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NGINX PHP 7 Composer Percona

Ready develop environment for symfony, laravel, Bolt CMS.

Solved local macOS docker performance problem (use mutagen branch).

Easy on/off APC/OPCache/XDebug.

Getting started

Run commands from root:

  • cp .env.dist .env
  • make up


  • nginx
  • php
  • percona
  • smtpserver


  • master — main branch (php on 9000 port)
  • socket — branch with php on socket
  • mutagen — branch with php on socket and all files sync with mutagen (performance docker php resolving)

The alpine image with:

  • Nginx
  • PHP 7.4 FPM
    • exif
    • pdo
    • bcmath
    • pdo_mysql
    • zip
    • intl
    • iconv
    • pcntl
    • opcache
    • acl
    • curl
    • gettext
    • OpenSSL
    • PostgreSQL extension
    • gd2 with png, jpeg, webp, freetype
    • ...etc
  • Composer 2
  • Percona DB / MySQL
  • php.ini override with variables from .env file
  • Makefile for quick docker-compose operations


  • make help — Show help
  • make force (docker-compose up) — Start all containers foreground with recreation
  • make up (docker-compose up --no-recreate) — Start all containers foreground
  • make bg (docker-compose up --no-recreate -d) — Start all containers background
  • make restart list="php nginx" (docker-compose up restart) — Restart all/selectted started containers
  • make stop list=php (docker-compose stop) — Stop all/selected started containers
  • make down (docker-compose down) — Stop & destroy all started containers
  • make build (docker-compose build) — Build images & create containers
  • make dump — Dump database
  • make command "ls -la" — Run command shell in php container
  • make logs — Show logs
  • make tail — Tail logs
  • make shell php — Run shell for container (see Containers)


  • www — for your server files
  • .env — for full project & docker environment variables
  • docker — config files
    • default — mounted nginx default conf
    • docker-compose.yml — main docker-compose config
    • php
      • Dockerfile — for build php image
      • php.ini — override php settings
      • php.env - env for php.ini (for settings on only restart)


Docker image with php 7.4-fpm-alpine & nginx & composer






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