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My desired movies api is a movie api where you can search for movies and add them to a wishlist. Additionally it allows you to add authenticated users by means of JSON Web Token (JWT). Users will be able to store their desired movies in a list so they can watch them later.


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My desired movies - Api

My desired movies api is a movie api where you can search for movies and add them to a wishlist. Additionally it allows you to add authenticated users by means of JSON Web Token (JWT). Users will be able to store their desired movies in a list so they can watch them later.

The api also provides the basic services of a raw api such as get, post, update, delete for movies, users and wish list.

The api is still under development and the database is not populate with movies yet.

Functionalities of this api:

  • Create a user and movies
  • Login with JWT (JSON Web Token).
  • Create a list with my desired movies to watch later.
  • Supports the functionality of a crud rest api (Get, Post, Put, Delete).

Table of Content

Environment and requirements

This web-application was interpreted/tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using go (version 1.15.6)

General Requirements

  • jwt:
  • fiber:
  • Database managment:
  • postgrepSQL
  • Goland

Run api locally

  • Clone this repository: git clone ""
  • Access to My desired movies directory: cd My_desired_movies/cmd
  • Update dependecies
    ~/My_desired_movies$ go mod tidy
  • Run the script create_db in linux system, enter the password movie_dev_pwd
    ~/My_desired_movies$ ./create_db
  • (Just for windows system) You have to create the database and the user manually and then run the posg.sql script for the database you created
  • Run the api:
    ~/My_desired_movies$ go run main.go
  • Request the endpoints with curl or postmant.
  • ctrl + c to exit.

Run api with Docker

  • Access to My desired movies folder: cd My_desired_movies
  • Run Docker compose:
    ~/My_desired_movies$ docker-compose up --build
  • Wait until docker finish. It may take several minutes.
  • Request the endpoints with curl or postmant.
  • ctrl + c to exit.


Movie endpoints:

  • GET /movies - ALL movies

  • GET /movies?director=Martin - Search movies looking for title, genre or director


    curl -X GET


          "id": "1b070506-342a-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002",
          "title": "Cape Fear",
          "caste": "Robert de Niro, Gregory Peck",
          "release_date": "1991-11-13T00:00:00Z",
          "genre": "suspense, drama",
          "director": "Martin scorses"
  • POST /movies - Create a movie

  • PATCH /movies/{movieID} - Update a movie

  • DELETE /movies/{movieID} - delete a movie

User endpoints:

  • GET /users - All users

  • GET /users/{userID} - Get an user by id

  • POST /users - Create an user


    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "bryan", "password": "123456", "repeat_password": "123456"}'


      "id": "e175edba-9116-4ec7-bfe2-cf32a34f98e0",
      "username": "bryan",
      "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhZG1pbiI6dHJ1ZSwiZXhwIjoxNjA3OTc5NzM4LCJzdWIiOiJlMTc1ZWRiYS05MTE2LTRlYzctYmZlMi1jZjMyYTM0Zjk4ZTAifQ.cjkDHJACLHjqsP-5ya24mXsHytShctDj-WJptaJxoJY"
  • POST /users/login - Login an user - provide a Bearer token


    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "bryan", "password": "123456"}'


      "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9. eyJhZG1pbiI6dHJ1ZSwiZXhwIjoxNjA3OTAyMzUxLCJzdWIiOiJmMjllYzU0Ni0wODQ3LTQ5ZGMtYTFiMy0xNGJmZDNkYjRkZTAifQ.9RkkSv9JxevTvxm-22vJig47woFqz5-0R3rxgbcpXZQ"
  • PATCH /users/{userID} - Update an user, needs the bearer token

  • DELETE PATCH /users/{userID} - Delete an user, needs the bearer token

desired list movies endpoints:

  • GET /wishedlist - all wish movies by user, needs the bearer token

  • POST /wishedlist - Add a new wish movie to the list, needs the bearer token


    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhZG1pbiI6dHJ1ZSwiZXhwIjoxNjA3OTAxMzEzLCJzdWIiOiJmMjllYzU0Ni0wODQ3LTQ5ZGMtYTFiMy0xNGJmZDNkYjRkZTAifQ.gPdIREp7Ab2oljOkCfvApnNxal0XBNxNNfrybSbJa-I" -d '{"movie_id": "1b070506-342a-11eb-adc1-0242ac120002", "comment": "Me la vere despues"}'

    Output: {"result":"Movie added to wish list"}

  • DELETE /wishedlist/{movieID} - Delete a wish movie in the user wish list, needs the bearer token

Folder descriptions

Folder Description
api Contains all api files
api/movies Contains all movie files
api/movies/models Contain all structs for movies
api/movies/movie_gateway Contains all services for movies
api/movies/web_movie_handler All handlers for movies
api/users Contains all users files
api/users/models Contain all structs for users
api/users/user_gateway All Services for users
api/users/user_handler All handlres for useres
cmd Contain file main.go
internal Errors and database managment
internal/database Database managment
internal/logs Logs an errors
routes Routes and endpoints for the api
scripts Database scripts

Future improvements

  • Add testing to the api - On process
  • Docker - Done
  • Populate database with movies
  • Add Frontend
  • Deploy


No known bugs at this time.



Apache-2.0 License.


My desired movies api is a movie api where you can search for movies and add them to a wishlist. Additionally it allows you to add authenticated users by means of JSON Web Token (JWT). Users will be able to store their desired movies in a list so they can watch them later.







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