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拼多多 OpenAPI golang版

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Implemented API

  • 授权(api/oauth)
    • 生成授权链接 [ URL(clt *core.SDKClient, req *URLRequest) string ]
    • 获取Access Token [ TokenCreate(clt *core.SDKClient, code string) (*Token, error) ]
    • 刷新Access Token [ TokenRefresh(clt *core.SDKClient, refreshToken string) (*Token, error) ]
  • 多多客(api/ddk)
    • 创建多多进宝推广位 [ GoodsPidGenerate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsPidGenerateRequest) ([]Pid, error) ]
    • 多多客生成单品推广小程序二维码url [ WeappQrcodeUrlGen(clt *core.SDKClient, req *WeappQrcodeUrlGenRequest) (string, error) ]
    • 多多礼金状态更新 [ CashgiftStatusUpdate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *CashgiftStatusUpdateRequest) (uint64, error) ]
    • 查询已经生成的推广位信息 [ GoodsPidQuery(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsPidQueryRequest) (int, []Pid, error) ]
    • 批量绑定推广位的媒体id [ PidMediaIDBind(clt *core.SDKClient, mediaID uint64, pidList []string) (*PidMediaIDBindResult, error) ]
    • 多多进宝转链接口 [ GoodsZsUnitUrlGen(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsZsUnitUrlGenRequest) (*PromURL, error) ]
    • 查询是否绑定备案 [ MemberAuthorityQuery(clt *core.SDKClient, req *MemberAuthorityQueryRequest) (bool, error) ]
    • 多多进宝数据统计查询接口 [ StatisticDataQuery(clt *core.SDKClient, req *StatisticDataQueryRequest) ([]StatisticData, error) ]
    • 生成商城-频道推广链接 [ CmsPromUrlGenerate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *CmsPromUrlGenerateRequest) (int, []PromURL, error) ]
    • 多多进宝推广链接生成 [ GoodsPromotionUrlGenerate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsPromotionUrlGenerateRequest) ([]PromURL, error) ]
    • 用时间段查询推广订单接口 [ OrderListRangeGet(clt *core.SDKClient, req *OrderListRangeGetRequest) (string, []Order, error) ]
    • 查询订单详情 [ OrderDetailGet(clt *core.SDKClient, req *OrderDetailGetRequest) (*Order, error) ]
    • 多多进宝商品推荐API [ GoodsRecommendGet(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsRecommendGetRequest) (*GoodsRecommendGetResult, error) ]
    • 生成营销工具推广链接 [ RpPromUrlGenerate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *RpPromUrlGenerateRequest) (*RpPromUrlGenerateResult, error) ]
    • 最后更新时间段增量同步推广订单信息 [ OrderListIncrementGet(clt *core.SDKClient, req *OrderListIncrementGetRequest) (int, []Order, error) ]
    • 多多进宝商品查询 [ GoodsSearch(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsSearchRequest) (*GoodsSearchResult, error) ]
    • 多多进宝商品详情查询 [ GoodsDetail(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsDetailRequest) ([]Goods, error) ]
    • 生成多多进宝频道推广 [ ResourceUrlGen(clt *core.SDKClient, req *ResourceUrlGenRequest) (*PromURL, error) ]
    • 创建多多礼金 [ CashgiftCreate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *CashgiftCreateRequest) (*CashgiftCreateResult, error) ]
    • 多多进宝信息流渠道备案授权素材上传接口 [ GoodsPromotionRightAuth(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsPromotionRightAuthRequest) error ]
    • 多多客信息流投放备案图片上传接口 [ ReportImgUpload(clt *core.SDKClient, req *ReportImgUploadRequest) (string, error) ]
    • 多多客信息流投放备案视频上传接口 [ ReportVideoUpload(clt *core.SDKClient, req *ReportVideoUploadRequest) (string, error) ]
    • 多多客信息流投放备案视频上传分片初始化接口 [ ReportVideoUploadPartInit(clt *core.SDKClient, contentType string) (string, error) ]
    • 多多客信息流投放备案视频上传分片上传接口 [ ReportVideoUploadPart(clt *core.SDKClient, req *ReportVideoUploadPartRequest) (string, error) ]
    • 多多客信息流投放备案视频上传分片完成接口 [ ReportVideoUploadPartComplete(clt *core.SDKClient, uploadSign string) (string, error) ]
  • 多多客工具(api/ddk/oauth)
    • 查询所有授权的多多客订单 [ AllOrderListIncrementGet(clt *core.SDKClient, req *AllOrderListIncrementGetRequest, accessToken string) (int, []ddk.Order, error) ]
    • 创建多多礼金 [ CashgiftCreate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *CashgiftCreateRequest, accessToken string) (*ddk.CashgiftCreateResult, error) ]
    • 多多礼金状态更新 [ CashgiftStatusUpdate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *CashgiftStatusUpdateRequest, accessToken string) (uint64, error) ]
    • 生成商城推广链接接口 [ CmsPromUrlGenerate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *CmsPromUrlGenerateRequest, accessToken string) (int, []ddk.PromURL, error) ]
    • 多多进宝商品详情查询 [ GoodsDetail(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsDetailRequest, accessToken string) ([]ddk.Goods, error) ]
    • 多多进宝推广位创建接口 [ GoodsPidGenerate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsPidGenerateRequest, accessToken string) ([]Pid, error) ]
    • 多多客已生成推广位信息查询 [ GoodsPidQuery(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsPidQueryRequest, accessToken string) (int, []ddk.Pid, error) ]
    • 生成多多进宝推广链接 [ GoodsPromotionUrlGenerate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsPromotionUrlGenerateRequest, accessToken string) ([]ddk.PromURL, error) ]
    • 运营频道商品查询API [ GoodsRecommendGet(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsRecommendGetRequest, accessToken string) (*ddk.GoodsRecommendGetResult, error) ]
    • 多多进宝商品查询 [ GoodsSearch(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsSearchRequest, accessToken string) (*ddk.GoodsSearchResult, error) ]
    • 多多进宝转链接口 [ GoodsZsUnitUrlGen(clt *core.SDKClient, req *GoodsZsUnitUrlGenRequest, accessToken string) (*ddk.PromURL, error) ]
    • 查询是否绑定备案 [ MemberAuthorityQuery(clt *core.SDKClient, req *MemberAuthorityQueryRequest, accessToken string) (bool, error) ]
    • 获取订单详情 [ OrderDetailGet(clt *core.SDKClient, req *OrderDetailGetRequest, accessToken string) (*ddk.Order, error) ]
    • 批量绑定推广位的媒体id [ PidMediaIDBind(clt *core.SDKClient, mediaID uint64, pidList []string, accessToken string) (*ddk.PidMediaIDBindResult, error) ]
    • 拼多多主站频道推广接口 [ ResourceUrlGen(clt *core.SDKClient, req *ResourceUrlGenRequest, accessToken string) (*ddk.PromURL, error) ]
    • 生成营销工具推广链接 [ RpPromUrlGenerate(clt *core.SDKClient, req *RpPromUrlGenerateRequest, accessToken string) (*ddk.RpPromUrlGenerateResult, error) ]
    • 多多客生成单品推广小程序二维码url [ WeappQrcodeUrlGen(clt *core.SDKClient, req *WeappQrcodeUrlGenRequest, accessToken string) (string, error) ]
  • 商品API (api/goods)
    • 商品标准类目接口 [ CatsGet(clt *core.SDKClient, parentID uint64) ([]Cat, error) ]
    • 查询商品标签列表 [ OptGet(clt *core.SDKClient, parentID uint64) ([]Opt, error) ]
  • 消息服务API (api/pmc)
    • 消息队列积压数量查询 [ AccureQuery(clt *core.SDKClient) (int64, error) ]
    • 取消用户的消息服务 [ UserCancel(clt *core.SDKClient, ownerID string) (bool, error) ]
    • 获取用户已开通消息 [ UserGet(clt *core.SDKClient, ownerID string) (*User, error) ]
    • 为已授权的用户开通消息服务 [ UserPermit(clt *core.SDKClient, topics []string, accessToken string) (bool, error) ]
    • 接收消息推送 [ Read(ctx context.Context, clt *core.SDKClient) <-chan []byte ]