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Releases: buggregator/server


31 May 09:54
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Frontend fixes


23 May 06:53
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What's Changed

  • Add database connection checks before running migrations. by @butschster in #181

Full Changelog: 1.8.0...1.8.1


18 May 07:34
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We're excited to announce the release of Buggregator Server version 1.8.0! Although most of the updates are on the server side, there are also some improvements on the frontend and foundations for new features that will be added to the UI soon.

Let's take a look at what's new in this version.


1. Event Preview Structure Refactoring

First up, we've optimized the list of events displayed on the main page. Previously, the structure contained the entire payload for each event. For example, for a Sentry preview, we only showed the error text and a few files in the stack trace, but the payload had a lot of unnecessary information, sometimes up to !!!1MB!!!. This issue affected not just Sentry but also SMTP, var-dumper, Inspector, and xhprof. If there were many events, the browser would become sluggish and consume a lot of memory. In this release, we've split events into previews (received via WebSocket and displayed in the list) and full views, which contain the entire payload displayed on a specific event's page. This significantly improves the performance of the event list display and reduces memory usage.

In future releases, we will add the ability to open each event on a separate page.

Specifically for var-dumper, which generates an HTML dump of the variable, the more data and nested objects a variable has, the larger the payload. In some cases, one event could take up to !!!1MB!!! in memory. We've added an option to limit the depth of nested data rendering in previews to three levels, which can be adjusted through server settings.

For more details, see our documentation

2. New Webhooks Module

Our new webhooks module allows sending events to remote services when an event is received by the server. For example, when an error occurs in an application and a Sentry event is sent to the Buggregator server, the server can notify an issue tracker or a development team's Slack channel about the issue.

Read more about webhooks in our documentation

3. New Projects Module

This module allows you to separate events by project within a single server. This is useful when developing multiple applications and you want to segregate events for each one. Each application can have its own project, and different teams can view events specific to their projects.

The Projects module is still in development on the UI side, but we are excited about its potential.

4. Added Support for SSO Provider Kinde

We previously added support for the SSO provider Auth0. Now, we've introduced support for Kinde.

Learn more about SSO in our documentation:

5. Support for External Databases

This release brings two significant changes in database support:

Firstly, we have discontinued support for MongoDB, as it was hindering the project's development and the integration of more complex database structures.

Secondly, we were using a KV store as our internal database, which was also limiting development. We needed a lightweight alternative that didn't require complex installation inside a Docker container and ideally came as a binary file. We've found such a database in doltdb, which is 99% MySQL compatible and comes as a binary file, making it ideal for use in Docker images.

Buggregator now fully supports Postgres and MySQL.

Read more about external databases in our documentation

6. Metrics Module

Buggregator has introduced a new metrics feature that tracks how many events we receive. You can use tools like Prometheus and Grafana to monitor event trends, identify issues, and set up alerts.

More about working with metrics can be found in our documentation

7. SMTP Module Refactoring

We've refactored the SMTP module in this release, adding support for authentication (which will be used to send events to specific projects) and covering the module with tests using a real SMTP client, ensuring stable and reliable operation.

8. Added Support for secrets

You can now enhance your security by setting up a secret key with Sentry and Inspector to prevent unauthorized event submissions.

Learn more in our documentation:

9. Var Dumper Code Highlighting

We've also added an option to enable syntax highlighting for text-only variable dumps. This allows you to view events in Buggregator with highlighted syntax.

Read more in our documentation:

UI Improvements

In the UI, our main focus has been on restructuring the project. We are close to completing this phase, and once it's done, we'll be able to roll out new features more frequently.


New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.7.4...1.8.0


05 May 07:18
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v1.8.0-beta5 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Refactored SMTP Attachments: Introduced a dedicated table and HTTP endpoint by @butschster in #172

Full Changelog: 1.8.0-beta4...1.8.0-beta5


01 May 07:02
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v1.8.0-beta4 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Fixes the problem with dumping int and bool values using ray package by @butschster in #166

Full Changelog: 1.8.0-beta3...1.8.0-beta4


30 Apr 21:36
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v1.8.0-beta3 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Adds missed migrate command to reqister:modules sequence by @butschster in #163
  • Adds an ability to send var-dumper dumps with specifying language for code highlighting. by @butschster in #165

Full Changelog: 1.8.0-beta2...1.8.0-beta3


30 Apr 10:57
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v1.8.0-beta2 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.7.4...1.8.0-beta2


29 Apr 11:22
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v1.8.0-beta1 Pre-release

Full Changelog: 1.7.4...1.8.0-beta1


29 Apr 07:29
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v1.8.0-beta0 Pre-release

What's Changed

Adds projects support

by @butschster in #150

See for details.

  • Refactored WS Events to segregate them into projects. Events without a designated project will now route to the events channel, while project-specific events will be directed to events.project.<key> channels.
  • Implemented automatic subscription of users to relevant channels upon WS connection. Users will now be subscribed to both the general events channel and all channels pertaining to projects.
  • Adds events mapper for broadcasting
  • SMTP service refactoring.
  • Improved tests. Use sqlite for tests instead of in-memory.
  • Reduced payload size for preview cards in WS events, optimizing data transmission to clients and HTTP requests for event lists.
  • Resolved issue with event clearing when utilizing the database driver.
  • Addressed sorting inconsistencies with events when utilizing the database driver.

Related issues

Adds webhook module

by @butschster in #144

See #124 for details

Other changes

Full Changelog: 1.7.4...1.8.0-beta0


17 Apr 19:37
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.7.3...1.7.4