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You will need typescript installed on your device

npm i -g typescript

Install dependencies

The dependencies are installed using yarn



Create files for a new day

The create script allow you to create the required files to start a new day resolution. You just need to use the create script with the day (1 to 24) you need as last parameter

yarn run create [day]

It will create a new folder in the src folder with the following files :

  - day[day]
    - lib.ts              # Common library to resolve the current day
    - lib.spec.ts         # Test file for the library
    - part1.ts            # The main file for the first part of today puzzle
    - part1.spec.ts       # The test file for the first part of today puzzle
    - part2.ts            # The main file for the second part of today puzzle
    - part2.spec.ts       # The test file for the second part of today puzzle

Additionnally, it will add two input files in the inputs folder :

  - [day]-1.txt           # The input data for the first puzzle of day [day]
  - [day]-2.txt           # The input data for the second puzzle of day [day]

Note : if your try to relaunch the creation script on a day already existing, it will ignore the creation and keep your current files

Launch today script

You can launch today both puzzle or individually depending on your needs

yarn run start [day]      # Will run both puzzle in a row
yarn run start:1 [day]    # Will run only puzzle 1
yarn run start:2 [day]    # Will run only puzzle 2

Launch tests

There are two modes for the tests : normal or watch. It will run tests on all your sources files.

yarn run test             # Will run tests and will quit
yarn run test:watch       # Will run tests in watch mode

Build typescript sources

Like we did in the tests, two modes are supported to build typescript sources : normal or watch. It will build all your source files.

yarn build build          # Will build sources and will quit
yarn build build:watch    # Will build sources in watch mode

Notes of the day discovering

Day 1

Puzzle 1

  • N/A

Puzzle 2

  • Usage of Array object to store the results found : ~14.5s
  • Usage of Set object to store the results found : ~0.02s


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