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An interpreted language designed for WinAPI.

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An interpreted language designed for WinAPI.



  • 64bit Windows OS (for the proper WinAPI libraries)
  • 64bit GCC compiler
  • Go for Windows
  • make for Windows

If you have make, just do make. Or run the build command in the Makefile.

To run a script, do slew.exe <file>.

To create an executable, do slew.exe -o <output> <file>.

Run without arguments to start the REPL.

Basic Examples

Hello, world!

console.Println("Hello, world!"); // output: Hello, world!


console.Println(5, -23.58, true, false);
    prop1: "value",
    "another property": 27
console.Println([1, 2, "hello", 6, ["a", "b"]]);

/* output:

5 -23.58 1 0
{prop1:value,another property:27}



a := 5; // use := to declare a variable in a new scope
b := 6;

a = a + b; // use = to set a previously declared variable


b = 10;
a = a + b;
console.Println(a, b);

/* output:

21 10


If/else statements

if (5 % 2 == 0) {
    console.Println("5 is divisible by two");
} else if (7 % 2 == 0) {
    console.Println("7 is divisible by two");
} else {
    console.Println("neither 5 nor 7 is divisible by two");

// output: neither 5 nor 7 is divisible by two

Ternary operator

console.Println(2 + 3 == 5 && 6 - 1 == 5 ? "yes" : "no"); // output: yes


for (i := 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    if (i > 0) {
        console.Print(", ")


i := 0;
while (i++ < 10) {
    console.Print(i + " ");

/* output:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



func fib(n) {
    return n < 2 ? n : fib(--n) + fib(--n);


args := func() {
    for (i := 0; i < len(arguments); ++i) {
        console.Print(arguments[i] + " ");

args(1, 2, "three", 4);

obj := {
    method: func() {
    something: "this is something",


/* output:

1 2 three 4
this is something



a := "thing";
a[0] = "somet";

a += '\x31\u03BC\n"something":\t世界\n';

for (i := 0; i < len(a); ++i) {

/* output:

"something":    世界



a := {
    "uno one": 1,
    "dos": {
        test: 2, // trailing comma is allowed

if (a.dos.test == a["dos"]["test"]) {
    console.Println(a["uno one"]);

// output: 1

Find more examples here.



true - Alternative to the number 1.

false - Alternative to the number 0.


  • Returns the length of the given variable.
  • If the argument is of type array, the return value is the number of variables in the array.
  • If the argument is of type object, the return value is the number of key/value pairs in the object.
  • If the argument is of type string, the return value is the number of characters in the string excluding the null-terminator.


  • Returns the type of var as a string.


  • Returns a copy of var.



.Each(arr, callback)

  • For each variable in arr, the callback is called with (variable, index). If the callback returns a non-zero value, the loop breaks. No return value.

.Find(arr, callback)

  • For each variable in arr, the callback is called with (variable, index) until callback returns a non-zero value. Returns the found variable.

.Insert(arr, index, var [, var...])

  • Inserts variable(s) at the specified index in arr. Returns the new length of arr.


  • Pops off the last variable in arr and returns it.

.Push(arr, var [, var...])

  • Pushes variable(s) to the back of arr. Returns the new length of arr.

.Remove(arr, index)

  • Removes the variable at index in arr and returns it.

.Sort(arr, comparison)

  • Sorts arr by using comparison. The comparison function should expect to be called with (a,b) where a and b are variables needed to be sorted. The comparison function should return a positive number if a should shift right or a negative number if a should shift left.

  • No return value.


.Print(var [, var...])

  • Prints the variable(s) to stdout. No return value.

.Println(var [, var...])

  • Prints the variables(s) to stdout and prints a newline. No return value.


  • Reads from stdin until a newline character. Returns the read buffer as a string.


  • Clears the console. No return value.



  • Returns the current time in milliseconds.


  • Returns an object containing the following properties about the system time.
    • .Milliseconds - The millisecond (0-999).
    • .Seconds - The second (0-59).
    • .Minute - The minute (0-59).
    • .Hour - The hour (0-23).
    • .Day - The day of the month (1-31).
    • .DayOfWeek - The day of the week (0-6) where 0 is Sunday and 6 is Saturday.
    • .Month - The month (1-12) where 1 is January and 12 is December.
    • .Year - The year (1601-30827).


.Stderr - The file object for stderr.

.Stdin - The file object for stdin.

.Stdout - The file object for stdout.

.Open(file [, flags [, perm]])


  • Removes the named file or (empty) directory. No return value on success or the file path that caused an error.


  • Removes path and any children it contains. No return value on success or the file path that caused an error.

File Object


  • Closes the handle to the file. No return value.


  • Reads up to n bytes from the file and returns an array of byte containing the read buffer.

.ReadAt(n, off)

  • Reads up to n bytes from the file starting at byte offset off and returns an array of byte containing the read buffer.

.Seek(offset, whence)

  • Sets the offset for the next Read or Write on file to offset.
  • whence must be one of the following values:
    • file.SEEK_SET - Seek relative to the origin of the file.
    • file.SEEK_CUR - Seek relative to the current offset.
    • file.SEEK_END - Seek relative to the end of the file.



  • Writes an array of byte or a string to the file and returns the number of bytes written.

.WriteAt([bytes|string], off)

  • Writes an array of byte or a string to the file at byte offset off and returns the number of bytes written.

File Info Object

  • .Name - The base name of the file.
  • .Size - The size of the file in bytes.
  • .Mode - The file mode bits.
  • .ModTime - The modification time.
  • .IsDir - Boolean value for whether the file is a directory.



  • Sends a GET request to url. Returns the body of the HTTP response.


  • Does the specified HTTP request. Returns an object containing the Body and Status of the HTTP response.
  • req must be an object with the following properties:
    • Body
      • The body of the request.
    • Headers
      • An object of headers in the form of Header:Value .
    • Method
      • The method of request.
    • URL
      • The URL that receives the request.
  • Example:
resp := http.Request({
    URL: "",
    Body: "some text for the body",
    Method: "POST",
    Headers: {
        Authorization: "Basic 123454321"

console.Println("Status: " + resp.Status + "\nBody: " + resp.Body);


.IsKeyDown(key [, key...])

  • Returns a non-zero value if all specified keys are pressed.

.KeyDown(key [, key...])

  • Sends a global keydown event for the specified keys. No return value.

.KeyUp(key [, key...])

  • Sends a global keyup event for the specified keys. No return value.


  • On every global keydown event, callback is called with (key). No return value.


  • On every global keyup event, callback is called with (key). No return value.


  • Sends a keydown and keyup event for each key specified in keys.
  • keys is a string representing the keys (not keycodes) to be pressed.
  • Example:
    • input.SendKeys("hello world");



  • Returns the string JSON format of var.


  • Returns the variable format of the string JSON input.


.DEG_RAD - Number of degrees per radian.

.E - Euler's constant and the base of natural logarithms, approximately 2.718.

.LN10 - Natural logarithm of 10, approximately 2.303.

.LN2 - Natural logarithm of 2, approximately 0.693.

.LOG10E - Base 10 logarithm of E, approximately 0.434.

.LOG2E - Base 2 logarithm of E, approximately 1.443.

.PHI - The golden ratio, approximately 1.618.

.PI - Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.14159.

.RAD_DEG - Number of radians per degree.

.SQRT1_2 - Square root of 1/2, approximately 0.707.

.SQRT2 - Square root of 2, approximately 1.414.


  • Returns the absolute value of x.


  • Returns the arccosine of x.


  • Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of x.


  • Returns the arcsine of x.


  • Returns the arctangent of x.

.Atan2(y, x)

  • Returns the arctangent of the quotient of y and x.


  • Returns the cube root of x.


  • Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to x.


  • Returns the cosine of x.


  • Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.


  • Returns E (Euler's constant) to the power of x.


  • Returns subtracting 1 from math.Exp(x).


  • Returns the largest integer less than or equal to x.

.Hypot([x, [, y...]])

  • Returns the square root of the sum of squares of the arguments.


  • Returns the natural logarithm of x.


  • Returns the base 10 logarithm of x.


  • Returns the natural logarithm of 1 + x.


  • Returns the base 2 logarithm of x.

.Max([x, [, y...])

  • Returns the largest of zero or more arguments.

.Min([x, [, y...])

  • Returns the smallest of zero or more arguments.

.Pow(x, y)

  • Returns x to the power of y.


  • Returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.


  • Returns the value of x rounded to the nearest integer.


  • Returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on the sign of x.


  • Returns the sine of x.


  • Returns the hyperbolic sine of x.


  • Returns the positive square root of x.


  • Returns the tangent of x.


  • Returns the hyperbolic tangent of x.


  • Returns the integer part of x, removing any fractional digits.


.ToString(number [, base])

  • Returns the base 10, or specified base, string representation of number.

.FromString(string [, base])

  • Returns the base 10, or specified base, number converted from its string representation.


  • Returns an array of byte representing the 16bit integer in little-endian format.


  • Returns an array of byte representing the 16bit unsigned integer in little-endian format.

.ToInt32Bytes(number), .ToIntBytes(number)

  • Returns an array of byte representing the 32bit integer in little-endian format.

.ToUint32Bytes(number), .ToUintBytes(number)

  • Returns an array of byte representing the 32bit unsigned integer in little-endian format.


  • Returns an array of byte representing the 64bit integer in little-endian format.


  • Returns an array of byte representing the 64bit unsigned integer in little-endian format.

.ToFloat32Bytes(number), .ToFloatBytes(number)

  • Returns an array of byte representing the 32bit float.

.ToFloat64Bytes(number), .ToDoubleBytes(number)

  • Returns an array of byte representing the 64bit float.


  • Converts an array of 2 bytes to a 16bit integer and returns the result.


  • Converts an array of 2 bytes to a 16bit unsigned integer and returns the result.

.FromInt32Bytes(bytes), .FromIntBytes(bytes)

  • Converts an array of 4 bytes to a 32bit integer and returns the result.

.FromUint32Bytes(bytes), .FromUintBytes(bytes)

  • Converts an array of 4 bytes to a 32bit unsigned integer and returns the result.


  • Converts an array of 8 bytes to a 64bit integer and returns the result.


  • Converts an array of 8 bytes to a 64bit unsigned integer and returns the result.

.FromFloat32Bytes(bytes), .FromFloatBytes(bytes)

  • Converts an array of 4 bytes to a 32bit float and returns the result.

.FromFloat64Bytes(bytes), .FromDoubleBytes(bytes)

  • Converts an array of 8 bytes to a 64bit float and returns the result.



  • Returns an array of all the keys in object.



  • Returns a process object of the specified process found either by name or process identifier.


  • Returns an array of all system processes, each with the following properties:
    • .Id
      • The identifier of the process.e
    • .Name
      • The name of the process.
    • .ParentId
      • The identifier of the process that created this process (its parent process).
    • .PriClassBase
      • The base priority of any threads created by this process.
    • .Threads
      • The number of execution threads at the time process.List() was called.


Process Object

  • .Handle - The Windows handle to the process.
  • .Id - The identifier of the process.
  • .Name - The name of the process.
  • .ParentId - The identifier of the process that created this process (its parent process).
  • .Path - The full path for the executable of the process.
  • .PriClassBase - The base priority of any threads created by this process.
  • .Wow64 - Boolean value that indicates whether the process is running under WOW64 (32bit process).
  • .Alloc(size [, allocType [, protect]])
    • Allocates a region of memory of size in the process and sets it to zero.
    • allocType is the type of memory allocation (default process.MEM_COMMIT | process.MEM_RESERVE). It must contain one of the following values:
      • process.MEM_COMMIT
      • process.MEM_RESERVE
      • Optional:
      • process.MEM_LARGE_PAGES
      • process.MEM_PHYSICAL
      • process.MEM_TOP_DOWN
    • protect is the memory protection for the region of pages to be allocated (default process.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE). It can be any of the memory protection constants.
    • Returns the base address of the allocated region.
  • .Call(address [, flags [, args...]])
    • Calls a compiled function in the process at address.
    • flags specifies the type of function to call.
      • Calling conventions for a WOW64 or 32bit process (default process.FUNC_CDECL)
        • process.FUNC_CDECL
        • process.FUNC_STDCALL
        • process.FUNC_FASTCALL
        • process.FUNC_THISCALL
      • Note: for a 64bit process, __fastcall is the only calling convention so no calling convention flag needs to be specified.
      • Return types (default process.FUNC_RET_INT32):
        • process.FUNC_RET_INT32, process.FUNC_RET_INT
        • process.FUNC_RET_INT64
        • process.FUNC_RET_FLOAT32, process.FUNC_RET_FLOAT
        • process.FUNC_RET_FLOAT64
        • process.FUNC_RET_NONE
        • Optional (combine to specify an array of byte instead of numerical value):
          • process.FUNC_RET_RAW
    • args are the arguments to pass to the function. They must be objects containing a key/value pair for Type and Value.
      • Type specifies the type of argument and can be any one of the following values:
        • process.ARG_INT8
        • process.ARG_INT16
        • process.ARG_INT32, process.ARG_INT
        • process.ARG_INT64
        • process.ARG_FLOAT32, process.ARG_FLOAT
        • process.ARG_FLOAT64
        • Optional (combine to specify an array of byte instead of numerical value):
          • process.ARG_RAW
      • Value can be any number value corresponding to Type unless process.ARG_RAW is specified. If process.ARG_RAW is specified, Value must be an array of bytes corresponding to the argument's type.
    • Returns the specified return value once the virtual thread is complete. If process.FUNC_RET_NONE is given, then the function returns immediately.
    • Example:
p := process.Open("test.exe"); // test.exe is a 32bit process

ret := p.Call(
    process.FUNC_STDCALL | process.FUNC_RET_FLOAT32,
    { Type: process.ARG_FLOAT64, Value: 12.21 },
    { Type: process.ARG_INT32 | process.ARG_RAW, Value: [ 32, 0, 0, 0 ]}

  • .Close()
    • Closes the Windows handle associated with the process. No return value.
  • .Exit([exitCode])
    • Terminates the process with an optional exit code (default 0). No return value.
  • .FindPattern(pattern [, mask])
    • Finds a byte pattern in the virtual memory of the process and returns the base address of the first match.
    • If mask is not specified, pattern must be one of the following:
      • A string with a two character hex representation for each known byte and ?? for each unknown byte. Spaces are automatically ignored. Example:
        • p.FindPattern("12 43 5A 68 1F ?? ?? 59 23 ?? 0F");
      • An array of byte with no unknown bytes. Example:
        • p.FindPattern([0x59, 0x5A, 0x34, 0x5F, 0x9B]);
    • If mask is specified, pattern must be an array of byte or a string that will be treated as an array of byte. mask must be a string with an x for a known byte and any other ASCII character for an unknown byte. Examples:
      • p.FindPattern("\x12\x43\x5A\x68\x1F", "xx??x");
      • p.FindPattern([0x12, 0x43, 0x5A, 0x68, 0x1F], "xx??x");
  • .Free(address, [, size [, freeType]])
    • Frees a region of memory in the process.
    • If freeType is process.MEM_RELEASE, then size must be zero (default 0).
    • freeType can be one of the following values (default process.MEM_RELEASE):
      • process.MEM_DECOMMIT
      • process.MEM_RELEASE
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .GetProcAddress(module, proc)
    • Returns the address of the specified procedure in module in the process.
    • This is the C equivalent of GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA(module), proc); in the address space of the process.
    • Example:
      • p.GetProcAddress("kernel32.dll", "LoadLibraryA");
  • .Hook(address, flags, args, handler)
    • Hooks a compiled function in the process at address and routes it handler.
    • flags specifies the type of function to hook.
      • Calling conventions for a WOW64 or 32bit process (default process.FUNC_CDECL)
        • process.FUNC_CDECL
        • process.FUNC_STDCALL
        • process.FUNC_FASTCALL
        • process.FUNC_THISCALL
      • Note: for a 64bit process, __fastcall is the only calling convention so no calling convention flag needs to be specified.
      • Return types (default process.FUNC_RET_INT32):
        • process.FUNC_RET_INT32, process.FUNC_RET_INT
        • process.FUNC_RET_INT64
        • process.FUNC_RET_FLOAT32, process.FUNC_RET_FLOAT
        • process.FUNC_RET_FLOAT64
        • Optional (Combine if handler will return an array of byte instead of the numerical value):
          • process.FUNC_RET_RAW
    • args is an array of argument flags that specifies the arguments to expect.
      • process.ARG_INT8
        • process.ARG_INT16
        • process.ARG_INT32, process.ARG_INT
        • process.ARG_INT64
        • process.ARG_FLOAT32, process.ARG_FLOAT
        • process.ARG_FLOAT64
        • Optional (Combine to receive an array of byte instead of the numerical value when called):
          • process.ARG_RAW
    • handler is the function that the hooked function at address will be routed to.
      • The return value of handler must be a number corresponding to the specified return type in flags since it will be used as the hooked function's new return value.
      • The this object in handler's scope will be the corresponding hook object.
    • The return value is the corresponding hook object.
    • Example:
p := process.Open("test.exe"); // test.exe is a 32bit process
addr := 0xBEEF;
p.Hook(addr, process.FUNC_CDECL | process.FUNC_RET_INT32, [process.ARG_INT32, process.ARG_INT32], func(a, b) {
    ret := p.Call(addr, process.FUNC_CDECL | process.FUNC_RET_INT32,
        Type: process.ARG_INT32,
        Value: a
        Type: process.ARG_INT32,
        Value: b

    console.Println("actual ret: " + ret);
    return a*b;

for (;;) { thread.Sleep(100000); }
  • .LoadLibrary(library)
    • Loads the specified module into the address space of the process. No return value.
    • This is the C equivalent of LoadLibraryA(library); in the address space of the process.
  • .Modules([name])
    • Returns an array of module object for each module or the specified module in the process.
  • .Protect(address, size, protect)
    • Changes the protection on a region of committed pages in the virtual address space of the process from address to address+size. Returns the previous protection of the first page in the specified region of pages.
    • protect can be any of the memory protection constants.
  • .Read(address, size)
    • Returns an array of byte of size at the specified address.
  • .ReadFloat32(address), .ReadFloat(address)
    • Returns the 32bit float representation of the 4 bytes at address.
  • .ReadFloat64(address), .ReadDouble(address)
    • Returns the 64bit float representation of the 8 bytes at address.
  • .ReadInt16(address)
    • Returns the 16bit float representation of the 2 bytes at address.
  • .ReadInt32(address), .ReadInt(address)
    • Returns the 32bit integer representation of the 4 bytes at address.
  • .ReadInt64(address)
    • Returns the 64bit integer representation of the 8 bytes at address.
  • .ReadPointer([offset...])
    • Follows the specified offset list and returns the final pointer.
  • .ReadString(address), .ReadString8(address)
    • Returns the ASCII string at address. The length is determined by finding a null-terminator.
  • .ReadString16(address)
    • Returns the Unicode string at address. The length is determined by finding a null-terminator.
  • .ReadUint16(address)
    • Returns the 16bit unsigned integer representation of the 2 bytes at address.
  • .ReadUint32(address), .ReadUint(address)
    • Returns the 32bit unsigned integer representation of the 4 bytes at address.
  • .ReadUint64(address)
    • Returns the 64bit unsigned integer representation of the 8 bytes at address.
  • .Resume()
    • Resumes execution of the process.
  • .Suspend()
    • Suspends execution of the process.
  • .Threads()
    • Returns an array of thread object for each execution thread in the process.
  • .Windows()
    • Returns an array of window object for each window created by the process.
  • .Write(address, bytes)
    • Writes an array of byte to address.
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .WriteFloat32(address, float32), .WriteFloat(address, float)
    • Writes a 32bit float to address.
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .WriteFloat64(address, float64), .WriteDouble(address, double)
    • Writes a 64bit float to address.
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .WriteInt16(address, int16)
    • Writes a 16bit integer to address.
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .WriteInt32(address, int32), .WriteInt(address, int)
    • Writes a 32bit integer to address.
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .WriteInt64(address, int64)
    • Writes a 64bit integer to address.
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .WriteString(address, string), .WriteString8(address, string)
    • Writes an ASCII string to address (including null-terminator).
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .WriteString16(address, string)
    • Writes a Unicode string to address (including null-terminator).
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .WriteUint16(address, uint16)
    • Writes a 16bit unsigned integer to address.
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .WriteUint32(address, uint32), .WriteUint(address, uint)
    • Writes a 32bit unsigned integer to address.
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .WriteUint64(address, uint64)
    • Writes a 64bit unsigned integer to address.
    • Returns a non-zero value on success.

Module Object

  • .Base - The base address of the module in the address space of the process.
  • .Name - The name of the module.
  • .Size - The size of the module in bytes.

Thread Object

  • .CreationTime - The creation time of the thread in 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).
  • .Id - The identifier of the thread.
  • .Owner - The identifier of the process that created the thread.
  • .Priority - The kernel base priority level assigned to the thread.
  • .Stack - The address of the bottom of the thread's stack.
  • .Resume()
    • Resumes execution of the thread. Returns a non-zero value on success.
  • .Suspend()
    • Suspends execution of the thread. Returns a non-zero value on success.

Window Object

  • .Class - The window's class.
  • .Handle - The handle associated with the window.
  • .Parent - The window object of the window's parent.
  • .ProcessId - The process ID that created the window.
  • .ThreadId - The thread ID that created the window.
  • .Children()
  • .Focus()
    • Sets focus to the window.
  • .Hide()
    • Hides the window.
  • .Maximize()
    • Maximizes the window.
  • .Minimize()
    • Minimizes the window.
  • .Position([x, y])
    • Returns the position of the window as an object with X and Y properties.
    • If x and y are specified, it sets the window's position to (x, y).
  • .Show()
    • Shows the window.
  • .Size([width, height])
    • Returns the dimensions of the window as an object with Width and Height properties.
    • If width and height are specified, it resizes the window to width by height.
  • .Title([title])
    • Returns the window's title.
    • If title is specified, it sets the window's title to title.

Hook Object

  • .Address - The address of the hooked function.

  • .Hook()

    • Hooks the corresponding function.
  • .Unhook()

    • Unhooks the corresponding function.
  • .Free()

    • Unhooks the corresponding function and frees the generated procedures in memory.

Memory Protection Constants (full doc)

  • process.PAGE_EXECUTE_READ - Enables execute or read-only access to the committed region of pages.
  • process.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE - Enables execute, read-only, or read/write access to the committed region of pages.
  • process.PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY - Enables execute, read-only, or copy-on-write access to a mapped view of a file mapping object.
  • process.PAGE_EXECUTE - Enables execute access to the committed region of pages.
  • process.PAGE_GUARD - Pages in the region become guard pages.
  • process.PAGE_NOACCESS - Disables all access to the committed region of pages.
  • process.PAGE_NOCACHE - Sets all pages to be non-cachable.
  • process.PAGE_READONLY - Enables read-only access to the committed region of pages.
  • process.PAGE_READWRITE - Enables read-only or read/write access to the committed region of pages.
  • process.PAGE_TARGETS_INVALID - Sets all locations in th epages as invalid targets for CFG.
  • process.PAGE_TARGETS_NO_UPDATE - Pages in the region will not have their CFG information updated while the protection changes.
  • process.PAGE_WRITECOMBINE - Sets all pages to be write-combined.
  • process.PAGE_WRITECOPY - Allows views to be mapped for read-only, copy-on-write, or execute access.


.Find(string, regex)

  • Returns all matches of regex in string.

.FindIndex(string, regex)

  • Returns an array of an array of two indexes representing each match of regex.
  • The first index is the start of the match, and the second index is the end of the match.

.Match(string, regex)

  • Returns a non-zero value if string contains any match of regex.

.Replace(string, regex, replacement [, count])

  • Returns string with all (or specified count) matches of regex replaced with replacement.

.Split(string, regex [,count])

  • Slices string into substrings separated by all (or specified by count) matches of regex and returns an array of the substrings between the matches.


.CharCodeAt(string, index)

  • Returns the character code at index in string.

.Contains(string, substring)

  • Returns a non-zero value if string contains substring.

.FromCharCode(code [, code...])

  • Returns a string created from the specified character codes.

.FromNumber(number [, base])

  • Returns the base 10, or specified base, string representation of number.

.IndexOf(string, substring)

  • Returns the first index of substring in string.

.LastIndexOf(string, substring)

  • Returns the last index of substring in string.

.Replace(string, substring, replacement [, count])

  • Replaces all (or count) occurrences of substring in string with replacement and returns the result.

.Slice(string, start [, end])

  • Returns a substring of string from start to end.
  • If end is not specified, end is the length of the string.
  • If end is negative, end is length + end.

.Split(string, delimiter)

  • Returns an array of substrings from string that were between delimiter.


  • Returns string to lowercase


  • Returns string to lowercase


  • Returns string to uppercase

.Trim(string , [cutset])

  • Returns string with whitespace removed from both sides.
  • If cutset is specified, all characters in the string cutset will be removed from both sides of string.



  • Creates a new thread that executes callback.


  • Halts execution of the calling thread for ms milliseconds.




  • Returns an array of window object for every top-level window on the screen.


An interpreted language designed for WinAPI.






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