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OpenBSD process termination issues

Iaroslav Shepilov edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 1 revision

A issue running on OpenBSD and maybe other UNIX systems

Script-server terminates a script executor process by manipulating its process group. You will get a permission denied error when running with a non-root user on OpenBSD. And maybe some other UNIX systems behaivior like so, too.

Here's a temporary workaround: Terminating the script process by finding and killing its subprocess. Please note, that this solution requires psutil python module

You can apply this patch to src/execution/

---   Fri Sep 16 16:12:59 2022
+++     Fri Sep 16 14:20:14 2022
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 import signal
 import subprocess
 import threading
+import psutil

 from react.observable import ReplayObservable
 from utils import os_utils
@@ -71,29 +72,37 @@
     def stop(self):
         if not self.is_finished():
             if not os_utils.is_win():
-                group_id = os.getpgid(self.get_process_id())
-                os.killpg(group_id, signal.SIGTERM)
+                psutil_self_proc = psutil.Process(self.get_process_id())
+                # Send SIGTERM to child processes.
+                for curr_sub_proc in psutil_self_proc.children(recursive=True):
+                    try:
+                        curr_sub_proc.terminate()
+                    except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
+                        pass

-                class KillChildren(object):
-                    def finished(self):
-                        try:
-                            os.killpg(group_id, signal.SIGKILL)
-                        except ProcessLookupError:
-                            # probably there are no children left
-                            pass
+                # Send SIGTERM to self.
+                psutil_self_proc.terminate()

-                self.add_finish_listener(KillChildren())

             self._write_script_output('\n>> STOPPED BY USER\n')

     def kill(self):
         if not self.is_finished():
             if not os_utils.is_win():
-                group_id = os.getpgid(self.get_process_id())
-                os.killpg(group_id, signal.SIGKILL)
+                psutil_self_proc = psutil.Process(self.get_process_id())
+                # Send SIGKILL to child processes.
+                for curr_sub_proc in psutil_self_proc.children(recursive=True):
+                    try:
+                        curr_sub_proc.kill()
+                    except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
+                        pass
+                # Send SIGKILL to self.
+                psutil_self_proc.kill()
                 self._write_script_output('\n>> KILLED\n')
                 subprocess.Popen("taskkill /F /T /PID " + self.get_process_id())