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donotdespair committed Oct 5, 2022
1 parent 75768ef commit 9a5b64c
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Showing 2 changed files with 191 additions and 0 deletions.
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions src/forecast.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@

#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include "sample.h"

using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace arma;

// [[Rcpp::interfaces(cpp)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List forecast_bsvar (
arma::cube& posterior_B, // (N, N, S)
arma::cube& posterior_A, // (N, K, S)
arma::vec& X_T, // (K)
const int horizon
) {

const int N = posterior_B.n_rows;
const int S = posterior_B.n_slices;
const int K = posterior_A.n_cols;
const int p = (K - 1) / N;

cube forecasts(N, horizon, S);
vec one(1, fill::value(1));

for (int s=0; s<S; s++) {

vec x_t = X_T.rows(0, K - 2);
vec Xt = join_cols(x_t, one);

mat Sigma = inv_sympd(trans(posterior_B.slice(s)) * posterior_B.slice(s));

for (int h=1; h<horizon + 1; h++) {
forecasts.slice(s).col(horizon) = mvnrnd( posterior_A.slice(s) * Xt, Sigma );
Xt = join_cols(forecasts.slice(s).col(horizon), Xt.rows(N, K-2), one);

} // END h loop
} // END s loop

return List::create(
_["forecasts"] = forecasts
} // END forecast_bsvar

// [[Rcpp::interfaces(cpp)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List forecast_bsvar_msh (
arma::cube& posterior_B, // (N, N, S)
arma::cube& posterior_A, // (N, K, S)
arma::cube& posterior_sigma2, // (N, M, S)
arma::cube& posterior_PR_TR, // (M, M, S)
arma::vec& X_T, // (K)
arma::vec& S_T, // (M)
const int horizon
) {

const int N = posterior_B.n_rows;
const int M = posterior_PR_TR.n_rows;
const int S = posterior_B.n_slices;
const int K = posterior_A.n_cols;
const int p = (K - 1) / N;

cube forecasts(N, horizon, S);
cube forecasts_sigma2(N, horizon, S);
vec one(1, fill::value(1));

for (int s=0; s<S; s++) {

vec x_t = X_T.rows(0, K - 2);
vec Xt = join_cols(x_t, one);

mat B_inv = inv(posterior_B.slice(s));
vec PR_ST = S_T;
NumericVector zeroM = wrap(seq_len(M) - 1);

int St(M);
mat Sigma(N, N);

for (int h=1; h<horizon + 1; h++) {

PR_ST = trans(posterior_PR_TR.slice(s)) * PR_ST;
St = csample_num1(zeroM, wrap(PR_ST));
forecasts_sigma2.slice(s).col(horizon) = posterior_sigma2.slice(s).col(St);

Sigma = B_inv * diagmat(forecasts_sigma2.slice(s).col(horizon)) * B_inv.t();
forecasts.slice(s).col(horizon) = mvnrnd( posterior_A.slice(s) * Xt, Sigma );
Xt = join_cols(forecasts.slice(s).col(horizon), Xt.rows(N, K-2), one);

} // END h loop
} // END s loop

return List::create(
_["forecasts"] = forecasts,
_["forecasts_sigma"] = sqrt(forecasts_sigma2)
} // END forecast_bsvar_msh

// [[Rcpp::interfaces(cpp)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List forecast_bsvar_sv (
arma::cube& posterior_B, // (N, N, S)
arma::cube& posterior_A, // (N, K, S)
arma::cube& posterior_h_T, // NxS
arma::mat& posterior_rho, // NxS
arma::mat& posterior_omega, // NxS
arma::vec& X_T, // (K)
const int horizon
) {

const int N = posterior_B.n_rows;
const int S = posterior_B.n_slices;
const int K = posterior_A.n_cols;
const int p = (K - 1) / N;

cube forecasts(N, horizon, S);
cube forecasts_sigma2(N, horizon, S);
vec one(1, fill::value(1));

for (int s=0; s<S; s++) {

vec x_t = X_T.rows(0, K - 2);
vec Xt = join_cols(x_t, one);
vec ht = posterior_h_T;

mat B_inv = inv(posterior_B.slice(s));
mat Sigma(N, N);
double xx = 0;

for (int h=1; h<horizon + 1; h++) {

for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {
xx = randn();
ht(n) = posterior_omega(n, s) * (posterior_rho(n, s) * ht(n) + xx);
forecasts_sigma2(n, horizon, s) = exp(ht(n));

Sigma = B_inv * diagmat(forecasts_sigma2.slice(s).col(horizon)) * B_inv.t();
forecasts.slice(s).col(horizon) = mvnrnd( posterior_A.slice(s) * Xt, Sigma );
Xt = join_cols(forecasts.slice(s).col(horizon), Xt.rows(N, K-2), one);

} // END h loop
} // END s loop

return List::create(
_["forecasts"] = forecasts,
_["forecasts_sigma"] = sqrt(forecasts_sigma2)
} // END forecast_bsvar_sv
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions src/forecast.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@

#ifndef _FORECAST_H_
#define _FORECAST_H_

#include <RcppArmadillo.h>

Rcpp::List forecast_bsvar (
arma::cube& posterior_B, // (N, N, S)
arma::cube& posterior_A, // (N, K, S)
arma::vec& X_T, // (K)
const int horizon

Rcpp::List forecast_bsvar_msh (
arma::cube& posterior_B, // (N, N, S)
arma::cube& posterior_A, // (N, K, S)
arma::cube& posterior_sigma2, // (N, M, S)
arma::cube& posterior_PR_TR, // (M, M, S)
arma::vec& X_T, // (K)
arma::vec& S_T, // (M)
const int horizon

Rcpp::List forecast_bsvar_sv (
arma::cube& posterior_B, // (N, N, S)
arma::cube& posterior_A, // (N, K, S)
arma::cube& posterior_h_T, // NxS
arma::mat& posterior_rho, // NxS
arma::mat& posterior_omega, // NxS
arma::vec& X_T, // (K)
const int horizon

#endif // _BSVARTOOLS_H_

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