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Bharath314 edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 3 revisions

Phase 1:

We will go through each chapter sequentially. @Bharath314 will do the even chapters, @curiouscat1906 will do the odd chapters.

  • Fixing broken links to assets
  • Fixing typos
  • Finding conceptual errors and hot fixing them. Comment near them and raise an issue if they are taking too much time to research.
  • Raising issues and adding comments for concepts that might need to be added
  • Checking if the code blocks are working.

Phase 2:

At this point, having gone through the whole textbook, we will know the flow of the material and have a good idea of how topics are organized. @curiouscat1906 and I will discuss the flow of the textbook and see if the topics need re-ordering and then we will split the chapters between us and work on them.

  • The target audience for this book is going to be completely non-technical people. Some things we can do to make the textbook more palatable to them
    1. Add a new chapter that introduces them to programming and the mindset that is required for it.
    2. Make the language of the book more friendly and conversational.
    3. Add exercises to the end of every chapter to reinforce what the learner has just learned.
    4. Adding new concepts to chapters.
    5. Adding entirely new chapters or splitting existing ones if the need arises. New Chapters include but not limited to:
      • Add a section on MAD stuff
        • decorators
        • generators
        • walrus operator
      • NumPy and Matplotlib
        • Take a dataset
        • Basic operations
        • Use MNIST, IRIS
  • Make use of admonitions for concepts that are slightly off-topic or interesting trivia
  • Adding a glossary and abbreviations
  • Use footnotes to credit sources
  • Use keys to indicate use of control keys.
  • Discuss the use of additional mkdocs-material features as and when necessary

Phase 3:

When phase 2 ends, the textbook will be essentially complete. At this point, we could work on the styling and proofreading. A few things I have in mind:

  • Make the site more mobile friendly.
  • Change the color scheme of the wiki to match the red/yellow color scheme of IIT Madras
  • Port as many diagrams as possible to html rendered versions. Will have to look into a good solution.
  • Having the chapters peer reviewed
  • Finishing touches


Given this textbook's nature as an introductory text, it has the potential to impact a lot of people positively. A few things I imagine that we can do with this textbook regardless of actual feasibility:

  • Open it up to contributions from all students.
  • Have it act as a Single Source of Truth for the other textbooks and make it easy for reader to ease into them.
  • Prime students to make contributions to the degree program and support a vibrant developer community.
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