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+ mv normal density ordinate with location and chol precision
+ quite developed verify_autoregressive_cpp NOT FINISHED
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donotdespair committed Nov 9, 2023
1 parent a3f8df7 commit a6fd2d6
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Showing 2 changed files with 123 additions and 2 deletions.
106 changes: 105 additions & 1 deletion src/verify.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -239,4 +239,108 @@ Rcpp::List verify_volatility_msh_cpp (
_["se_components"] = se_components
} // END verify_volatility_msh_cpp
} // END verify_volatility_msh_cpp

// [[Rcpp::interfaces(cpp)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double dmvnorm_chol_precision (
const arma::rowvec& x,
const arma::rowvec& location,
const arma::mat& chol_precision,
const bool logarithm = true
) {
// computes the density of a multivariate normal distribution with location
// the Cholesky decomposition of precision matrix

const int N = x.n_elem;
const double log2pi = std::log(2.0 * M_PI);

double val;
double sign;
log_det(val, sign, chol_precision);

double const_norm = -0.5 * N * log2pi + val;

vec quad_tmp = trans(x * chol_precision) - solve(chol_precision, trans(location));
double kernel_norm = -0.5 * as_scalar(trans(quad_tmp) * quad_tmp);
double out = const_norm + kernel_norm;

if ( !logarithm ) {
out = exp(out);
return out;
} // END dmvnorm_precision

// [[Rcpp::interfaces(cpp)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List verify_autoregressive_cpp (
const arma::mat& hypothesis, // an NxK matrix of values under the null; value 99 stands for not verivied
const Rcpp::List& posterior, // a list of posteriors
const Rcpp::List& prior, // a list of priors - original dimensions
const arma::mat& Y, // NxT dependent variables
const arma::mat& X // KxT explanatory variables
) {

// hypothesis

cube posterior_A = posterior["A"];
cube posterior_B = posterior["B"];
cube posterior_hyper = posterior["hyper"];

double prior_hyper_nu_A = as<double>(prior["hyper_nu_A"]);
double prior_hyper_a_A = as<double>(prior["hyper_a_A"]);
double prior_hyper_s_AA = as<double>(prior["hyper_s_AA"]);
double prior_hyper_nu_AA = as<double>(prior["hyper_nu_AA"]);

mat prior_A = as<mat>(prior["A"]);
mat prior_A_V_inv = as<mat>(prior["A_V_inv"]);

const int N = posterior_A.n_rows;
const int K = posterior_A.n_cols;
const int S = posterior_A.n_slices;
const double log2pi = std::log(2.0 * M_PI);

mat prior_A_mean = as<mat>(prior["A"]);
mat prior_A_Vinv = as<mat>(prior["A_V_inv"]);
rowvec zerosA(K);

// compute denominator
mat hyper_sample(2 * N + 1, S);
hyper_sample.row(2 * N) = trans(prior_hyper_s_AA / chi2rnd( prior_hyper_nu_AA, S ));

mat log_denominator_s(N, S);
for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {
for (int s=0; s<S; s++) {
double gamma_draw = randg( distr_param(prior_hyper_a_A, hyper_sample(2 * N, s)) );
hyper_sample(N + n, s) = gamma_draw;
hyper_sample(n, s) = gamma_draw / chi2rnd( prior_hyper_nu_A );

double const_prior = - 0.5 * K * ( log2pi + log(hyper_sample(n, s)) );
double kernel_prior = - 0.5 * pow(hyper_sample(n, s), -1) * as_scalar( (hypothesis.row(n) - prior_A.row(n)) * trans((hypothesis.row(n) - prior_A.row(n))) );

log_denominator_s(n, s) = const_prior + kernel_prior;
} // END s loop
} // END n loop

// compute numerator
mat log_numerator_s(N, S);
for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {
for (int s=0; s<S; s++) {
mat A0 = posterior_A.slice(s);
A0.row(n) = zerosA;
vec zn = vectorise( posterior_B.slice(s) * (Y - A0 * X) );
mat Wn = kron( trans(X), posterior_B.slice(s).col(n) );

mat precision = (pow(posterior_hyper(n,1,s), -1) * prior_A_Vinv) + trans(Wn) * Wn;
rowvec location = prior_A_mean.row(n) * (pow(posterior_hyper(n,1,s), -1) * prior_A_Vinv) + trans(zn) * Wn;
mat precision_chol = trimatu(chol(precision));

log_numerator_s(n,s) = dmvnorm_chol_precision( hypothesis.row(n), location, precision_chol, true );
} // END s loop
} // END n loop

} // END verify_autoregressive_cpp
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion src/verify.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,24 @@ Rcpp::List verify_volatility_msh_cpp (
const Rcpp::List& posterior, // a list of posteriors
const Rcpp::List& prior, // a list of priors - original dimensions
const arma::mat& Y, // NxT dependent variables
const arma::mat& X // KxT explanatory variables
const arma::mat& X // KxT explanatory variables

double dmvnorm_precision (
const arma::rowvec& x,
const arma::rowvec& mean,
const arma::mat& precision,
const bool logarithm = true

Rcpp::List verify_autoregressive_cpp (
const arma::mat& hypothesis, // an NxK matrix of values under the null; value 99 stands for not verivied
const Rcpp::List& posterior, // a list of posteriors
const Rcpp::List& prior, // a list of priors - original dimensions
const arma::mat& Y, // NxT dependent variables
const arma::mat& X // KxT explanatory variables

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