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.. bb:reporter:: BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush


from buildbot.plugins import reporters

ss = reporters.BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush('',

Or using Bitbucket personal access token

from buildbot.plugins import reporters

ss = reporters.BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush('',

:class:`BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush` publishes build status using BitbucketServer Core REST API into which it was integrated in Bitbucket Server 7.4. The build status is published to a specific commit SHA in specific repository in Bitbucket Server with some additional information about reference name, build duration, parent relationship and also possibly test results.

It requires txrequests package to allow interaction with Bitbucket Server REST API.

.. py:class:: BitbucketServerCoreAPIStatusPush(base_url, token=None, auth=None, name=None, statusSuffix=None, generators=None, key=None, parentName=None, buildNumber=None, ref=None, duration=None, testResults=None, verbose=False, debug=None, verify=None)

    :param string base_url: The base url of the Bitbucket Server host.
    :param string token: Bitbucket personal access token (mutually exclusive with `auth`) (can be a :ref:`Secret`)
    :param tuple auth: A tuple of Bitbucket Server username and password (mutually exclusive with `token`) (can be a :ref:`Secret`)
    :param renderable string statusName: The name that is displayed for this status.
         If not defined it is constructed to look like `"%(prop:buildername)s #%(prop:buildnumber)s"`.
         Or if the plan has a parent plan the default is constructed to look like `"<parent's buildername> #<parent's buildnumber> >> %(prop:buildername)s #%(prop:buildnumber)s"`.
         Note: Parent information is not accessible as properties for user defined renderer.
    :param renderable string statusSuffix: Additional string that is appended to `statusName`.
         Empty by default.
         It is useful when the same plan is launched multiple times for a single parent plan instance.
         This way every instance of the child plan can have unique suffix and thus be more recognizable (than it would be just by the buildnumber).
    :type generators: list of IReportGenerator instances
    :param generators: A list of report generators that will be used to generate reports to be sent by this reporter.
        Currently the reporter will consider only the report generated by the first generator.
    :param renderable string key: Passed to Bitbucket Server to differentiate between statuses.
         A static string can be passed or :class:`Interpolate` for dynamic substitution.
         The default key is `%(prop:buildername)s`.
    :param renderable string parentName: Defaults to parent's buildername if plan has a parent plan.
         Otherwise plan's own buildername is used as default.
    :param renderable string buildNumber: The default build number is `%(prop:buildername)s`.
    :param renderable string ref: By default branch name from :class:`SourceStamp` is used.
         If branch doesn't start with string `refs/` prefix `refs/heads/` is added to it's beginning.
    :param renderable int duration: Computed for finished builds.
         Otherwise None.
         (value in milliseconds)
    :param renderable dict testResults: Test results can be reported via this parameter.
         Resulting dictionary must contain keys `failed`, `skipped`, `successful`.
         By default these keys are filled with values from build properties (`tests_failed`, `tests_skipped`, `tests_successful`) if at least one of the properties is found (missing values will default to `0`).
         Otherwise None.
         Note: If you want to suppress the default behavior pass renderable that always interpolates to None.
    :param boolean verbose: If True, logs a message for each successful status push.
    :param boolean verify: Disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates.
    :param boolean debug: Logs every requests and their response.