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Forking the Repository

Bucky Roberts edited this page Jul 16, 2015 · 2 revisions

You can now download the source code for the website so that you will have a copy for development.

Step 1

Download GitHub for Windows.

  • GitHub for Windows allows you to easily download and manage your GitHub repositories from your own computer.

Step 2

Go to the homepage for thenewboston Social Network here. On the top right of the page click "Fork".

  • This will create a copy of the project to your GitHub account.

Step 3

Open GitHub for Windows and sign in to your GitHub account. Then click the plus button and you will be able to clone the repository for the project.

  • This will download the project to your computer

Make sure to clone the project into your C:\xampp\htdocs\ directory

Step 4

Once all files have been downloaded, open up XAMPP and start Apache and MySQL.

  • When Apache and MySQL are running, your computer will act as a web server and you can host websites locally.

The last thing we have left to do is setting up the websites database.