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Partial re-implementation of the jq command line utility in Rust. The supported features can generally be described as "the things most people use, without the hyper-complicated or the hyper-niche". Details can be found below.

jqr is significantly faster than jq in all non-streaming cases that have been tested.


jq's streaming syntax is notoriously inscrutable, but some kind of streaming support is necessary when you want to process more JSON than can fit in memory at one time.

To this end, jqr implements a much more intuitive (if possibly less performant) form of streaming. There is no special syntax: you use regular filter expressions the regular way (and enable with --stream). The only stipulations are that, to take advantage of streaming, the root of your JSON must either be:

  1. Whitespace-separated values. If streaming is enabled, each value will be parsed and processed one at a time.

  2. A single array. For this case, to process as a stream, you must also pass the --elide-root-array flag. This will instruct the parser to ignore the root array and treat its values as if they were whitespace-separated values. Note that this will change the filter output slightly: it's equivalent to prepending .[] | at the beginning of your filter expression.


    -C, --color-output         Force colored output
    -e, --elide-root-array     If this flag is passed and your input JSON has at its root an array, the base array will
                               be ignored and its contents treated as if they were whitespace-separated values. This is
                               useful when combined with --stream, as it allows the values to be processed one at a
                               time, which is not otherwise possible for a single atomic root value (even with --stream
                               enabled). This will produce the same output as adding ".[] |" to the beginning of your
                               filter, and in fact this is how it's implemented for the non-streaming case, but changing
                               the filter does not afford the streaming benefits of passing the flag.
        --gzipped              Set this flag to signal that the input file or stdin data is gzipped. The compressed data
                               will be decompressed before processing (works with or without --stream).
    -h, --help                 Prints help information
    -M, --monochrome-output    Force monochrome output
        --no-free              Direct the program to skip de-allocation of memory where possible, intentionally leaking
                               objects (until the process ends) but saving time on system calls. In testing this tends
                               to yield a 5%-10% performance improvement, at the expense of strictly-increasing memory
        --stream               Attempt to parse and process input in a streaming fashion. Whitespace-separated JSON
                               values will be parsed and filtered (and their results printed) one at a time. NOTE: This
                               can be considerably slower, but it will allow processing of very large JSON inputs that
                               can't fit into memory.
        --tab                  Indent with tabs instead of spaces (--indent value is ignored)
    -V, --version              Prints version information

        --indent <indent>    Number of spaces to indent by [default: 2]
        --kind <kind>        Type of input [default: file]  [possible values: file, inline]

    <PATTERN>    The query pattern
    <JSON>       File name or inlined JSON string

Currently supported feature set:

Badge Meaning
⚠️ Not implemented yet
🔴 Won't implement
Based on jq 1.6
    • --version
    • --tab
    • --indent n
    • --color-output / -C and --monochrome-output / -M
    • Whitespace-separated JSON values as input ✅
    • ⚠️
    • Identity: .
    • Object Identifier-Index: .foo,
    • Optional Object Identifier-Index: .foo?
    • Generic Object Index: .[<string>]
    • Array Index: .[2]
    • Array/String Slice: .[10:15]
    • Array/Object Value Iterator: .[]
    • .[]?
    • Comma: ,
    • Pipe: |
    • Parenthesis: ()
    • Array construction: [] ⚠️
    • Object construction: {} ⚠️
    • Recursive Descent: .. ⚠️
    • Addition: +
    • Subtraction: -
    • Multiplication, division, modulo: *, /, and %
    • length
    • keys, key_unsorted
    • map
    • select
    • has(key)
    • in ⚠️
    • flatten
    • map_values ⚠️
    • del ⚠️
    • type
    • sort, sort_by(path_expression)
    • min, max
    • reverse
    • contains ⚠️
    • tojson/fromjson ⚠️
    • Format strings and escaping: @text, @csv, etc.. 🔴
  • ==, !=
  • if-then-else ⚠️
  • >, >=, <=, <
  • and, or, not
  • //
  • break 🔴

Modules 🔴


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