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Introduction to the Service IDL

This document provides an introduction to the Service IDL.

Basic idea of the Service IDL

The idea of the Service IDL is to provide the means to define Service APIs. We use the term "Service API" to denote APIs that are aimed at remote usage, i.e. between different machines or different processes on the same machine. Service APIs are therefore to be distinguished from object-oriented APIs that are intended for local, intra-process usage only. However, Service APIs should provide location transparency, i.e. the direct user should not know whether the provider is located in the same process, a different process on the same machine or on a different machine. Service APIs should therefore be provided as regular interfaces in the respective programming language. The implementation of such an interface may either be a local implementation, or a proxy that typically corresponds with a dispatcher on the provider side via a remote application protocol.

Currently, the following generation targets are supported:

  • In general, C++, JVM/Java and CLR/.NET are supported as target technologies.
  • API generators exist for each of the target technologies (the C++ generator makes use of the proprietary BTC.CAB.Commons framework).
  • Proxy/dispatcher generators exist for the BTC.CAB.ServiceComm service communication APIs in each of the target technologies. The BTC.CAB.ServiceComm APIs are proprietary as of November 2018, but might be made available as Open Source in the future.
  • The remote protocol is generated as Google Protocol Buffers messages.

Additional generators for the existing or additional target technologies could be added. Currently, there is no extension mechanism that allows an external addition, i.e. without modifying the existing code, but this could be easily added using the Equinox/Eclipse Extension Point facilities.

Relevant architectural guidelines

There are several architectural guidelines that are relevant in the context of the Service IDL.

Architectural guidelines directly driving the design of the Service IDL:

  • An API must be either service-oriented or object-oriented, but not a mixture of both.

Architectural guidelines relevant for the design of the generators:

  • A service-oriented API should be implemented by an adapter to a corresponding object-oriented API
  • A service implementation must not be bound to a specific hosting environment
  • A service implementation must not depend on a specific communication protocol
  • A service consumer must not depend on a specific communication protocol

Architectural guidelines relevant for suitable target technologies:

  • Asynchronous communication should be preferred over synchronous communication

Architectural guidelines that should be considered when designing APIs using the Service IDL:

  • Fine-granular operations must be avoided in service-oriented APIs
  • Mutating operations should be idempotent
  • Managing consumer-dependent state should be avoided

Basic Service IDL syntax

One example of a very simple IDL looks like this:

module foo {
    main module bar {

        interface Test[guid=384E277A-C343-4F37-B910-C2CE6B37FC8E] {
            DoSomething() returns void;

The basic syntactical elements of the Service IDL are modules, interfaces and operations. In addition, data types and exceptions can be declared.


Modules are used for structuring the name space (corresponding to namespaces or packages in implementation technologies). Modules can be nested hierarchically. One module should be designated as the main module. If no module is explicitly marked as the main module, there are some rules to infer an implicit main module, but this behaviour might be deprecated in the future and eventually removed.

The main module may have submodules, which contain definitions, but there may not be any definitions outside the main module.

The name of the main module should match the name of the IDL file. In the example above, the main module is named, therefore the IDL file should be called

A module may contain nested modules, interfaces, data types and exceptions.


Interfaces can be declared within a module. Interface are declared using the interface keyword.

An interface has a name (Test in the example above) and must specify a guid. An empty interface definition looks like this:

interface Test[guid=384E277A-C343-4F37-B910-C2CE6B37FC8E] {};

As an advanced feature, interface can extend other interfaces, but this feature is currently discouraged.

An interface may contain operations, data types and exceptions.

When generating code, for each IDL interface the following elements are generated:

  • a programmatic interface in the target technology in the API module
  • a proxy that implements the programmatic interface
  • a dispatcher that uses an implementation of the programmatic interface

The guid is used to identify the service type in remote uses, while the name is used only informationally.


Operations can be declared within an interface as follows:

    DoSomething(in sequence<string> inputSequence) returns void;
    query GetSomething() returns sequence<failable uuid>;

Operations can be commands (mutating operations) or queries (non-mutating operations), the latter of which are denoted by the query keyword.

An operation can asynchronous (the default) or synchronous or (denoted by the sync keyword). The return type of an asynchronous method is a future of the given value type, while the return type of a synchronous method is the plain value type. You should prefer not the specify methods as synchronous. Future versions of the IDL generator might choose to configure this on a different level.

Every operation has

  • a name (DoSomething and QuerySomething in the example above),
  • an arbitrary number of parameters
  • a return type
  • optionally, a raises declaration specifying exception types that may be thrown by implementations of the method

Parameters have

  • a direction (in or out)
  • a type
  • a name

When generating code, for each IDL operation, the following elements are generated:

  • a method in the generated programmatic interface
  • a protocol message type encoding the parameters
  • a protocol message type encoding the result type
  • corresponding handlers in the proxy and dispatcher

Data types

Currently, the following basic builtin data types are supported:

  • byte
  • int16
  • int32
  • int64
  • char
  • string
  • float
  • double
  • boolean
  • uuid

The following constructs exist to define more advanced types for use as operation parameter and return types:

  • sequence: A sequence represents a finite number of elements of the specified value type. As an advanced use, the sequence value type can be marked as failable, the details of which are beyond the scope of this introduction. An example of a sequence type is sequence<int16>.
  • structures: see section below
  • type aliases: these are not currently covered by this introduction
  • enums: these are not currently covered by this introduction

The value type of sequences can be any other type, including basic builtin types, user-defined data structures, and other sequence types.

Data types: structures

Data structures can be declared within a module or an interface. Data structures are declared using the struct keyword.

Data structures can be declared as follows:

struct KeyValuePair {
    string key;
    string value;

The declaration specified the name of the data structure, and contains a declaration of any number of attributes. Each attribute has a data type (see below) and an attribute name. In addition, an attribute may be marked as optional.

When generating code, for each IDL data structure, the following elements are generated:

  • a programmatic data structure in the API (if defined within an interface) or Common (if defined outside an interface) module
  • a protocol message type
  • corresponding conversion routines that are used by handlers in the proxy and dispatcher if the type is referenced in an operation signature


Exceptions can be declared within a module or an interface. Exceptions are declared using the exception keyword.

Exceptions can be declared as follows:

exception FooException {};
exception BarException : FooException {};

The first exception (FooException) does not declare a supertype, which leaves it to the generator to use an implementation-defined supertype. The second exception (BarException) derives from FooException, i.e. when catching FooException, instances of BarException will also be caught.

Note that there are curly braces within the exception declaration. The IDL syntax already supports the declaration of custom attributes, but this is not currently supported properly by the generators (as of version 1.0.0). You will yield invalid code if an exception declares custom attributes.


After you have written an IDL file, you can apply the code generator to it. To get an idea what is happening, we first describe a basic command line workflow you can run locally. However, usually you want to consume binary packages, which would be hard to achieve reproducibly from a local machine, so a continuous delivery workflow is described afterwards.

Basic local command line workflow

Releases are available via GitHub or via Artifactory.

When you downloaded it, you need to specify an IDL input file and output directories, which must already exist. You can either specify a common output directory for all target technologies:

java -jar com.btc.serviceidl.plainjava-1.0.0.jar input.idl -outputPath out -cppProjectSystem cmake

Alternatively, you can specify specific output directories for each target technology, in which case only the generators for target technologies with a specified output directory will be used. For example, the following command will only generate .NET artifacts:

java -jar com.btc.serviceidl.plainjava-1.0.0.jar input.idl -dotnetOutputPath outDotNet

Currently, the generator generates all artifacts (API, Proxy, Dispatcher, ...) for all target technologies (C++, C#/.NET, Java) by default.

Continous delivery workflow

On the BTC internal CAB Jenkins that provides continuous integration & delivery services, a dedicated support has been implemented to simplify building and publishing artifacts from an IDL file as much as possible. Please refer to the documentation of for general information on using the Jenkins, and on how the release process works.

An example can be found under

To set this up for your IDL file, first create a Bitbucket repository, and add the IDL file. In addition, you need to add a Jenkinsfile that controls what is built:

@Library("cab") _

cab {
    def idl_file = ''

    def config = cpp_idl_build(idl: idl_file, compiler: ["vc15"])
    cpp_publish(config: config)

    net_idl_build(idl: idl_file)
    nuget_publish(usePaket: true)

    java_idl_build(idl: idl_file)
    // java_idl_build already publishes artifacts

This example contains section for C++, .NET and Java, which use the IDL generator to generate code in each of the technologies, build the generated code, and publish technology-specific packages. The Jenkinsfile may contain any subset of these sections, if you only need packages for some of these technologies.

Optionally, you can also add a .generator file that contains non-default settings for the IDL generators, e.g. version overrides for the target technologies.