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Java template for microservices using Undertow framework: use "sbt new btnguyen2k/microservices-undertow-seed.g8"


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Giter8 template to develop microservices using Undertow framework.

To create a new project from template:

sbt new btnguyen2k/microservices-undertow-seed.g8

Latest release: template-v2.0.r6.



Application's main configuration file conf/application.conf in HOCON format.

Important configurations:

# application's name and version
app {
    version   = "app's version"
    name      = "app's name"
    shortname = "app's shortname"
    fullname  = "app's full/long name"
    desc      = "app's description"
# API configuirations
api {
    #Name of HTTP header that holds "application id" info passed from client.
    http_header_app_id = "X-App-Id"

    #Name of HTTP header that holds "access token" info passed from client.
    http_header_access_token = "X-Access-Token"

    # Scan these packages and build endpoints and handlers from annotations
    scan_packages = ["com.github.btnguyen2k.mus"]

    # API endpoints
    endpoints {
        # example of path "/api/petstore/pet/{id}"
        #"path" {
        #    # "http-method" is one of valid http method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, etc), or "*" means "any method"
        #    # "handlerName" is a name referencing to api.handler configurations
        #    "http-method" = "handlerName"

        # See api_samples.conf for examples

    # API handlers: required to build ApiRouter
    handlers {
        # <handler name> maps to <API class name>
        # API must implement interface
        #handlerName = "Java class name"

        # See api_samples.conf for examples


This template includes a Petstore API example as scaffold. See document to generate the example.

Implement APIs

Each API must implement Then, API handlers and endpoints can be defined and registered via application configuration or annotation.

Define and register APIs via application configuration

API handlers are configured via config-key api.handlers:

api {
    handlers {
        #handlerName = "Java class name"
        memInfo     = "com.github.btnguyen2k.mus.apihandlers.SampleApis$MemInfoApi"
        memAllocate = "com.github.btnguyen2k.mus.apihandlers.SampleApis$MemAllocateApi"
        memClear    = "com.github.btnguyen2k.mus.apihandlers.SampleApis$MemClearApi"
        memFree     = "com.github.btnguyen2k.mus.apihandlers.SampleApis$MemFreeApi"

Valid API handlers are registered with a global instance.

RESTful API endpoints are configured via config-key api.endpoints:

api {
    # API endpoints
    endpoints {
        "/api/samples/memInfo" {
            get = "memInfo"         # GET /api/samples/memInfo will be handled by API handler name "memInfo"
        "/api/samples/memAllocate" {
            post = "memAllocate"    # POST /api/samples/memAllocate will be handled by API handler name "memAllocate"
            put  = "memAllocate"    
        "/api/samples/memClear" {
            post = "memClear"
            put  = "memClear"       # PUT /api/samples/memClear will be handled by API handler name "memClear"
        "/api/samples/memFree" {
            post = "memFree"
            put  = "memFree"

Define and register APIs via annotation

Use annotation io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation to declare API handler and endpoint at the same time:

public class ListAllCategories implements IApiHandler {
    @Operation(operationId = "listCategories", summary = "Return all categories.", method = "get:/api/petstore/categories", tags = { "petstore" })
    public ApiResult handle(ApiContext context, ApiAuth auth, ApiParams params) throws Exception {
  • operationId is used to name the API handler.
  • method is used to define API endpoints.

Declare API's in-path parameters:

public class DeleteCategory implements IApiHandler {
    @Operation(operationId = "deleteCategory", summary = "Delete an existing category.", method = "delete:/api/petstore/category/{id}", tags = { "petstore" },
        parameters = {
            @Parameter(name = "id", description = "Category's unique id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
    public ApiResult handle(ApiContext context, ApiAuth auth, ApiParams params) throws Exception {
  • Use io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.enums.ParameterIn.PATH to declare an in-path parameter.

Most of the time, API parameters are encoded inside request's body as JSON object:

public class UpdatePet implements IApiHandler {
    @Operation(operationId = "updatePet", summary = "Update an existing pet.", method = "put:/api/petstore/pet/{id}", tags = { "petstore" },
        parameters = {
            @Parameter(name = "id", description = "Pet's unique id", required = true, in = ParameterIn.PATH, schema = @Schema(type = "string")),
            @Parameter(name = "name", description = "Pet's name", in = ParameterIn.DEFAULT, schema = @Schema(type = "string")),
            @Parameter(name = "category", description = "Pet's category-id", in = ParameterIn.DEFAULT, schema = @Schema(type = "string")),
            @Parameter(name = "status", description = "Pet's status", in = ParameterIn.DEFAULT, schema = @Schema(type = "string", allowableValues = { "AVAILABLE", "PENDING", "SOLD" }))
    public ApiResult handle(ApiContext context, ApiAuth auth, ApiParams params) throws Exception {
  • Parameters with in=ParameterIn.DEFAULT are in-request-body parameters.

Swagger Spec file and Swagger UI

Swagger Spec file in JSON format is dynamically generated at URI /swagger.json. Also an embedded Swagger UI can be access via /swagger-ui.

Additional Bootstrapping Routines

Additional bootstrappers are defined in configuration file, at key bootstrappers - which is an array of strings specifying bootstrapper classes.

  • Bootstrappers are called in order of appearance.
  • Bootstrapper must implement java.lang.Runnable.
  • If a bootstrapper throws exception, it is logged and next bootstrapper is called.


## Bootstrap configurations
bootstrappers = [
    # List of bootstrappers, will be called in order of occurrence
    # Bootstrapper must implement java.lang.Runnable


The template include a built-in bootstrapper SpringApplicationContextBootstrapper that creates and initializes a Spring's ApplicationContext instance.

Start/Stop Scripts

  • Start: sh conf/ start or sh conf/ stop
  • Stop : sh conf/ stop or sh conf/ stop

Command-line arguments:

  • -h: display help screen and exist.
  • --pid <>: specify .pid file that store the process id when the application is running (default ./<app-name>.pid).
  • -m <max-memory-in-mb> or --mem <max-memory-in-mb>: maximum amount of memory used for heap in mb.
  • -c <path-to-config-file.conf> or --conf <path-to-config-file.conf>: specify application's configuration file (default ./conf/application.conf).
  • -l <path-to-logback-file.xml> or --log <path-to-logback-file.xml>: specify the logback configuration file
    • default ./conf/logback-dev.xml for development environment.
    • default ./conf/logback-prod.xml for production environment.
    • default ./conf/logback-docker.xml for container environment.
  • -j <extra-jvm-options> or --jvm <extra-jvm-options>: extra JVM options (e.g. -j "-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost")

Docker support

Application can be packaged as a Docker image, in two ways:

1- Build and Publish Docker image locally

sbt docker:publishLocal

The command will build Docker image $name$:$app_version$.

2- Build Docker image manually (more control over the final Docker image)

Build project and generate necessary files to build Docker image (include Dockerfile)

sbt docker:stage

The command will create necessary files under directory ./target/docker/

The generated Dockerfile is ready-to-go but you are free to inspect and change it. Once you are happy, build Docker image normally, sample command:

docker build -t $name$:$app_version$ ./target/docker/stage

See more:


See for details. Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Thanh Ba Nguyen.

Third party libraries are distributed under their own licenses.

Giter8 template

For information on giter8 templates, please see


Java template for microservices using Undertow framework: use "sbt new btnguyen2k/microservices-undertow-seed.g8"







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