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Bryce Weiner edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 6 revisions

Message declaration:

A Deck describes the features and facets of the Cards contained in the Deck. A Deck is described by:

  • A RFC4122 UUID
  • The number of decimal places into which a Card may be divided
  • The issuance mode for Cards in the Deck
    • NONE – No Cards may ever be issued
    • CUSTOM – A custom client implementation is required
    • ONCE – Only one issuance transaction may be created by the Dealer
    • MULTI – Multiple issuance transactions may be created by the Dealer
    • MONO – All Card transactions are amounts defaulted to 1
    • SINGLETON – A special MONO deck where the initial Card transfers are serialized with RFC4122 UUIDs
  • Asset specific metadata
  • The XTO transaction fee to be paid to have a Card transfer message considered as valid (may not be less than 0.001XTO)
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