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ZX scripts to simplify interactive Powerapps CLI (PAC) usage

Getting started

npm install @bsorrentino/zx-powerapps-cli --save-dev



Clone a flow whitin an exported solution on local file system.

This script doesn't require connection to dataverse environment


npx zx-clone-flow [--solution <solution folder>] [--flow <flow json file name>] [--uuid <new flow uuid>]
Interactive arguments :
  1. Local solution's folder (could provide it on command line using: --solution ).
  2. Flow json file name in the form <Prefix>-XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.json present in <solution path>/Worlflows (could provide it on command line using: --flow )
Non-Interactive arguments :
  1. New Flow UUID in the form XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX, if not provided a new one will be automatically generated


Export solution from powerapps a environment unpacking and saving it on local file system.

Solution is exported in both Managed and Unmanged package type


npx zx-export-solution  [--authindex <n>] 
                        [--solution <solution name>] 
Interactive arguments :

if --unpackonly is not specified

  1. Authentication profile's index (could provide it on command line using: --authindex ).
  2. Solution's name that you've to export (could provide it on command line using: --solution ).

    Take note that available solutions will be displayed before

  3. Publish customization
  4. Create settings

    the file generated will be <solution>_settings/<auth profile>_settings.json

if --unpackonly is specified

  1. solution zip file (could provide it on command line using: --zipfile ).
  2. Package type that you've to export Managed, Unmanaged, Both (could provide it on command line using: --package ).
  3. Local solution's folder (could provide it on command line using: --solution ).
Non-Interactive arguments :
  • --keepzip : keeps original exported packages zip
  • --unpackonly : perform only solution unpacking and skips export


Pack solution from local file system and import it in a powerapps environment


npx zx-import-solution  [--authindex <n>] 
                        [--solution <solution folder>] 
                        [--package Managed|Unmanaged|Both] 
Interactive arguments :

if --packonly is not specified

  1. Authentication profile's index (could provide it on command line using: --authindex ).
  2. Local solution's folder (could provide it on command line using: --solution ).
  3. Use settings file

    This will be asked only if the settings file <solution>_settings/<auth profile>_settings.json exists

if --packonly is specified

  1. Local solution's folder (could provide it on command line using: --solution ).
Non-Interactive arguments :
  • --packonly : perform only packing and skips import
  • --noversion : remove version from generated zip
  • ----publish-changes : publish your changes upon a successful import


Update local and remote solution's version


npx zx-version-bump [--authindex <n>] [--solution <solution folder>]

Such command interactively ask for :

  1. Local solution's folder (if not provided on command line)
  2. Version bump strategy increment build version / increment revision version
  3. Authentication profile's index (if not provided on command line).
  4. Update online version with the same version of the local one


Unpack canvas app bundles (.msapp) contained in an exported solution


npx zx-unpack-msapps [--solution <solution folder>]

Such command interactively ask for :

  1. Solution's folder (if not provided on command line)
