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Frontend Nanodegree- Neighborhood Map Project


This is a project from the Udacity Front-End Web Developer nanodegree. This project focused on using the knockoutjs library, along with the Google Maps API and another third party API (Foursquare).

How to Load the website

You can load the website in two ways:

  1. From this GitHub pages - open the website.

  2. Download the repo locally - You can either download a zip file from the repo or you can clone the repo onto your local machine. Once downloaded onto your local machine, you can do one of two things to view: -- Open the dist/index.html file that is in the root directory of the repo, with a browser (i.e. Chrome, Firefox). -- Host the files through a local web server, and use your browser to navigate to the local web server. For example, if you have python installed, you can run this command in the root of the repo directory to serve the files:

    python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080 # assuming port 8080 is not used already.

    Then you can navigate your browser to localhost:8080/dist/

Using the website

The UI is made up of a listview on the left side (25%) of the page which lists the venues, and a map on the right side of the page that shows the locations of several venues in the Pike Place Market neighborhood of Seattle, WA. The listview uses bootstrap's accordian such that when you click on an item in the list, brief notes from the venue from me are shown below the venue title. The click event also highlights the venue on the map and also pops up an infowindow about the venue. The infowindow has information about the venue from the Foursquare API, which is fetched async using JQuery getJSON method. The markers on the map use custom images adapted from here. When there is a mouse over event, the image changes to slightly larger and brighter.


  • Minified CSS with htmlmin to reduce file size
  • Minified JS with uglify-js to reduce file size
  • Inlined CSS to avoid another round trip with inline-source
  • Inlined JS to avoid another round trip with inline-source
  • Added async to the map request to stop blocking
  • Moved javascript to end of body to minimize blocking

Page Speed Insights Results:

Page Speed Insight analysis

Optimization Summary
Page Speed Mobile Page Speed Desktop
Original Optimized Original Optimized
59 73 88 88

Build Automation

Used Gulp to automate the building and common tasks of the website. Includes the following:

  • minification of javascript using uglify
  • minification of HTML and CSS using htmlmin
  • inlining CSS using inline source
  • Javascript linting using jshint
  • CSS linting using csslint
  • moves all assets under the dist/ directory

Gulp dependencies are in the package.json file

You need to install nodejs/npm and gulp first.

To generate distribution, run the following in the root directory of the repo

Install Dependencies

npm install

Generate Distribution

gulp main

You can run individual tasks by replacing main with either html, css,js or img The resulting files for distribution will be in the dist/ directory



This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. (See

Copyright (c) 2018 Brett Schwarz


No description, website, or topics provided.






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