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What is it?

  1. The handy tool set to begin code conventions automation
  2. Project health check report
  3. Tools

What is it for?

  1. Collect and reuse:
    • working live linters config files
    • typical code review issues based on linter rules
  2. Provide an alternative to airbnb/google rule sets. Enterprise rule sets made to fit any project and reduce enabled rules as much as it possible.

Scripts FAQ

  • grep - search files and text patterns
  • awk - search and combine text line blocks
  • find - search files and text patterns
  • echo "text1 $command text2" - insert command output into text
  • wc -l $filename - lines count in file
  • $command | wc -l - lines count in command output
  • $command1 | $command2 - transmit command1 output to the command2 input
  • $command > $file - clear file and add text from the command output
  • $command >> $file - add text to the file from command output

How to use

  1. Run scripts from the project folder to avoid npm dependencies installation in linter folder
    • enable fullTemplateTypeCheck or strictTemplates in tsconfig.json
    • uncomment the NX section in scripts if you use it
    • run
       	cd code_quality_js-folder
       	./scripts/project_folder/ "absolute_path_to_project"
       	cd "absolute_path_to_project"
       	npm i
    • make the screenshots of dist/report.html and paste it into log folder
    • manually refine and move libs from log/npm.dependencies.log to report/
    • check the README for harder cases
  2. Run scripts from the linters folder to avoid eslint configuration and dependency hell resolution in project folder
    • run
       	# install libs
       	cd code_quality_js-folder
       	npm i
       	# copy project `src` folder to the linter `src` folder.
       	cp your_project_path/src ./src
       	# run scripts
       	# manually edit the eslint.rules.important.log
       	# remove mistakes from log/spell.words.important.log
    • check the README for harder cases


  • jscpd hangs
    • disable blame
    • reduce threshold
    • analyze html|ts|css separately


  • add circular dependency via webpack script
    • angular.json
       	"architect": {
       	"build": {
       		"builder": "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:browser",
       		"options": {
       		"customWebpackConfig": {
       			"path": "./custom-webpack.config.js",
       			"replaceDuplicatePlugins": true
    • npm i circular-dependency-plugin @angular-builders/custom-webpack@14
    • cat >> custom-webpack.config.js
       	const CircularDependencyPlugin = require('circular-dependency-plugin')
       	module.exports = {
       		entry: "./src/main",
       		plugins: [
       			new CircularDependencyPlugin({
       			// `onStart` is called before the cycle detection starts
       			onStart({ compilation }) {
       				//console.log('start detecting webpack modules cycles');
       			// `onDetected` is called for each module that is cyclical
       			onDetected({ module: webpackModuleRecord, paths, compilation }) {
       				// `paths` will be an Array of the relative module paths that make up the cycle
       				// `module` will be the module record generated by webpack that caused the cycle
       				compilation.errors.push(new Error(paths.join(' -> ')))
       			// `onEnd` is called before the cycle detection ends
       			onEnd({ compilation }) {
       				//console.log('end detecting webpack modules cycles');
  • add scripts/docs about eslint performance optimization:
    • TIMING=1; npm run lint:es
    • eslint --print-config >> eslintrc-expanded.json
  • add more analyze results from rwa
  • add code frequency
    • git log '--since=1 year ago' --name-only --pretty='format:' | sed '/^\s*$/'d | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | less
    • git rev-list
  • add design system metrics like
    • projectwallface
    • chroma
    • figma color distance and hardcoded colors
  • add ripgrep cli
  • add grep eslint-disable | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | less
  • add coupling/cohesion graph to help in folder structure refactoring
    • shared files with large import count
    • impact, scope of refactoring
    • complexity visualization
  • add processes analysis
    • files with high "bus factor"
    • people burnout risk
    • team velocity
  • add sonarlint docker
  • Angular code examples
  • Find how to use the live cloud playground
  • badges
  • jest --coverage


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