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the table you've been waiting for


The table takes at least:

  • a list of columns
  • a list of rows
  • a callback for table events
  • an object describing pagination behavior
  • (optional) a list of custom column types


A row is simply an key-value object describing the table data


A column definitions has the following members:

  • key string: the key into the row
  • title string: the value to display in the header
  • sortable boolean: enable/disable column sorting
  • type object: see Types


A column type is a description of how a column of data should render.

Each column consists of three sub-objects:

  • header: for the table header
  • filter: for the search filters
  • cell: for each cell of data in this column

Each of these sub-objects has two members:

  • className string|function:
  • renderer string|function:

BE-Table comes with several default types:

  • "hidden" (completely suppresses the column)
  • "string" (no special formatting)
  • "number" (uses a range filter, right-aligns data)
  • "date" (similar to number, but uses a date-picker for filtering)

These default types can be extended with custom types through the customType table property (see usage example)


git clone
cd be-table
npm install
gulp watch


gulp test
gulp watchtest  # for live reload of tests
debugging tests


comment out harmonize() in node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest.js

npm install node-debug
npm install node-inspector
node-debug --nodejs --harmony ./node_modules/jest-cli/bin/jest.js --runInBand


Requires: React and lodash

See the demo: index.html

var data = {};
data.columns = [
    {key: 'price', title: 'Price', subtitle: '$', type: 'price'},
    {key: 'item', title: 'Item', type: 'string'},
    {key: 'label', title: 'Label', type: 'label'}
data.rows = [
    {id: 1, item: 'kale', price: 4.34, label: {text: 'Leafy'}},
    {id: 2, item: 'almonds', price: 5.44, label: {text: 'Nutty'}},
    {id: 3, item: 'strawberries', price: 3.50, label: {text: 'Ripe'}},
    {id: 4, item: 'apples', price: 14, label: {text: 'Pucker'}},
    {id: 5, item: 'grapes', price: 1.00, label: {text: 'Red'}},
    {id: 6, item: 'grapes', price: 1.20, label: {text: 'Green'}},
    {id: 7, item: 'oranges', price: 2.10, label: {text: 'Cali'}},
    {id: 8, item: 'oats', price: .20, label: {text: 'Steel'}},
    {id: 9, item: 'dates', price: 13.20},
    {id: 10, item: 'granola', price: 7.40, label: {text: 'Honey'}}
var tableCallback = function (state, tableEvent) {
    console.log(state, tableEvent);
var paginationInfo = {totalMatchCount: 10};

var customTypes = {
label: {
  cell: {
    className: 'scroll_columns',
    renderer: function(value, row, col, state) {
      if (_.isEmpty(value)){
        return "";
      } else {
        return React.createElement(Label, {}, [value.text]);
price: {
  cell: {
    className: 'scroll_columns text-right',
    renderer: function (value, row, col, state) {
      return window.formatters.numberRenderer(value, 2, true);
var Label = React.createClass({
  displayName: "Label",
  render: function () {
    return React.createElement("span", {className: "label label-success"}, this.props.children);

React.createElement(BE.Table.BETable, {
    columns: data.columns,
    rows: data.rows,
    callback: tableCallback,
    objectname: "items",
    customTypes: customTypes,