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Optimization of Data Allocation with Training Time Constraints in Heterogeneous Edge Learning

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Optimization of Data Allocation with Training Time Constraints in Heterogeneous Edge Learning

Main repo for MTHE 493 Group A2's documentation and source code. An implementation of a distributed edge learning algorithm that optimizes how data is allocated to workers.

Getting started


  1. Ensure python 3.9 is installed.
  2. (optional) Set up a python virtual environment (e.g. using venv or conda) and activate it.
  3. Ensure pip is up to date: pip install --upgrade pip
  4. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. On any machine on the network, start notice board: python src/ (in our testing, this was usually the orchestrator).
  2. On each learner/worker, start worker script: python src/ (This usually doesn't work, since Axon doesn't handle discovery well. Fix: manually specify the notice board machine's LAN IP by running python src/ --nb-ip NB_IP, replacing NB_IP)
  3. You should see workers signing in on the notice board output.
  4. On client, set the environment variables as needed (configures system parameters, cost, ML-related parameters, logging parameters) via export KEY=VALUE; or by configuring a .env file with the key-value pairs, one KEY=VALUE per line. See the section "Environment Variables" for details.
  5. On client, run the client script: python src/ (This usually doesn't work, since Axon doesn't handle discovery well. Fix: manually specify the notice board machine's LAN IP by running python src/ --nb-ip NB_IP, replacing NB_IP)

Developer Setup

Same install instructions as above, except run pip install -r requirements-dev.txt.

Notes about Gurobi:

  • If you want to run src/data_assignment/, or compare allocation methods using src/data_assignment/, you must install Gurobi on your system (e.g. under a free academic license)
  • Instructions can be found on Gurobi's website
  • We specifically installed gurobi via a Conda environment through the Conda package manager. See here for details.

Notes about optimizers and data_assignment testing

  • The module src/data_assignment/ will simulate performance of each of the 3 optimizer implementations (heuristic, PuLP, and Gurobi).
  • This is a module, not a script: you must import it into a Python shell session or script and use the functions there.
  • Most importantly: the actual client script is only written to support the heuristic algorithm, because it performs the best based on tool selection/performance evaluation. This can be changed easily (by adding a new environment variable in, and modifying the script where it deals with data assignment)

Example usage:

from src.data_assignment.assign_test import *

# Arguments
# num of tests to run
n_tests = 100000
# random seed, for reproducibility
seed = 1
# how much info should be printed/logged? options: 0, 1, 2
verbose = 0
# should we dump logs to file?
log = True
# should we log results of every test case to file?
log_all = False

# This is the primary function call
# Options for optimizers can be changed. Use: run_tests_heuristic, run_tests_gurobi, run_tests_pulp
results, discrepancies = validate(n_tests, run_tests_heuristic, run_tests_pulp, seed=seed, verbose=verbose, log=log, log_all=log_all)

# You can now investigate results + discrepancies as desired.

Notes about large test runs with parameter variations

  • The script src/ can be modified to specify specific system parameter variations to try running in sequence.
  • This is how we generated all the data for the thesis: determine which parameters need to be varied, modify the script, then run it and wait
  • The script generates all possible combinations of parameter values specified (cartesian product), then runs the client script with each variation, recording the results.
  • This script sometimes also requires the specification of noticeboard IP, i.e. python src/ --nb-ip NB_IP
  • It will run each test, dump a single log to the logs/ directory for each test, then (upon all tests completing) will dump a dump.json file containing all data. The JSON file is very easy to work with for data visualization; see the jupyter notebooks in the project for examples

Notes about setting up workers for easy access

  • I set up SSH access to all computers for the purpose of logging in/out of them with shell access quickly
  • This was the easiest way to run many tests centrally, and record all relevant data on one machine:
    • My computer acts as notice board + orchestrator (client)
    • SSH into all machines from my computer, run worker script
    • Run or, analyze the output data
  • Easy to repeat and reproduce this setup

Environment Variables

Name Value(s) Default Description
BETA int 1 beta system parameter
S_MIN int 10 s_min system parameter
MAX_TIME** float 30.0 max runtime system parameter
FEE_TYPE* random, constant, linear, specific "constant" Type of worker fee setup
FEES comma-separated string of floats "1.0,1.0,...,1.0" Fee values under specific FEE_TYPE. Padded to number of workers in system
DEFAULT_FEE float 1.0 Default fee, for constant, and for padding specific FEE_TYPE
NUM_BENCHMARK int 1000 Number of fake batches to compute during worker benchmark
NUM_GLOBAL_CYCLES** int 10 Number of learning + aggregation cycles that are performed
BATCH_SIZE int 32 Number of samples in each batch
WEIGHT_TYPE xavier, kaiming, orthogonal "xavier" How should weights be initialized for each worker?
ALLOW_GPU_DEVICE bool True Should workers use their GPU, if it is available?
LOGS str "logs" Path to directory where logs are dumped


  • random = random fees for each worker, between 1-20 (inclusive)
  • constant = constant fees for all workers, equal to DEFAULT_FEE
  • linear = fees are set to 1, 2, ..., n for n workers
  • specific = Specific fee structure, determined by FEES.
    • If FEES is of length less than n, remainder is padded to n, using DEFAULT_FEE
    • If FEES is of length greater than n, remainder is truncated to n


  • There's a weird implementation detail here. MAX_TIME specifies the total duration of time the system is allowed to take, and NUM_GLOBAL_CYCLES specifies how many learning cycles must occur in this time. Hence, each global update cycle must complete in MAX_TIME / NUM_GLOBAL_CYCLES seconds.
  • Jack has indicated this is not the best design choice. This can be changed if needed.

IMPORTANT: Everything below this point is untested and/or out-of-date documentation.

Getting started

For an overview of the project's architecture, refer to the

Raspberry Pi (not functional)

Note: The project dependencies target an environment that is a 64-bit ARM architecture (e.g., a raspberrypi) with python 3.9.

To install necessary project dependencies, run

git clone
cd mthe-493-group-a2
make install

on each machine to be used to install the python dependencies using pipenv and to ensure proper libraries are installed for pytorch to work.

Usage (Pi / Pipenv)

Access the pipenv virtual environment using pipenv shell or pipenv run <command>. Then to set up the system,

  1. Start the notice board by running

    python src/

    on a machine on the network.

  2. Start the workers by running

    python src/

    on each machine that you would like to use as a worker.

  3. Configure the client's parameters by running

    dotenv set BETA <value>
    dotenv set S_MIN <value>

    on the machine you would like to act as the orchestrator. See Configuration for more details.

  4. Start the client by running

    python src/

    on the machine you would like to act as the orchestrator.


Built With


  • python 3.9

Setting up Dev

git clone
cd mthe-493-group-a2
make install-dev

The install-dev recipe installs additional useful development experience packages list in the project's Pipfile.

Deploying / Publishing

give instructions on how to build and release a new version In case there's some step you have to take that publishes this project to a server, this is the right time to state it.

packagemanager deploy your-project -s -u username -p password

And again you'd need to tell what the previous code actually does.


The project uses python-dotenv to load environment variables from a .env file the src/ reads from to retrieve the BETA and S_MIN parameters.

The package has a CLI command-line interface to make settings the values in the .env file easier.


The project is set up to use pytest to detect and run all test files. make test is a recipe that will run the tests naively under the src/tests folder.

make test

Style guide



Optimization of Data Allocation with Training Time Constraints in Heterogeneous Edge Learning



Code of conduct




Contributors 4
