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budRich edited this page May 29, 2021 · 6 revisions

i3var - Set or get a i3 variable


i3var set VARNAME [VALUE] [--json JSON]
i3var get VARNAME [--json JSON]
i3var --help|-h
i3var --version|-v


i3var is used to get or set a "variable" that is bound to the current i3wm session. The variable is actually the mark on the root container.

set [VALUE]
If VARNAME doesn't exist, a new window and mark will be created. If VARNAME exists, it's value will be replaced with VALUE.
If VALUE is not defined, VARNAME will get unset (the mark is removed).

if VARNAME exists, its value will be printed to STDOUT.


--json JSON
Use JSON instead of the output of i3-msg -t get_tree

Show help and exit.

Show version and exit.


bash i3

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