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Basic commands / softwares / packages for setting up a new dev environment for a new Mac device πŸ’» 😌

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Basic commands / softwares / packages for setting up a new dev environment for a new Mac device πŸ’» 😌

1. Terminal

  • ο£Ώ Xcode

    *** Installation: XCode Select Tools
      Before beginning any other installation simply install the 
      necessary pacakges for mac which are available from XCode 
    bshah:~$ xcode-select --install
  • 🐧 Homebrew

    *** Installation: brew
    bshah:~$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    bshah:~$ brew upate
  • 🐧 zsh

    *** Installation: oh-my-zsh
      The DeFacto framework to use with the zsh shell
    bshah:~$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
    *** Installation: oh-my-zsh Extras
    - Plugins
    bshah:~$ git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting # Syntax highlighting
    bshah:~$ clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions # Auto Suggestions
    bshah:~$ brew install autojump # Autojump {j}
    - Themes
    bshah:~$ git clone $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/powerlevel10k # Powerlevel 10k
    bshah:~$ p10k configure
             (Classic) -> (Unicode) -> (Darkest) -> (No) -> (Angled Seperator)
             (Round Head:Tail) -> (One Line) -> (Compact) -> (Many Icons)
             (Fluent) -> (Yes Transient) -> (Quite Instant Prompt)

    The ~/.zshrc file is present in the repository for quick copy-paste setup.

  • 🐧 SSH

    *** Installation: SSH
    bshah:~$ mkdir ~/.ssh # Create a directory
    bshah:~$ mkdir ~/.ssh/gitlab # Create a sub-directory for only Git SSH keys
    bshah:~$ cd ~/.ssh/gitlab/
    bshah:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" # Generate SSH Key
    bshah:~$ cd ~/.ssh/gitlab/id_rsa
    bshah:~$ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/gitlab/ # Copy the key and paste it into Git SSH Keys
    *** Check: SSH Keys Present / Linking Already Present Keys
    bshah:~$ ssh-add -l # Check if the idenity exists already or not from all the ssh identities
    bshah:~$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/gitlab/id_rsa # Add / Bind the key if not identity doesn't exist
  • 🐧 Python

    *** Installation: Python 3.X
    export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH" # Add in ~/.zshrc
    bshah:~$ brew install python
    bshah:~$ python
    Python 3.X.X # Homebrewe'd Python 3.X
    bshah:~$ python2 
    Python 2.X.X # Apple's Python 2.X

2. Other Apps

  • 🐧 Hyper

    *** Installation: Hyper
    Download Hyper using the documentation @
    bshah:~$ hyper install hyper-snazzy
    bshah:~$ brew install pure
    Edit ~/.zshrc using the documentation @
    bshah:~$ brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting
    bshah:~$ git clone
    bshah:~$ echo "source ${(q-)PWD}/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh" >> ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zshrc  
    **** Customization:
    - Preferrences > fontFamily > MesloLGS NF > 
      Preferrences > fontSize > 12 / 13
  • ο£Ώ iTerm2

    *** Installation: iTerm2
    bshah:~$ brew cask install iterm2
    *** Customization: 
    - Appearance > Theme > Minimal
    - Profile > Colors > Color Presets > Pastels (Dark Background)
      Profile > Default > Text > MesloLGS NF | 12 / 13
      Profile > Default > Keys > Presets > Natural Text Editing
  • 🐧 Node

    *** Installation: Node Version Manager
    bshah:~$ brew install nvm 
    bshah:~$ mkdir ~/.nvm # Only if file does not exists
    bshah:~$ echo "source $(brew --prefix nvm)/" >> .zhsrc # Lazy Load Global Initialization of NVM
    bshah:~$ nvm -v # Latest version of NVM installed
    bshah:~$ nvm install node # "node" is an alias for the latest version
    bshah:~$ nvm install 10.19.0 # Install v10.19.0
    bshah:~$ nvm use node # Only if you have more than one version of node installed
  • ο£Ώ Other Important Applications

    *** Installation: Google Chrome
    Cross-platform web browser
    bshah:~$ brew cask install google-chrome 
    *** Extensions
    - OneTab
    - JSON Viewer 
    - AdBlocker
    - React Developer Tools
    *** Installation: VS Code
    Open-source code editor
    bshah:~$ brew cask install visual-studio-code
    *** Installation: Docker
    App to build and share containerized applications and microservices
    bshah:~$ brew cask install docker
    *** Installation: Postman
    Collaboration platform for API development
    bshah:~$ brew cask install postman
    *** Installation: Slack
    Team communication and collaboration software
    bshah:~$ brew cask install slack
    *** Installation: VLC
    Open-source cross-platform multimedia player
    bshah:~$ brew cask install 
    *** Installation: Alfred
    Application launcher and productivity software
    bshah:~$ brew cask install alfred
    *** Installation: TeamViewer
    Remote access and connectivity software focused on security
    bshah:~$ brew cask install teamviewer
    *** Installation: Dozer
    Hide menu bar icons on macOS
    bshah:~$ brew cask install dozer
    *** Installation: Cask
    bshah:~$ brew cask install 
    *** Installation: Spectacle
    Move and resize windows with ease
    bshah:~$ brew cask install spectacle  
    *** Installation: Micro 
    A terminal-based text editor that aims to be easy to use 
    and intuitive, while also taking advantage of the capabilities 
    of modern terminals.
    bshah:~$ brew install micro


Basic commands / softwares / packages for setting up a new dev environment for a new Mac device πŸ’» 😌






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