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djmitche committed Sep 29, 2013
2 parents ccb1acd + aaae286 commit 7cdc9b0
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Showing 28 changed files with 648 additions and 505 deletions.
316 changes: 11 additions & 305 deletions master/buildbot/process/
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.internet import defer, error
from twisted.protocols import basic
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.python import log, components
from twisted.python.failure import Failure
from twisted.web.util import formatFailure
Expand All @@ -28,263 +27,22 @@
from buildbot.status import progress
from buildbot.status.results import SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE, SKIPPED, \
EXCEPTION, RETRY, worst_status
from buildbot.process import metrics, properties
from buildbot.process import remotecommand, logobserver, properties
from buildbot.util.eventual import eventually

class BuildStepFailed(Exception):

class RemoteCommand(pb.Referenceable):

# class-level unique identifier generator for command ids
_commandCounter = 0

active = False
rc = None
debug = False

def __init__(self, remote_command, args, ignore_updates=False,
collectStdout=False, collectStderr=False, decodeRC={0:SUCCESS}):
self.logs = {}
self.delayedLogs = {}
self._closeWhenFinished = {}
self.collectStdout = collectStdout
self.collectStderr = collectStderr
self.stdout = ''
self.stderr = ''

self._startTime = None
self._remoteElapsed = None
self.remote_command = remote_command
self.args = args
self.ignore_updates = ignore_updates
self.decodeRC = decodeRC

def __repr__(self):
return "<RemoteCommand '%s' at %d>" % (self.remote_command, id(self))

def run(self, step, conn, builder_name): = True
self.step = step
self.conn = conn
self.builder_name = builder_name

# generate a new command id
cmd_id = RemoteCommand._commandCounter
RemoteCommand._commandCounter += 1
self.commandID = "%d" % cmd_id

log.msg("%s: [%s]" % (self, self.commandID))
self.deferred = defer.Deferred()

d = defer.maybeDeferred(self._start)

# _finished is called with an error for unknown commands, errors
# that occur while the command is starting (including OSErrors in
# exec()), StaleBroker (when the connection was lost before we
# started), and pb.PBConnectionLost (when the slave isn't responding
# over this connection, perhaps it had a power failure, or NAT
# weirdness). If this happens, self.deferred is fired right away.

# Connections which are lost while the command is running are caught
# when our parent Step calls our .lostRemote() method.
return self.deferred

def useLog(self, log, closeWhenFinished=False, logfileName=None):
assert interfaces.ILogFile.providedBy(log)
if not logfileName:
logfileName = log.getName()
assert logfileName not in self.logs
assert logfileName not in self.delayedLogs
self.logs[logfileName] = log
self._closeWhenFinished[logfileName] = closeWhenFinished

def useLogDelayed(self, logfileName, activateCallBack, closeWhenFinished=False):
assert logfileName not in self.logs
assert logfileName not in self.delayedLogs
self.delayedLogs[logfileName] = (activateCallBack, closeWhenFinished)

def _start(self):
self.updates = {}
self._startTime =

# This method only initiates the remote command.
# We will receive remote_update messages as the command runs.
# We will get a single remote_complete when it finishes.
# We should fire self.deferred when the command is done.
d = self.conn.startCommands(self, self.builder_name, self.commandID,
self.remote_command, self.args)
return d

def _finished(self, failure=None): = False
# call .remoteComplete. If it raises an exception, or returns the
# Failure that we gave it, our self.deferred will be errbacked. If
# it does not (either it ate the Failure or there the step finished
# normally and it didn't raise a new exception), self.deferred will
# be callbacked.
d = defer.maybeDeferred(self.remoteComplete, failure)
# arrange for the callback to get this RemoteCommand instance
# instead of just None
d.addCallback(lambda r: self)
# this fires the original deferred we returned from .run(),
# with self as the result, or a failure

def interrupt(self, why):
log.msg("RemoteCommand.interrupt", self, why)
if not
log.msg(" but this RemoteCommand is already inactive")
return defer.succeed(None)
if not self.conn:
log.msg(" but our .conn went away")
return defer.succeed(None)
if isinstance(why, Failure) and why.check(error.ConnectionLost):
log.msg("RemoteCommand.disconnect: lost slave")
self.conn = None
return defer.succeed(None)

# tell the remote command to halt. Returns a Deferred that will fire
# when the interrupt command has been delivered.

d = self.conn.remoteInterruptCommand(self.commandID, str(why))
# the slave may not have remote_interruptCommand
return d

def _interruptFailed(self, why):
log.msg("RemoteCommand._interruptFailed", self)
# TODO: forcibly stop the Command now, since we can't stop it
# cleanly
return None

def remote_update(self, updates):
I am called by the slave's L{} so
I can receive updates from the running remote command.
@type updates: list of [object, int]
@param updates: list of updates from the remote command
max_updatenum = 0
for (update, num) in updates:
#log.msg("update[%d]:" % num)
if and not self.ignore_updates:
# log failure, terminate build, let slave retire the update
# TODO: what if multiple updates arrive? should
# skip the rest but ack them all
if num > max_updatenum:
max_updatenum = num
return max_updatenum

def remote_complete(self, failure=None):
Called by the slave's L{} to
notify me the remote command has finished.
@type failure: L{twisted.python.failure.Failure} or None
@rtype: None
# call the real remoteComplete a moment later, but first return an
# acknowledgement so the slave can retire the completion message.
eventually(self._finished, failure)
return None

def addStdout(self, data):
if 'stdio' in self.logs:
if self.collectStdout:
self.stdout += data

def addStderr(self, data):
if 'stdio' in self.logs:
if self.collectStderr:
self.stderr += data

def addHeader(self, data):
if 'stdio' in self.logs:

def addToLog(self, logname, data):
# Activate delayed logs on first data.
if logname in self.delayedLogs:
(activateCallBack, closeWhenFinished) = self.delayedLogs[logname]
del self.delayedLogs[logname]
loog = activateCallBack(self)
self.logs[logname] = loog
self._closeWhenFinished[logname] = closeWhenFinished

if logname in self.logs:
log.msg("%s.addToLog: no such log %s" % (self, logname))

def remoteUpdate(self, update):
if self.debug:
for k,v in update.items():
log.msg("Update[%s]: %s" % (k,v))
if update.has_key('stdout'):
# 'stdout': data
if update.has_key('stderr'):
# 'stderr': data
if update.has_key('header'):
# 'header': data
if update.has_key('log'):
# 'log': (logname, data)
logname, data = update['log']
self.addToLog(logname, data)
if update.has_key('rc'):
rc = self.rc = update['rc']
log.msg("%s rc=%s" % (self, rc))
self.addHeader("program finished with exit code %d\n" % rc)
if update.has_key('elapsed'):
self._remoteElapsed = update['elapsed']

# TODO: these should be handled at the RemoteCommand level
for k in update:
if k not in ('stdout', 'stderr', 'header', 'rc'):
if k not in self.updates:
self.updates[k] = []

def remoteComplete(self, maybeFailure):
if self._startTime and self._remoteElapsed:
delta = ( - self._startTime) - self._remoteElapsed
metrics.MetricTimeEvent.log("RemoteCommand.overhead", delta)

for name,loog in self.logs.items():
if self._closeWhenFinished[name]:
if maybeFailure:
loog.addHeader("\nremoteFailed: %s" % maybeFailure)
log.msg("closing log %s" % loog)
return maybeFailure

def results(self):
if self.rc in self.decodeRC:
return self.decodeRC[self.rc]
return FAILURE

def didFail(self):
return self.results() == FAILURE
LoggedRemoteCommand = RemoteCommand

# old import paths for these classes
RemoteCommand = remotecommand.RemoteCommand
LoggedRemoteCommand = remotecommand.LoggedRemoteCommand
RemoteShellCommand = remotecommand.RemoteShellCommand
LogObserver = logobserver.LogObserver
LogLineObserver = logobserver.LogLineObserver
OutputProgressObserver = logobserver.OutputProgressObserver
_hush_pyflakes = [
RemoteCommand, LoggedRemoteCommand, RemoteShellCommand,
LogObserver, LogLineObserver, OutputProgressObserver ]

class LogObserver:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,58 +112,6 @@ def errLineReceived(self, line):

class RemoteShellCommand(RemoteCommand):
def __init__(self, workdir, command, env=None,
want_stdout=1, want_stderr=1,
timeout=20*60, maxTime=None, sigtermTime=None,
logfiles={}, usePTY="slave-config", logEnviron=True,
initialStdin=None, decodeRC={0:SUCCESS}):

self.command = command # stash .command, set it later
self.fake_command = [w[2] if (isinstance(w, tuple) and len(w) == 3 and w[0] =='obfuscated')
else w for w in self.command]
if env is not None:
# avoid mutating the original master.cfg dictionary. Each
# ShellCommand gets its own copy, any start() methods won't be
# able to modify the original.
env = env.copy()
args = {'workdir': workdir,
'env': env,
'want_stdout': want_stdout,
'want_stderr': want_stderr,
'logfiles': logfiles,
'timeout': timeout,
'maxTime': maxTime,
'sigtermTime': sigtermTime,
'usePTY': usePTY,
'logEnviron': logEnviron,
'initial_stdin': initialStdin
if interruptSignal is not None:
args['interruptSignal'] = interruptSignal
RemoteCommand.__init__(self, "shell", args, collectStdout=collectStdout,

def _start(self):
self.args['command'] = self.command
if self.remote_command == "shell":
# non-ShellCommand slavecommands are responsible for doing this
# fixup themselves
if self.step.slaveVersion("shell", "old") == "old":
self.args['dir'] = self.args['workdir']
if not self.step.slaveVersionIsOlderThan("shell", "2.16"):
self.args.pop('sigtermTime', None)
what = "command '%s' in dir '%s'" % (self.fake_command,
return RemoteCommand._start(self)

def __repr__(self):
return "<RemoteShellCommand '%s'>" % repr(self.fake_command)

class _BuildStepFactory(util.ComparableMixin):
This is a wrapper to record the arguments passed to as BuildStep subclass.
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