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Releases: bstaple1/MTGA_Draft_17Lands


26 Jun 22:57
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  • Application updates will no longer reset the settings
  • The visibility of the Current Draft display, Deck Source options, Deck Filter options, and Refresh button can now be toggled in the settings menu
  • Columns 2-7 are now fully configurable
  • Table columns can no longer be resized manually
  • Opening duplicate windows is no longer possible
  • Colorless cards now have their own row color
  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect row colors with the color identity setting
  • Fixed a sealed card pool duplication bug
  • Added an About window (Help->About) that has links to Github and 17Lands
  • The Taken Cards window will automatically open when a sealed event is detected
  • Replaced the "Powered by 17Lands" label with a label displaying the Github project name
  • Modified the debug log entries
  • Adjusting the grades so that the mean is now a weak C+ instead of a C


12 May 22:06
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed a Scryfall data parsing issue affecting double-sided cards (Issue #30)

  • Modifications:

    • Linked the MOM and MUL sets to the MAT set (Issue #31)
    • Updated the sort order of identifiable sets in the set list to match 17Lands (MAT will be listed after MOM)
    • Improved troubleshooting by displaying the Arena ID for unidentified cards
  • New Feature: Added the ability to create a temporary set list file at ./Temp/temp_set_list.json for filling in missing sets


18 Apr 23:29
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  • Bug Fix: Fixed a Chrome extension issue that was preventing users from downloading their own tier lists while logged in to 17Lands (Issue #28)

  • Modifications:

    • Added retries to the set list download process
    • Users can now set the Arena log path through File->Open instead of using the -f CLI argument
    • The application will now store the Arena log path in the config.json file
    • Renamed the Chrome extension to "17Lands Tier Scraper"
  • New Feature: The Chrome extension will now download the tier list comments

    • The comments are listed at the bottom of the card tooltip
    • An asterisk next to the tier list grade will denote a card comment (*C+)


23 Mar 00:46
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  • Bug Fix: Fixing an Arena database parsing issue
  • Modified Feature: Linking the Shadows of the Past set to the Shadows over Innistrad Remastered set
  • Modified Feature: Making some adjustments to the UI elements


11 Dec 14:14
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  • Bug Fixes:

    • Some of the meld cards were missing from the BRO set
    • Opening the Deck Suggester would freeze the application if the user had a diverse card pool
    • The CMC was calculated incorrectly for some of the BRO artifact creatures
  • Modified Feature: Modified the auto filter logic


15 Nov 22:58
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  • Bug Fix: Removing problematic sections from the TierScraper17Lands manifest

  • Modified Feature: For all of the tables, the application will now retain the table sort order between picks and UI changes (enhancement #19)

  • Modified Feature: The application will now synchronize the Scryfall set list with the 17Lands set list

  • Modified Feature: Changed Games Not Drawn Win Rate to Games Not Seen Win Rate


09 Oct 00:40
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  • Bug Fixes:

    • Fixing the application auto-update feature - users will need to re-download the executable from Github
    • Fixing the DMU/Y23DMU set download issues
    • Modifying the Scryfall API processing logic (backup)
    • Fixing an image display issue with the card tooltips
  • New Feature: Added a UI Size setting in the settings menu


14 Sep 04:51
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  • Bug Fix: The application will use the UTF-8 codec when reading the Arena player.log file (Issue #17)

  • Bug Fix: Made some changes to address some text color and scaling issues (Issue #15)

    • The dark mode theme is disabled for Mac users
    • The config.json file has a scale_factor field that can be used to scale the application
  • Data Update: Added Games Drawn Win Rate and Number of Games Drawn data

  • Modified Feature: The application will now set the row color based on a card's mana cost, ignoring kicker and ability costs (Issue #16)

  • Modified Feature: The Auto filter is now capable of identifying decks with 3-colors

  • New Feature: The new Enable Color Identity setting can be used to toggle a card's listed colors

    • Enabling this setting will display the mana symbols from the card's mana cost AND ability/kicker cost
  • New Feature: The Taken Cards window now has card-type filters (i.e., Creature, Lands, Instants/Sorceries, and Other)


25 Aug 11:57
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  • Data Update: Added support for the Arena Cube

    • The set option is located at the bottom of the set list
  • New Feature: Added card grades (see the Win Rate Grades section of the README)

  • New Feature: Chrome extension now adds a label text box to the tier list page

  • Modified Feature: Modified the card rating calculation (see the Win Rate Ratings section of the README)

  • Modified Feature: The set list will no longer contain unreleased sets

    • The application will automatically list a set once it's released
  • Modified Feature: Tier list data will now be displayed as grades

  • Modified Features: Removed/disabled the curve and color bonuses

    • These features will be readded once they are modified to function with the new ratings/grades/win rate options
  • UI Updates:

    • The tooltips will no longer appear off-screen
    • The Set Data window will now display the status during the build process
    • Fixed various table formatting issues


16 Aug 23:07
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  • Bug Fix: The application can now re-detect an active draft if Arena is closed mid-draft (Issue #13)

  • Bug Fix: The Copy to Clipboard buttons will now work with Arena and

  • Data Update: The application now supports the remastered Amonkhet and Kaladesh sets

  • Data Update: The application will now collect all of the fields listed on the page (excluding rarity,# Seen, and #Picked)

  • UI Updates:

    • The application is now using a dark mode theme
    • The tooltip has been reworked to better display the card data
    • The row colors can now be toggled using the Enable Card Colors setting (default: disabled)
    • The Taken table layout has been reworked
    • The ratings feature can now be toggled using the Win Rate Format setting (default: percentage)
    • Three configurable columns have been added (default: disabled)
    • The Deck Filter drop-down has been detached from the column drop-downs and now sets the filter value for all of the fields in a table (no more All GIHWR or All ALSA)
    • Tables can be sorted by clicking on the column header