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This is a demo project to show how to use test-kitchen for multi-node integration tests. Warning, test-kitchen is still under heavy development. The purpose of this demo is not to serve as a canonical tutorial on test-kitchen but rather demonstrate the fundamental concepts behind its operation.

This demo spins up 3 nodes, an apache web server, a haproxy load balancer, and a application server built on sinatra. The initial HTTP request should traverse all 3 nodes and return the content "Hello World".

GET /             -> apache -> haproxy -> app_server  
"Hello World"     <-        <-         <-


This project has only been tested on Ubuntu 11.10 and 12.10 but it should work on any *nix.

Getting Started

This tutorial relies heavily on bundler. The rake and kitchen commands will fail unless you prefix them with bundle exec.

To get started

  $ git clone 
  $ bundle install

To spin up all 3 nodes and then run the RSpec tests to test the final state

  $ bundle exec rake test
  # spins up 3 nodes, converges them, then executes rspec tests

During the converge stage you may see ugly error message generated by Berkshelf like the one below. If those happen, don't panic. Everything probably OK. To just run the tests, execute bundle exec rake spec to test the end result of the configuration.

No such file or directory - /home/foobar/.berkshelf/cookbooks/apache2-d49323../templates/default/charset.erb (Errno::ENOENT)

To destroy everything

  $ bundle exec rake destroy
  # destroys all 3 virtualbox vms

Note: I experienced some very strange issues with VirtualBox networking while creating this tutorial. Rebooting your host operating system usually fixes it.

The Rspec tests are located in test/smoke/hello_spec.rb

Special Thanks To

Fletcher Nichol, Joshua Timberman, Seth Chisamore, Andrew Crump, Erik Hollensbe, Seth Vargo, Mike Fiedler and many others for creating test-kitchen and its previous incarnations. RIP Jamie-CI, long live Test-Kitchen!

License and Author

Author:: Bryan W. Berry (
Copyright:: 2012, Bryan W. Berry

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


demo of test-kitchen 1.0






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