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Risque-16 CPU Architecture

This is a RISC architecture intended as an in-universe competitor to the DCPU-16. It can interface with the same hardware devices as the DCPU, and is of a similar speed and power.

The Risque-16 architecture and instruction set is inspired by the real-world Thumb architecture, the 16-bit variant of ARM.


The Risque-16 is a 16-bit, word-addressing RISC architecture CPU. The clock speed is 200kHz, and most instructions require 1 or 2 cycles to execute. Since each cycle generally does less than a DCPU cycle, the overall pace of operation is comparable.

There are 8 16-bit general-purpose registers, named r0 to r7. There are five more special-purpose registers:

  • PC is the program counter, which points at the next (not current) instruction to execute.
  • SP is a stack pointer, usually used for first-in, first-out data storage.
  • LR is the "link register", which is set by branch-and-link opcodes to enable returning to call sites.
  • CPSR is the current program status register. It contains flags relating to the current state of the processor (see below).
  • SPSR is the saved program status register. CPSR is copied here on an interrupt, and restored when returning from an interrupt.

See below for the details of interrupt handling.

CPSR has the form ________ I___NZCV

Flag Name Meaning
I Interrupt Enable Set to permit interrupts to fire, clear to disallow them.
N Negative Set to bit 15 of results, so N is 1 if the signed value is negative.
Z Zero Set if the result is zero (often denotes equality in a comparison).
C Carry More complicated. See below.
V Overflow Set is a signed overflow occurred. Otherwise left alone.

Carry has some tricky interactions, summarized here:

  • For ADC, ADD and CMN, set if there's an unsigned overflow.
  • For CMP, SBC and SUB, set if the result is an unsigned underflow.
  • For shifting instructions, set to the last bit shifted out.
  • Others usually leave this flag alone.

Interacting with Hardware

Risque-16 is compatible with the same hardware as the DCPU-16.

DCPU-16 registers A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I and J correspond to Risque-16 r0-r7 in that order.

There are corresponding instructions to query the number of hardware devices, and collect information about the hardware.

There is an interrupt queue like the DCPU-16, holding a maximum of 256 interrupts. While interrupts are disabled (status bit I is clear), new interrupts are added to the queue. Once interrupts are re-enabled, interrupts will fire from the queue until it empties.

Hardware IRQs and software interrupts triggered by SWI both go in the same queue.

There is no guarantee of forward progress in the "real", non-interrupt program. The same instruction can be repeatedly interrupted, forever.

Interrupts can be nested, with care. SPSR would get overwritten by the second interrupt, but you can save and restore it using XSR.

Interrupt Handling

When an interrupt fires (that is, leaves the queue and is being handled), the Risque-16 does the following:

  • Copies CPSR to SPSR.
  • Writes 0 into CPSR, clearing all status and disabling interrupts.
  • Pushes PC to the stack.
  • Pushes r0 to the stack.
  • Sets r0 to the interrupt message.
  • Sets PC to the interrupt vector: 0x0008

Then your interrupt handler can examine r0, respond to the interrupt, and then return from the interrupt with RFI.

Vectors and Reserved Space

There are two "vectors" on the Risque-16:

  • $0000 is the reset vector, loaded at startup.
  • $0008 is the IRQ vector, when handling interrupts.

Memory up to $0020 is reserved; your code should start at or after $0020.

Since there's not a lot of space in these vectors, it's expected that they'll contain either an immediate return, or a jump to more complex code.

Startup State

On a reset, the processor performs the following operations:

  • All general-purpose registers are set to 0.
  • CPSR and SPSR start with all bits cleared (interrupts disabled).
  • PC starts at $0000, the reset vector.
  • SP starts at 0 as well. Since the stack is full-descending, that signals an empty stack. The first value goes in $ffff (if you don't change SP.)

Differences from Thumb

The instruction set and functionality is inspired by the ARM architecture, and especially the 16-bit Thumb subset.

  • Heavily reworked instruction encoding.
    • This is slightly less efficient (eg. fewer bits available for literals)
    • But it's also much, much simpler - 5 formats with clear layout, instead of 20 with a confused tangle.
  • 16-bit addressing is used everywhere - no byte addressing.
  • Registers and words are 16-bit, not 32-bit.
  • There are no "high" registers, just r0-7, sp, pc and lr.
  • No CPU modes, and interrupt handling has been made much simpler and DCPU-compatible.

Timing and Pipelining

The processor and memory run at the same pace, allowing minimal delays for memory operations.

The processor accordingly has a short pipeline. During the execution of one instruction, PC points at the next instruction.

Most instructions take 1 or 2 cycles, as noted in their descriptions. MUL takes 4, as do several that work with interrupts or hardware.


There are no instructions for division or modulus, just as there are none on ARM or Thumb. I hope to provide fast, well-tested reference implementations here eventually, but I don't have them written at this time.


Spec for the Risque-16, a DCPU competitor.






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