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Dylan William Hardison edited this page Mar 4, 2018 · 1 revision
  1. We want to to be compatible in the following ways:
    1. Upgrading from databases going back until 4.2 (at least) should be supported (and tested).
    2. Limited compatibility for extensions. BMO's extension loading system was rewritten, and it supports fewer variations than previous versions of Bugzilla. In short, only extensions that exist in the extensions/ directory are supported. By far this is how most extensions worked. Bugzilla has never guaranteed strong compatibility to extension, but changes required should not be too great.
    3. Running as a CGI script is not supported. Only mod_perl or PSGI are supported.
    4. The bugzilla skin system is not supported.
  2. Code of Conduct
    1. Participation in the Bugzilla project is subject to the Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines.
    2. It is not clear at the time of this writing if the above is sufficient for the project -- it is the intention for the project to have a strongly enforced Code of Conduct and we will update this space as needed.
  3. Development Practices
    1. ZeroMQ's C4 process, except our Platform Issue Tracker is Mozilla's Bugzilla. We also don't care for the "Real Names" portion of the C4.
    2. Key points of C4 are that correct patches should be accepted in a reasonable amount of time (1-3 days), APIs shall not change behavior (per "Evolution of Public Contracts").