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Added support for transpilation of Soy and ES6!

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@brunobasto brunobasto released this 02 Jul 01:19
· 40 commits to master since this release

ES6 Support

With this version, now you can expect your JavaScript files in ES6 syntax to be transpiled using metal-tools-build-amd transpiler.

Soy Support

Also, changes to Soy files will also trigger a build using metal-tools-soy.

New configuration file

Now a file called .lwatch.jsoncan be added to the root folder of the module you are watching so that you can override some assumptions we've made to make this tool work with zero configuration needed. It's nice to not have to configure anything, but we realize that in some cases, it's necessary because every project has it's own particularities.

Breaking changes

The reason for a new major version is because we are now always transpiling JavaScript files ending with .js extension. Although the glob used to watch javascript files can be changed, whatever glob you put will always be transpiled. using metal amd builder. This is a breaking change in respect to the previous behavior of just copying the files and will most likely not work for files using the AlloyUI framework and not using the new Liferay AMD Loader.