flutter_localizations and follows the official internationalization guide for Flutter. However, we use easy_localization package to simplify the internationalization process.

Adding Strings

  1. To add a new localizable string, open the en.json file at assets/translations/en.json.
    "confirm": "Confirm"
  1. Then add a new key/value
    "confirm": "Confirm",
    "continueWord": "Continue"
  1. Use the new string
import 'package:app/generated/generated.dart';

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Text(;

Adding Supported Locales

Update the CFBundleLocalizations array in the Info.plist at ios/Runner/Info.plist to include the new locale.




Adding Translations

  1. For each supported locale, add a new JSON file in assets/translations.
β”œβ”€β”€ assets
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ translations
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ en.json
β”‚   β”‚   └── es.json
  1. Add the translated strings to each .json file:


    "confirm": "Confirmar",
    "continueWord": "Continuar"
  1. Provide flag icon asset

Put new vector icon to assets/images/lang_icons/spanish.svg.

  1. Add the locale to SupportedLocaleCodes enum in lib/app/service/localization/service/supported_locale_codes.dart (yes, don't forget the language string).
  1. Provide flag icon asset and iconPath in SupportedLocaleCodes enum
    SupportedLocaleCodes.ko => Assets.images.langIcons.spainsh.path,