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Chris edited this page Oct 24, 2016 · 3 revisions

Examples of fabricate build scripts

Most of these examples assume you've got a main program with source in program.c and an associated util.c, both of which include util.h. The final output is a program executable (program.exe on Windows).


Below is the simplest, albeit least flexible, example of a build script for this program. It's not recommended because it's hard to maintain as you add source files and other options.

from fabricate import *
run('gcc', '-c', 'program.c')
run('gcc', '-c', 'util.c')
run('gcc', '-o', 'program', 'program.o', 'util.o')


This example (same as the one on the project home page is the "recommended" way to set up your fabricate build scripts. This way allows you to simply specify a list of sources, as in sources = ['program', 'util']. It also gives you an autoclean "target", which you execute via clean.

from fabricate import *

sources = ['program', 'util']

def build():

def compile():
    for source in sources:
        run('gcc', '-c', source+'.c')

def link():
    objects = [s+'.o' for s in sources]
    run('gcc', '-o', 'program', objects)

def clean():


Different build and source directories

This one adds some features and gets a bit more complicated. It assumes util.c and util.h are in another directory, ../lib, and it has two different build targets: build and profile, which build into the build/ and profile/ directories, respectively.

The version() function uses fabricate's shell() function to find the SVN revision, and writes that to a file called version.h. It also shows how to use fabricate's setup() function.

import os
from fabricate import *

setup(dirs=['.', '../lib'])

target = 'program'
sources = ['program', '../lib/util']
cflags = '-Wall -O2'.split()

def build():

def version():
    revision = shell('svnversion').strip()
    print >>file('version.h', 'w'), '#define REVISION "%s"' % revision

def oname(build_dir, filename):
    return os.path.join(build_dir, os.path.basename(filename))

def compile(build_dir='build', flags=None):
    for source in sources:
        run('gcc', '-c', source+'.c', '-o', oname(build_dir, source+'.o'), cflags, flags)

def link(build_dir='build', flags=None):
    objects = [oname(build_dir, s+'.o') for s in sources]
    run('gcc', objects, '-o', oname(build_dir, target), flags)

def profile():
    compile('profile', flags=['-pg'])
    link('profile', flags=['-pg'])

def check():
    return int(outofdate(build))

def clean():

def rebuild():

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