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add buildrequests DB connector
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djmitche committed Mar 24, 2011
1 parent 55599da commit 551fc99
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,070 additions and 2 deletions.
355 changes: 355 additions & 0 deletions master/buildbot/db/
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
# This file is part of Buildbot. Buildbot is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Copyright Buildbot Team Members

Support for buildsets in the database

import sqlalchemy as sa
from twisted.internet import reactor
from buildbot.db import base
from buildbot.util import epoch2datetime

class AlreadyClaimedError(Exception):

class NotClaimedError(Exception):

class BuildRequestsConnectorComponent(base.DBConnectorComponent):
A DBConnectorComponent to handle buildrequests. An instance is available
at C{master.db.buildrequests}.
Build Requests are represented as dictionaries with keys C{brid},
C{buildsetid}, C{buildername}, C{priority}, C{claimed} (boolean),
C{claimed_at}, C{mine} (boolean), C{complete}, C{results}, C{submitted_at},
and C{complete_at}. The two time parameters (C{*_at}) are presented as
datetime objects.

def getBuildRequest(self, brid):
Get a single BuildRequest, in the format described above. Returns
C{None} if there is no such buildrquest.
@param brid: build request id
@type brid: integer
@returns: Build request dictionary as above or None, via Deferred
def thd(conn):
tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests
res = conn.execute( == brid)))
row = res.fetchone()

rv = None
if row:
rv = self._brdictFromRow(row)
return rv

def getBuildRequests(self, buildername=None, complete=None, claimed=None):
Get a list of build requests matching the given characteristics. Note
that C{unclaimed}, C{my_claimed}, and C{other_claimed} all default to
C{False}, so at least one must be provided or no results will be
The C{claimed} parameter can be C{None} (the default) to ignore the
claimed status of requests; C{True} to return only claimed builds,
C{False} to return only unclaimed builds, or C{"mine"} to return only
builds claimed by this master instance. A request is considered
unclaimed if its C{claimed_at} column is either NULL or 0.
A build is considered completed if its C{complete} column is 1; the
C{complete_at} column is not consulted.
The resulting dictionaries may be cached internally, and should not be
modified directly.
@param buildername: limit results to buildrequests for this builder
@type buildername: string
@param complete: if true, limit to completed buildrequests; if false,
limit to incomplete buildrequests; if None, do not limit based on
@param claimed: see above
@returns: List of build request dictionaries as above, via Deferred
def thd(conn):
tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests
q =
if claimed is not None:
if not claimed:
q = q.where(
((tbl.c.claimed_at == None) |
(tbl.c.claimed_at == 0)) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_name == None) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_incarnation == None))
elif claimed == "mine":
master_name = self.db.master.master_name
master_incarnation = self.db.master.master_incarnation
q = q.where(
(tbl.c.claimed_at != None) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_name == master_name) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_incarnation == master_incarnation))
q = q.where(
(tbl.c.claimed_at != None) &
(tbl.c.claimed_at != 0) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_name != None) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_incarnation != None))
if buildername is not None:
q = q.where(tbl.c.buildername == buildername)
if complete is not None:
if complete:
q = q.where(tbl.c.complete != 0)
q = q.where(tbl.c.complete == 0)
res = conn.execute(q)
return [ self._brdictFromRow(row) for row in res.fetchall() ]

def claimBuildRequests(self, brids, _reactor=reactor, _race_hook=None):
Try to "claim" the indicated build requests for this buildmaster
instance. The resulting deferred will fire normally on success, or
fail with L{AleadyClaimedError} if I{any} of the build requests are
already claimed by another master instance, or don't exist. In this
case, none of the claims will take effect.
This can be used to re-claim build requests, too. That is, it will
succeed in claiming a build request that is already claimed by this
master instance, and will update its claimed_at date.
@param brid: ids of buildrequests to claim
@type brid: list
@param _reactor: reactor to use (for testing)
@param _race_hook: hook for testing
@returns: Deferred

# This function attempts to work reasonably well across a number of
# database engines with a variety of transactional isolation levels.
# Unlike older versions of Buildbot, this uses a qualified UPDATE
# statement that will only claim unclaimed builds, so no potential
# serialization of parallel UPDATE operations can result in both
# parties believing they have claimed a build request. This technique
# will tend to work better in environments with higher isolation
# levels, and may result in an IntegrityError for SERIALIZABLE
# databases.
# We then perform a post-UPDATE check to ensure that we really have
# claimed all of the desired build requests. This will be most
# effective in environments with lower transactional isolation levels,
# which may incorrectly serialize the conflicting UPDATES.

def alreadyClaimed(conn):
# helper function to un-claim already-claimed requests, if we can't
# claim all of them. This may be redundant for the finer database
# engines, but won't hurt.
master_name = self.db.master.master_name
master_incarnation = self.db.master.master_incarnation
tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests

# only select *my builds* in this set of brids
q = tbl.update()
q = q.where(( &
((tbl.c.claimed_at != None) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_name == master_name) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_incarnation == master_incarnation)))
# and unclaim them

def thd(conn):
# update conditioned on the request being unclaimed, or claimed by
# this instance. In either case, the claimed_at is set to the
# current time, so this will re-claim an already-claimed requeset.
master_name = self.db.master.master_name
master_incarnation = self.db.master.master_incarnation
tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests

transaction = conn.begin()

q = tbl.update(whereclause=(
q = q.where(
# unclaimed
(((tbl.c.claimed_at == None) | (tbl.c.claimed_at == 0)) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_name == None) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_incarnation == None)) |
# .. or mine
((tbl.c.claimed_at != None) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_name == master_name) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_incarnation == master_incarnation)))
res = conn.execute(q,
updated_rows = res.rowcount

except (sa.exc.ProgrammingError, sa.exc.IntegrityError):
raise AlreadyClaimedError

# if no or too few rows were updated, then we failed
if updated_rows != len(brids):
raise AlreadyClaimedError

# testing hook to simulate a race condition
if _race_hook:

# but double-check to be sure all of the desired build requests
# now belong to this master
q =[tbl.c.claimed_by_name,
res = conn.execute(q)
for row in res:
if row.claimed_by_name != master_name or \
row.claimed_by_incarnation != master_incarnation:
raise AlreadyClaimedError


def completeBuildRequest(self, brid, results, _reactor=reactor):
Complete a build request that is owned by this master instance. This
will fail with L{NotClaimedError} if the build request is not claimed
by this instance, is already completed, or does not exist.
@param brid: build request ID to claim
@type brid: integer
@param results: integer result code
@type results: integer
@param _reactor: reactor to use (for testing)
@returns: Deferred
def thd(conn):
# the update here is simple, but a number of conditions are
# attached to ensure that we do not update a row inappropriately
master_name = self.db.master.master_name
master_incarnation = self.db.master.master_incarnation
tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests

q = tbl.update(whereclause=( == brid))
q = q.where(
(tbl.c.claimed_at != None) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_name == master_name) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_incarnation == master_incarnation) &
(tbl.c.complete == 0))
res = conn.execute(q,

# if no rows were updated, then we failed
if not res.rowcount:
raise NotClaimedError

def unclaimOldIncarnationRequests(self):
Find any incomplete build requests claimed by an old incarnation of
this master and mark them as unclaimed.
@returns: Deferred
def thd(conn):
tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests
master_name = self.db.master.master_name
master_incarnation = self.db.master.master_incarnation

q = tbl.update(whereclause=(
(tbl.c.claimed_by_name == master_name) &
(tbl.c.claimed_by_incarnation != master_incarnation) &
(tbl.c.complete == 0)))

def unclaimExpiredRequests(self, old, _reactor=reactor):
Find any incomplete claimed builds which are older than C{old} seconds,
and clear their claim information.
This is intended to catch builds that were claimed by a master which
has since disappeared.
@param old: number of seconds after which a claim is considered old
@type old: int
@param _reactor: for testing
@returns: Deferred
def thd(conn):
tbl = self.db.model.buildrequests
old_epoch = _reactor.seconds() - old

q = tbl.update(whereclause=(
(tbl.c.claimed_at != 0) &
(tbl.c.claimed_at < old_epoch) &
(tbl.c.complete == 0)))

def _brdictFromRow(self, row):
claimed = mine = False
if (row.claimed_at
and row.claimed_by_name is not None
and row.claimed_by_incarnation is not None):
claimed = True
master_name = self.db.master.master_name
master_incarnation = self.db.master.master_incarnation
if (row.claimed_by_name == master_name and
row.claimed_by_incarnation == master_incarnation):
mine = True

def mkdt(epoch):
if epoch:
return epoch2datetime(epoch)
submitted_at = mkdt(row.submitted_at)
claimed_at = mkdt(row.claimed_at)
complete_at = mkdt(row.complete_at)

return dict(, buildsetid=row.buildsetid,
buildername=row.buildername, priority=row.priority,
claimed=claimed, claimed_at=claimed_at, mine=mine,
complete=bool(row.complete), results=row.results,
submitted_at=submitted_at, complete_at=complete_at)
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion master/buildbot/db/
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
from buildbot.util.eventual import eventually
from buildbot.util import json
from buildbot.db import pool, model, changes, schedulers, sourcestamps
from buildbot.db import state, buildsets
from buildbot.db import state, buildsets, buildrequests

def _one_or_else(res, default=None, process_f=lambda x: x):
if not res:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,6 +102,9 @@ def __init__(self, master, db_url, basedir):
self.buildsets = buildsets.BuildsetsConnectorComponent(self)
"L{buildbot.db.sourcestamps.BuildsetsConnectorComponent} instance"

self.buildrequests = buildrequests.BuildRequestsConnectorComponent(self)
"L{buildbot.db.sourcestamps.BuildRequestsConnectorComponent} instance"

self.state = state.StateConnectorComponent(self)
"L{buildbot.db.state.StateConnectorComponent} instance"

Expand Down

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