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File metadata and controls

162 lines (125 loc) · 7.77 KB


  • Name: Lifecycle cache contract changes.
  • Start Date: 2019-08-02
  • Status: Implemented
  • CNB Pull Request: (leave blank)
  • CNB Issue: (leave blank)
  • Supersedes: N/A


Though not formally part of the spec, the project description and the lifecycle reference implementation contain the following four phases:

  • /lifecycle/restorer (considered an optional platform step)
  • /lifecycle/analyzer
  • /lifecycle/exporter
  • /lifecycle/cacher (considered an optional platform step)

This proposal seeks to reverse the order of analyzer and restorer. It also seeks to combine the exporter and cacher phases into a single phase called exporter.


In the current lifecycle reference implementation, the restorer phase fetches cached layers from a previous cache image. These layers can be arbitrarily large and, when using a remote repository, can represent a large amount of overhead. The analyzer phase runs after restorer and it may deterine that particular cache layers are no longer valid and remove them from the rest of the process - however, we've already paid a large cost to fetch them in the first place.

The determination of cache layer validity can frequently be performed through the analysis of metadata: comparing metadata from the cache image with metadata from the previous application image. If we reverse the order of the restorer and anaylzer phases, the analyzer phase can examine metadata and pass this information through to the restorer, allowing for optimzed fetching of required layers.

During the cacher and exporter phases, duplicative work can be avoided by combining these two phases. For example, a layer that is both launch=true and cache=true can be processed once, allowing for better efficiencies.

What it is

Reversed analyzer and restorer phases, with a formalized spec

The spec will formalize the analyzer phase as follows:


Flag Required Env var Default Description
-group optional CNB_GROUP_PATH ./group.toml group.toml file
-layers optional CNB_LAYERS_DIR /layers layers directory
-platform optional CNB_PLATFORM_DIR /platform platform directory
-image optional - - image tag reference for existing application image
-cache-volume optional - - local directory, may not be used with -cache-image
-cache-image optional - - cache image tag reference, may not be used with -cache-volume

The analyzer phase is able to compare metadata from a pre-existing application -image and a pre-existing -cache image (both optional) to determine the best course of action for the subsequent restorer phase. This infomration can be conveyed through files stored in the -platform directory.

The spec will formalize the restorer phase as follows:


Flag Required Env var Default Description
-group optional CNB_GROUP_PATH ./group.toml group.toml file
-layers optional CNB_LAYERS_DIR /layers layers directory
-platform optional CNB_PLATFORM_DIR /platform platform directory
-image optional - - image tag reference for existing application image
-cache-volume optional - - local directory, may not be used with -cache-image
-cache-image optional - - cache image tag reference, may not be used with -cache-volume

The restorer phase is responsible to make available images and layers from previous builds to improve the efficiency of the current build. It will typically use information assembled by the analyzer phase to do so.

Why two phases, and not one?

This proposal envisions a future extension to the spec where the buildpack itself can be involved in analysis, possible via an optional /bin/analyze hook. This would allow the buildpack to have input into whether or not particular layers should be made available. For example, a Node.js buildpack could determine via a hash of a package-lock.json file that a given cache layer is no longer useful and thus need not be made available.

This document does not propose /bin/analyze at this time and it only mentioning it as justification for two seperate analyzer / restorer phases.

Combined exporter phase.

The spec will formalize the (combined) exporter phase like this:

/lifecycle/exporter [image1] <image2>...

Flag Required Env var Default Description
-group optional CNB_GROUP_PATH ./group.toml group.toml file
-layers optional CNB_LAYERS_DIR /layers layers directory
-platform optional CNB_PLATFORM_DIR /platform platform directory
-run-image optional CNB_RUN_IMAGE - image tag reference for the run image to build on top of, if not specifed, must be set by env var
-app optional CNB_APP_DIR /workspace application source directory
-cache-volume optional - - local directory, may not be used with -cache-image
-cache-image optional - - cache image repository, may not be used with -cache-volume

At least one image name must be provided, and multiple image names can be provided (all named images will have the same layers).

The exporter phase will be responsible for the combined activities of the previous exporter and cacher phases (see

The previous /lifecycle/cacher phase will be removed from the spec.


Argubly, there is less modularity in this design; for example, if someone only wanted to swap their caching implementation, this is somewhat more difficult to do. This can be mitigated through a clear separation of responsibilities in the lifecycle reference implementation possibly allowing users to provide an alternate caching implementation via injection in the CLI invocation (i.e., in the restorer and exporter main() functions).


The primary alternative is to "work around" the spec. For example, the /lifecycle/restorer could simply write down the value of the cache url in some known location so that the /lifecycle/analyzer could read it and a new implementation of /lifecycle/analyzer would be responsible to restore cache layers. A nasty work-around like this seems to point to a deficiency with the spec that should be addressed (e.g, by this RFC).

Prior Art


Unresolved Questions

  • The author not familiar enough with the overall spec and the existing implementations to know which flags are optional and which are required.
  • This RFC suggests cleaning up the flag names, using -base, -cache, and -image to more consistency identify the different portions. It also moves towards flags, and away from positional args. There may be some reason unknown to the author as to why flag names and positional args were used in the first place.