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Simple React Native To-do App

This is a simple to-do app made with react native. This app has the basic to-do app such as display task(s), complete task, and delete task. This app only use the basic element of react native and not using a fancy feature such as async storage, that was because this project was intended to familiarise with react native workflow.

Setup environment


  • Make sure you have node installed. For unix-like OS (Linux/Mac OS), you can use command -v node from your terminal emulator. If there's no output, please install the node first by download the package from node website or using your OS package manager (apt, brew, etc).

  • Make sure you have expo installed. For unix-like OS (Linux/Mac OS), you can use command -v expo from your terminal emulator. If there's no output, you can install expo by using this command in your terminal emulator:

npm install -g expo-cli

If there's an error please take a look at npm documentation.

  • Clone this repo by using your favorite git GUI client or this command in your terminal emulator:
git clone
  • After that change directory to the new git repo directory by using this command (assuming you didn't change the directory name or put another argument after the url when using git clone command) in your terminal emulator:
cd simple-rn-todo-app
  • Please make sure you are in the right directory by using pwd command and the output is along this line:
# like the name implied, optional-directory is optional
# so if you clone the git repo in your home directory, then you can omitted
# the optional-directory
  • After everything clear, install node modules by using this command in your terminal emulator:
npm install
  • And then start the app by using this command in your terminal emulator:
npm start

If those command didn't open the browser automatically, you can use the localhost address like localhost:19002 in your web browser to access the log interface (there's also a barcode that we will use later).
Please check the output of the npm start for the localhost address.


  • Install expo app from Google Play Store or App Store with the icon similar to this:
  • For android:
    • Open the app (the app is Expo go or something along those lines).
    • Select Scan QR Code.
    • Point out the camera to the QR code.
  • For iOS:
    • Open camera app.
    • Point out the camera to the QR code.
    • Select the notification Expo QR Code or something similar.
  • Wait until the Building JavaScript bundle finished.
  • Finally, use the demo (the instructions in the next section).


  • Type a task in the bottom row element with Type a task here on it.
  • After you finish typing, you can add the task by using + button on the right.
  • The task list will appear from the newest to the oldest.
  • Delete a task by pressing the trash can icon with red color on the right of the task item.
  • Complete a task by pressing anywhere in the task item, except the area around the trash can icon.
  • Undo the completed task by pressing the completed task similar to how complete a task. Think of it like a toggle.

App Interface

Empty task interface


Completed and not completed interface




Simple react native to-do app.



